Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 123 - Meet my baby dragon...

(Hiro's POV)

Hiro: "Here's my baby! Say hello to everyone!"


I came back to the inn and called everyone to my room. Rose is also in the room. She is in her shadow form but this time, Rose chose to cover her face completely. So, she is wearing a veil.

Rino: "Oh~ a cute red baby dragon!"

Rino took it from my hands. I still didn't check it's gender. I think Filo and Sakura could sense it since they are monsters too.

Eclair: "Wow, she's so cute!"

Well, but they are a hundred percent sure that this is a girl. But the baby dragon's really energetic. It flies to whoever it wants.

Hiro: "Umm... Sakura, can you tell the gender?"

Sakura: "Obviously it's a female, Dad. It is inevitable."

Yeah, I expected a Thanos quote.

Filo caught the dragon.

Filo: "So, this is Filo's little sister. filo will take good care of you even though you are a dragon, okay ?"


Huh? It's flying around Filo. Normally, dragons are hostile to filolials but it looks like she is also an exception like Sakura.

Raphtalia: "When did it hatch?"

Hiro: "Maybe an hour before everyone woke up. Rose was with me at that time, by the way."

Eclair: "Huh? Wasn't she sleeping in your room?"

Hiro: "Well, she woke up in the middle of the night and found me. After that, she waited for the egg to hatch along with me."

Let's not give more specifics so that it wouldn't ruin the mood. Eclair turned to Rose.

Eclair: "*Sigh* Why won't you take some more rest?"

Rose: "That was plenty enough, degozaru."

Raphtalia: "Hmm... Rose, why are you still covering your face, it's just us, right? You can remove it."

Rose: "Umm... That... I can't, degozaru."

Raphtalia: "Why?"

Because Shadows aren't supposed to show their feelings. Or that's what she said to me. Rose said that for some reason, she couldn't stop smiling and requested me to keep this a secret from others. Well, at least she understood that she is feeling happy.

Hiro: "It's because Rose has to come with us to the capital next. So, she is in her shadow form."

Sakura: "Why is she with a veil this time?"

Hiro: "Uniform change. It seems. Well, I can still tell her apart though."

Not really, it's because she has to cover her smile when she plays with the dragon and her blush when she is with me. But I don't think she knows that she blushes when she's near me. If she did, she would be asking me to not see her face. When she's near me, her heart rate increases, her pupils dilate, and her breathing becomes rough. I wonder how many of that she noticed herself.

I looked at her indicating that she owes me one. She nods back at me.

Hmm... I am happy that she got feelings but I don't know what to do about her feelings towards me. The current me can't return her feelings. So, if I just make her realize her feelings, wouldn't she just get hurt? And also, you can't tell someone how they feel about you.

For now, I will keep this as it is. I will never tell her about her feelings towards me but I will consider them.

Filo: "Papa, what is my little sister's name?"

Hiro: "Hmm... that's right... I didn't think of a name."

Maybe, I should just name her with one of my favorite character names. What should I give her? Hmm... Red scales huh. Yandere girl with red hair is... Akane. But for some reason, I don't think it's a good name.

Just at that moment, She flies to Rose as if she wants to play with her. Of course, no one can see it due to the veil but Rose is definitely smiling now. Hmm... Now that I think about it...

Hiro: "How does the name 'Mikasa' sound?"

It's the name that I first thought for Rose. Rose looks a lot like Mikasa Ackerman from Attack on Titan. But I gave her the name Rose since I want to see her with feelings. So, I thought of it since the dragon sees Rose as her motherly figure and it's also one of the names I want to give to my daughters.

"Gwah!" "Gwah!"

It looks like she liked it.

Eclair: "Wait, isn't that a name from your favorite characters?"

Hiro: "Yep. But she liked it so..."

I looked at Eclair with requesting eyes. She sighed.

Eclair: "Fine. Nice to meet you, Mikasa."


Rose: "Mikasa is a cute name for her, degozaru."

Raphtalia: "It looks like Mikasa like Rose a lot."

Hiro: "Well, she is the first female that Mikasa saw after birth after all. It mostly thinks of me and Rose as its parents."

Rose: "Hiro-sama and I... as parents..."

I want to see her face right now.

Mikasa: "Gwah!"

Mikasa also shouted as if she wats to see it too. But Rose changed the topic quickly.

Rose: "I think it's time for you to start going, I will follow you from behind, degozaru."

Rose disappeared from there saying that. We are going to the cave. So, Rose will follow from behind. After that, we will go to church. But there should be someone here to babysit Mikasa, right?

And so, we went to the cave and I called out to others.

Gaelion: "My dear daughterrrrrr!!"

Gaelion came running out of the cave the moment he heard my voice. Gaelion tried to take her into his arms but Mikasa bit on his limb.

Gaelion: "Aaahhhh!"

Mikasa's bite didn't do much damage but she won't leave his limb even his Gaelion tried to shake her off.

Hiro: "Hehehe... It looks like she doesn't like you, Gaelion."

Gaelion: "You took her from me! Aah!"

All of us can't stop laughing. The reason for Mikasa's hostility is simple. Gaelion has a dragon emperor fragment in him. and Mikasa is a dragon. So, by instinct, she is hostile to him.

By some effort, Gaelion could shake her off.

Hiro: "Mikasa, it's not good to bite others like that, okay?"

Mikasa: "Gwah."

Wyndia: "Is that my new sis?"

Hiro: "Yep. Meet Mikasa!"

Mikasa: "Gwah!"

Wyndia and others surrounded her and Mikasa became energetic and started flying around them too. But if Gaelion started coming near her, she would become hostile.

Gaelion: "*sniff* She is fine with everyone else."

Be strong, Gaelion. Life never goes the way you want it to.

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