Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 78 - Roasting the Spear Buffoon: Round One...

(Rino's POV)

I am so excited! That buffoon is going to look like a buffoon to everyone tonight! After we helped the villagers, we teleported to the just outside of the capital. And we went to a clothes store? The three of us gave him a weird look.

Hiro-sama: "What? It's a party. We need to get ready, right?"

It's like we were seriously going to enjoy the party. Hiro-sama turned towards the owner of the cloth store. She is a plain girl who wears a scarf and glasses. She is also a tailor, by the way.

Hiro-sama: "Owner, show us the best party clothes suitable for all of us! No limit on money, by the way."

Her eyes beamed with stars.

Tailor: "Right away! Sir! Oh my, look how cute both of you are!"

I know where this is going.

Rino: "Before you say anything, I am 18!"

Tailor: "Wow! I can't believe that you can be so cute like a child even though you are 18! Let's go! I will show you a perfect dress!"

She dragged me along with the Eclair and Raphtalia. And once we are out, Hiro-sama is elegantly dressed and looks like a noble. He is wearing a coat. And he hid his shield. He found an easy method to hide his shield. He made Uncle Erhard make a very small shield and copied it and he shifts it to his back to hide it. I don't know where he gets those crazy ideas from.

Eclair: "My husband looks really good."

Raphtalia: "Daddy! You look so cool!"

Hiro-sama: "Wow."

Hiro-sama is looking at us mesmerized.

Tailor: "What do you think ?!! Don't they look beautiful?"

Hiro-sama: "They are breathtaking."

Raphtalia, Eclair, and I blushed at once. Hehehe. Maybe getting ready for the party isn't a bad idea. All the three of us are wearing full-length frocks that cover till our feet. All of us have white in our dress but the main color is different. Eclair is wearing light blue, Raphtalia is pink and I am light green. Hiro-sama gave an extra tip to the tailor because of how mesmerized he was.

Rino: "Eclair, I am going to be close with Hiro-sama tonight because that buffoon would be there."

Eclair: "*Sigh* Alright."

We went to the castle and the soldiers are looking surprised. I am pretty sure that they didn't recognize Hiro-sama and are surprised because of seeing a demi-human in a beautiful dress. Hiro-sama told them who he was and they let us in with irritated faces. Argh, I want to kill every one of them but I maintained my smile like Raphtalia and Eclair.

Eclair hugged one arm of Hiro-sama while I hugged the other. And once we are in, everyone looked at us. That buffoon looked at me with surprise and Bitch started panicking, I smiled at her. Oh, don't worry, your punishment won't be as simple as just revealing your crime to the public.

Itsuki: "Umm... Hiro, why are you dressed like that?"

Hiro-sama: "They said that this is a party. So, we dressed like this for the party. Is there something wrong with the "

Itsuki: "Well, I thought you would be dressed more like a hero though."

Dress doesn't matter as long as he does the work, Mr. Fake Hero. Hiro-sama is more heroic than you have ever been. Trash immediately started speaking with a smile.

Trash: "Welcome, Shield Hero. I am glad to have you here. Please enjoy yourself at the party."

I looked at the spear buffoon that is coming towards us. I hugged Hiro-sama's arm tighter.

Buffoon: "R... Rino! Why are you with Hiro ?!!"

Rino: "Don't touch me! You sc.u.m!"

Immediately everyone became silent. I know that everyone in my team is internally smiling. Well, Eclair's expression might be complicated since I am acting close to Hiro-sama.

Hiro-sama: "Motoyasu, it's better if you don't drag this further. Just go and stop provoking her. Trust me, it's better for everyone to not hear it."

Bitch is panicking more. Don't worry, Bitch. Tonight's target is that buffoon. Though, this will affect you indirectly too. Hiro-sama is trying to act like he doesn't want to reveal it. And my job is to provoke the buffoon more.

Rino: "That's right! Go away, you sc.u.m! Being with Hiro-sama is better than being with a buffoon like you!"

Buffoon: "W... Wha ?!!"

He was taken aback. The bow hero started speaking.

Itsuki: "Umm... What is going on?"

Hiro-sama: "Rino used to be in Motoyasu's team but she quit and joined my team after that due to an incident which I would not like to talk about."

Rino: "Hurry up and get away from my sight, you fake hero!"

