Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 935

Qiye didn't directly answer Ryan's question, he slowly swallowed the toast in his mouth, and then took another sip of oatmeal.

In the end, Qiye folded his hands on the table, and he looked straight at Ryan and replied slowly.

"I personally suggest that Lily she better give up this idea."

Qiye said without concealment.

"There is no shortcut to acting. When Lily plays enough roles, her acting skills will naturally go up."

"it's the only way?"

"it's the only way."

Seeing the expression on Ryan's face was not very reconciled, but Qiye could only add one more sentence.

"Lily is not an actress. It's impossible to do it overnight."

In fact, Qiye still didn't say half a word.

Because it was a commercial movie from the beginning, Lily had long been labeled by the academics.

No matter how much Lily's acting skills improved, it was useless.

There are too many such people in Hollywood.

In Hollywood, there are Little Plum, Tom and Will Smith, and in the East there are Huazi and the big-ticket special actress.

These people and Lily are also sympathetic to each other.

Unless those who tagged Lily were dead, Lily would never be recognized.

Or maybe Lily has been able to learn from Xiao Lizi for so many years.

Turn the impact acting award into a stalk.

Otherwise, even if Lily can be cruel and pretend to be crazy, the academics will still not wait to see her.

"It's a pity."

Ryan was very frustrated.

Because she found that she could not help her sister solve problems, and...

After eating breakfast, Qiye left the villa with Ryan.

When going out, Ryan was naturally no longer a shirt.

Instead, he put on a fairly formal set of men's clothing—of course, Qiye still provided the clothes.

Ryan in male clothes made Qiye feel refreshed.

Although the original heroic Ryan looks stronger, it adds a unique sense of beauty.

If you take another pointer, it is estimated that Qiye really can't help it.

[Fortunately, I don’t have to drive.

Seven nights sitting in the back seat with Ryan, thought a little fortunately.

Otherwise, Qiye can't guarantee whether he can drive safely under the circumstances of his heart.

The destinations of Qiye and Ryan are the North American Headquarters of Jiufeng in Manhattan, New York.

The goals of the two are completely different.

Ryan is going to find his sister, and Qiye is to discuss with Jiufeng Entertainment about the release of "Purgatory Flame".

It was probably Ryan's brilliant smile in the morning that added the lucky buff to Qiye.

I heard good news as soon as I arrived in the conference room for seven nights.

The rating of "Fire of Purgatory" has been released.

The first version submitted by Qiye got the PG-13 rating.

This also means that this film can be promoted unscrupulously from today.

Things that I could not do before can finally begin.

For example, the word-of-mouth screening of the movie for the audience and the media.

I haven't been able to decide which version will be used before.

So the trial screening has not been done, but now that the classification has been passed, these publicity activities can naturally begin.

"Which movies are our competitors this time?"

Although Qiye's heart of "Fire of Purgatory" is the biggest enemy, "The Dark Knight" is undoubtedly.

But the movies that will have an impact on the box office during the same period cannot be underestimated.

"There is only one movie."

The head of the publicity department of Jiufeng Entertainment said relaxedly: "Holden and the Anonymous, still an animated cartoon."

"And it's a Fox movie."

A cruel smile appeared on Shion's face in the first seat of the meeting room.

Everyone present shuddered.

Of course everyone knows what Shion means.

Naturally, I want "Fire of Purgatory" to go to the box office with "Horton and the Anonymous".

However, Qiye estimated that Shion's idea was difficult to achieve.

There is a big gap between this totally children-oriented cartoon and the audience of "Fire of Purgatory".

In addition, "Fire of Purgatory" will be postponed for a week.

There should be no direct box office competition between the two parties.

Of course, with the enemy of "Fire of Purgatory", the box office of "Horton and the Anonymous" will definitely have an impact.

"Even for cartoons that don't require too much attention, we still have to implement some targeted measures?"

"Relax, our Propaganda Department knows what to do."

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