Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 76 - The Wave of Destruction...

(Hiro's POV)

Hiro: "Alright, girls, here it comes."

The moment I said it, the timer reached zero and a bright light covered us and transported to the Wave. I looked around to find the cave on the outskirts of Riyute. The sky was red. Locusts, giant bees, and interdimensional zombies are falling from the sky. The other heroes quickly ran towards the Wave before we could say anything. They can handle the Chimera.

Raphtalia: "We are near Riyute!"

Raphtalia figured it out.

Eclair: "Oh no! The villagers!"

Just that moment, one of the heroes shot a flare.

Hiro: "I think that's to tell the other knights their position i.e the ones who want to kill us."

Rino: "They won't even care about the villagers as they only want to kill us!"

Hiro: "Alright, Let's go! we need to save them before the knights arrive."

I shouted while running towards the village. All the three followed me shouting 'Yes!!'. We arrived at the village at what appeared to be the exact moment that the monsters were starting to wreak havoc. Rino immediately made a chant while running and made air arrows rain at the incoming locusts. I immediately gave the orders.

Hiro: "Raphtalia! Eclair! Evacuate the village! If anyone wants to fight, tell them we can take care of it! We don't want anyone to stay with us when the knights arrive! Rino and I will try to do something about the monsters! I want the village to be evacuated as soon as possible! Come back to us only if it's done!"

Raphtalia/Eclair: "Okay! Take care of yourself!"

Raphtalia and Eclair separated from us and went in different directions. I changed my shield to Cap's shield and threw it at a bee trying to attack one of the villagers and Rino killed a locust with an air shot. There is a group of men trying to fight the Wave. Due to staying in Riyute for some time, I only find familiar faces everywhere.

Hiro: "Guys!"

Villager1: "Hiro!"

Hiro: "Rino! Go and make a barrier near those men and tell them to escape!"

Rino: "Yes, Hiro-sama!"

She went near them and made a barrier.

Villager1: "What are you doing? We can fight! This is our village!"

Hiro: "You can't fight while you are the ones surrounded! Saving lives is the bigger priority!"

Rino: "Hiro-sama will take care of it! Escape from here first and help others escape! Trust us!"

Villagers were reluctant but I don't know if it's the fear or trust, they listened to Rino. As the locusts can't penetrate through Rino's barrier, they turned towards me. That's right, everyone, come to me. I turned the shield into the spike shield and pierced through the incoming zombie's skull. I made a shield prison around the woman who was about to be submerged in a horde of monsters.

Hiro: "Over here! You brainless zombies!"

In the anime, Naofumi sounded a bell in the bell tower to lure the monsters around him and burned it down. Haa... I am too lazy to climb that tower. Rino came back that instant. She's done evacuating those guys huh.

Rino: "Hiro-sama! I think most of the villagers are evacuated! We just need to lure the soldiers and monsters into one place!"

Hiro: "Then use Typhoon on me!"

Rino: "What ?!!"

Hiro: "Just do it!"

I said while running into a horde of zombies. They are about 30. They are swinging their axes in random directions and full of openings. I took five of them before Rino finished her chant and used typhoon on me.

Hiro: "Woohooo!"

And that blew all the zombies away along with me. And once I was in the air, I change my shield into Cap's shield and threw it at the bell. And once the bell rang and all the monsters started coming towards to tower. While I am in the air, I found the knights coming in our direction and they noticed me. I summoned back the shield and put it at my legs and landed on a zombie that got destroyed due to the impact.

Rino: "Hiro-sama! You are crazy!"

Hiro: "I know! I saw them while I am in the air! They are coming! The knights!"

Rino and I started fighting near the bell tower. Right at that moment, Raphtalia and Eclair returned.

Raphtalia: "Daddy! It's done! We evacuated everyone!"

Eclair: "We asked everyone and made sure that everyone's there! Even the guys you sent are there!"

Alright, now that's what I want. The four of us met and started killing the monsters that were coming at us and waiting for the knights. And at once, a fire rain came upon us.

Hiro: "Shooting Star Barrier!"

I immediately made a barrier to stop all of it. Most of the monsters around us are caught in the fire. In fact, they made it rain on the whole village. Man, they don't even care about the village. The knights appeared.

Knight1: Tch! That shield... Knights! Surround them!

We were surrounded by the knights. I act like I can't understand what's going on.

Hiro: "Umm... Aren't you supposed to help us?"

Knight1: "Hahaha... Who would want to help the devil ?!!"

We got surrounded by the whole cavalry. Alright, now this is what I want. I changed my shield into Cap's shield and threw it at the knight. He swiftly dodged it and smirked at me.

Knight1: "Hahaha... You missed!"

I laughed at him.

Hiro: "Hahaha... I never miss."

All the knights looked at the shield which went and hit the bottom of already burning bell tower. It's starting to collapse. Rino made a barrier around us. I immediately summoned my shield back and changed it into the portal shield and arranged for teleportation.

Hiro: "Bye-bye."

Knight1: "Aaahhh!"

All the four of us got teleported from the place just before the bell tower collapsed there. We are at the place where we were first summoned during the Wave. We are near the cave at the outskirts of Riyute.

Raphtalia: "Daddy was so cool when he was in the air!"

I guess she saw my feat when she was coming back after evacuation.

Eclair: "That was insane, Hiro! Anyway, Your plan worked... more or less."

The plan that I told them is that I will first register the place we are teleported on the shield. Then we will lure those soldiers to the place with more monsters and make them disordered most probably with Rino's typhoon and get teleported from there to leave them as fodder for the monsters. Eclair knows how dangerous and how difficult it is to deal with these monsters.

In their view, the plan got disrupted when Riyute is involved. So, they will think that we first evacuated and I took advantage of the already burning bell tower and teleported from there. Well, anyway, many knights must have died at that tower collapse and the monsters will take care of remaining.

I looked around to see the villagers coming towards us.

Villager1: "Hiro! I thought you were caught in that fire rain."

Hiro: "We teleported here right at that time. Are the women and children safe?"

Villager2: "Yes! They are safe in the cave. "

Hiro: "Great! Most of the monsters must be wiped out. We just need to clear the remaining. Now, who wants to fight?"

Villager1: "Oh my God."

The collapsed tower killed most of them because it was burning and I enhanced it's flames while I made sure that the remaining are wiped out by the barrier magic before we reached there.

Villager2: "It looks like they died due to the tower collapse."

Villager3: "Ha! Serves them right! They destroyed the village."

Villager4: "Yeah! They didn't even care that the people might still be in the village."

That's true. There's no way the knights could have known that evacuation was done.

Hiro: "Now now. They might have done it out of emergency. It's true that there is a lot of collateral damage but it's also thanks to them most of the monsters are wiped out. So, we should offer our deep condolences to them."

The moment I said it, all the three girls looked at me with their mouths open.

Hiro: "What?"

Eclair: "I am seriously feeling bad for them."

Rino/Raphtalia: "Me too."

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