Did I go too far? Nah, that's just the truth.

Buffoon: "W... What happened to you ?!!"

Bitch: "How dare you call him a fake hero ?!! He fought in the Wave and killed the Chimera today! While your Shield Hero did nothing!"

Rino: "Who do you think saved a whole village today?"

Trash started shouting!

Trash: "Enough! How dare you call the spear hero as a fake hero ?!! Shield Hero! I would like to receive a full explanation about the atrocity your teammate just did!"

Now, that's what we are waiting for. Bitch is looking at Trash with a panicked face.

Buffoon: "Yeah! Tell me what happened, Rino!"

Hiro-sama: "*Sigh* Fine... Motoyasu, Rino quit your team, right?"

Motoyasu: "Yes, Myne told me that Rino quit because she felt like she didn't fit in the party and felt inferior."

Ah, I see... So, that's what she told.

Hiro-sama: "Ah yes, after that, Rino was knocked down by some unknown person and sold into s.e.x slavery."

Bitch: "Huh?"

Surprise, Bitch!

Motoyasu: "What ?! Who did that ?!!"

Rino: "I don't know. I was knocked down from behind and woke up in a s.e.x shop n.a.k.e.d."

Itsuki/Motoyasu: "What ?!!"

Ren: "How is any of this Motoyasu's fault?"

Rino: "While I was about to be sold to a person who wanted to break me after buying, this buffoon was in that region. I looked at him and called out for help and even called his name. But this... this sc.u.m ignored me even though he heard me! If it wasn't for Hiro-sama who happened to be there at the same time and came after hearing my call for help, I don't know what would be my situation today."

Motoyasu: "T... That was really you ?!! I... I didn't think it was you!"

And with that, you confirmed our story. They can't even say that this didn't happen. You really are a buffoon.

Rino: "Shut up, sc.u.m! If it wasn't for Hiro-sama who came at the right time and bought me with more money. I might not be even alive today. You are just a fake hero! He is my real hero!"

Motoyasu: "T... That... That wasn't my fault!"

Hiro-sama: "That's why I told you it's better if you didn't ask."

Itsuki: "You ignored a girl's call for help even after she called your name and saying that it wasn't your fault? It's not wrong that she is that angry with you."

Ren: "You should be ashamed, Motoyasu. I seriously can't understand how you ignored someone's call for help even though you thought it wasn't Rino."

Motoyasu: "I... I thought it was some professional p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e who recognized me and doing it to seduce me."

And you landed another one on yourself. Just how much of a buffoon are you? Everyone is looking at him like he is an idiot.

Itsuki: "Seriously?"

Ren: "I think what you need the most is minimum common sense, Motoyasu."

Bitch understood that the situation is getting out of hand.

Trash: "Now now. In the end, the girl's safe, right? So, why don't we leave the matter here? This is a party. Let's enjoy."

And Bitch dragged the buffoon away. And that's the end of "Roasting the Spear Buffoon: Round one". The party was just getting started. There is a lot more to come.


(Author Note: Alright, I would like to announce the results of yesterday's voting. Those who voted for "F.u.c.k the plot and put some bullshit! I want both!" are about 190 and those who voted for "Follow the Plot! Introduce Sakura!" are about 60. And the votes for "F.u.c.k the plot! I need Filo!" is 1. The only one who voted for this is 'Sommerscave' who voted for all the three comments. So, his vote doesn't matter. Technically, Filo without Sakura has 0 votes.

Alright, I will put both of them but after seeing the results, I really feel bad for Filo. I seriously want to know if you are given the choice that you have to choose between only Filo and Sakura, who would get the highest voting. So, I am making another poll just to see that. This poll won't have any effect on the story. I just want to know how many people care about only Filo. So, I will put two comments in the comment section. Give like to 'Filo' if you would have preferred only Filo or give a like to 'Sakura' if you prefer only Sakura. And don't vote for both of them at once this time!

Anyway, I am also thinking of changing the name of the novel. So, could you suggest me good names in the comment section? My conditions are that it should describe exactly what's the story is about and should not have a Yandere as his harem doesn't consist of only Yanderes with number of characters less than 60 or so. Something like 'The Slow Harem Life of the OP Shield Hero'. I am going to put this in the comments too. And if you like any title that another reader posted. Like that comment.)

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