Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 122 - A cliche Romantic scene...

(Rose's POV)

I opened my eyes to find an unfamiliar ceiling. Ah, that's right. This is Hiro-sama's room. If I remember it correctly, Hiro-sama knocked me out.

I know that he is worried about my health. But I think I would prefer it if he didn't use methods like that. I am used to knocking out others by giving them a strike on their head or neck. But I didn't know that it can also be done by pressing a part of the neck. I should learn from him.

I got up and looked around the room to find that I am the only person in the room. I looked out to find that it's night time. How much time I have been asleep?

Where is Hiro-sama though? Maybe, in the bathroom? Should I have a look in there? Well, I have seen his n.a.k.e.d body many times anyway. I opened the bathroom door to find the bathroom empty. Hmm... So, he isn't here. Where could he have gone to?

He left his armor and his cape here. I picked up the cape and sniffed it. As I thought, It's really comfortable when I sniff Hiro-sama's scent. For some reason, it has a calming effect on my mind.

Now that I look at it, I can't find the incubator. He said he will be looking after the egg the whole night but didn't say it would be in his room. Maybe he is sleeping in another room? He can't be having s.e.x since he will be taking care of the egg.

I changed into my shadow form and went out of the room through the window and checked the other rooms. I didn't find Hiro-sama in any of the rooms. Eclair is murdering someone in the dreams, Raphtalia and Rino are having dreams of having s.e.x with Hiro-sama, Sakura just murmurs 'Must Protect Dad' every time, and Filo is being... Filo. Everyone is acting as usual.

So, he must have gone outside. Hmm... But the weather outside is cold. What is he doing without his cape? The clothes he wears while sleeping is thin and doesn't cover his hands. A normal person would be shivering by now. Maybe he set up a fire or something.

Hmm... The first place that comes to my mind his favorite stargazing spot in Riyute. I went there and as expected, he is lying on the grass while looking at the stars with the incubator on his side. He didn't set up any fire though.

Hiro: "Did you sleep well, Rose?"

Without looking at me, Hiro-sama found out that it was me.

Rose: "I did, degozaru. But I think I don't prefer the method used to put me to sleep, degozaru."

Hiro-sama turned around and gave me a dazzling smile. And as usual, my heart skips a beat.

Hiro: "Sorry, I couldn't help it. I am worried about your health. Come on, no one comes here at this time. Sit beside me. And you can take off the mask."

My body involuntarily did as he said.

Hiro: "So, anything you want to talk about? Currently, all I have to do is to wait for my baby to come out of the egg."

Actually, I do.

Rose: "Don't you think it's cold, degozaru?"

Hiro-sama chuckled when I asked it.

Hiro: "Hahaha... Out of all things. But now that I think about it, I do feel a little bit cold."

He said while shrugging. I took off the cloak of my shadow outfit and put it on him. Hiro-sama was surprised at first but started laughing loudly after that.

Rose: "Did I do something wrong, degozaru?"

Hiro: "Hahaha... Not really but normally, a boy offers a cloak or whatever he's wearing when a girl feels cold. I was just surprised to see our roles reversed."

Rose: "Why? Shouldn't that be gender discrimination, degozaru?"

He started laughing even louder.

Hiro: "Hahaha... Congrats, Rose. You just turned one of the most cliche romantic scenes into a gender-discriminating scene."

I didn't clearly understand what he meant.

Hiro: "But aren't you cold too? I mean, your outfit covers your hands but it's thin."

Now that I think about it, I am cold too. Hmm... Why did I give the cloak to him then? Hiro-sama put the cloak back on me.

Hiro: "I think I prefer the gender discrimination this time."

Rose: "Does that mean we are having a cliche romantic scene now, degozaru?"

Hiro-sama thinks for a while.

Hiro: "Umm... I can't clearly answer that question."

Rose: "But I don't want Hiro-sama to be cold, degozaru."

I said while offering the cloak back to Hiro-sama.

Hiro: "I don't want you to be cold too."

Rose: "Then, I have a solution, degozaru."

I pulled him closer and hugged him and put the cloak around both of us.

Hiro: "Umm... Rose?"

Rose: "Y... Yes?"

Hiro: "What are you trying to do?"

Rose: "B... Body contact is a way to increase body heat. And w... we can also effectively use the cloak like this, degozaru."

Hiro: "Are you okay with this?"

Rose: "Y... Yes."

But I think I am getting warmer than needed. But I want to keep hugging him like this. His breath... his body warmth... Even though my heart's racing on the inside. Everything about him is so comfortable. I think I prefer staying like this. Why? Why am I like this? Should I ask Hiro-sama?

Rose: "H... Hiro-sama, can I ask you something, degozaru?"

He looked into my eyes and gave a slight smile.

Hiro: "You can't, Rose. I think I shouldn't answer that question."

He said just that but didn't give an explanation. I didn't say anything further too.

We stayed like that till the early morning. There's still an hour or two for sun rays that could hit the village and for others to wake up. The egg started to crack. Hiro-sama opened the incubator and the cracks becoming bigger.

I can see a small dragon wing from the crack. The egg popped and a tiny and cute baby dragon with red scales came out of it.


It immediately flew into Hiro-sama's hands. It moved its wings and tail energetically.

Hiro: "Aww, look how cute you are!"


"Gwah! Gwah!"

It became more energetic.

Hiro: "You look more beautiful when you smile, Rose."

I gave him a confused look but the next moment, I understood that my lips involuntarily formed a curve. huh? Why am I smiling? I don't know but for some reason, I don't want Hiro-sama to look at me like this.

Rose: "H... Hiro-sama, can you not look at me and play with the dragon?"

Hiro: "Why?"

Rose: "For some reason, I... I want you to."

Hiro-sama smiled and agreed. The dragon played with us for some time and I got into my shadow outfit and disappeared from there as it's time for other villagers to wake up.

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