Under the spotlight, Erina pushed the food cart to the judges' table and served the food she had made.

"This is my dish, Yunlong Seafood Ramen."Erina crossed her arms and looked at the judges with a proud expression, as if to say that it is your honor to eat my food. The golden noodles floated in the bowl, and the milky white soup base exuded a rich seafood flavor.

Clams, kelp, fish, chicken mushrooms, clams, there are a lot of ingredients just on the surface.

"Seafood ramen? I never thought that you, who always dislike common food, would actually make this dish."Looking at this bowl of ramen, Nakiri Senyuemon couldn't help but sigh.

Originally, Nakiri Senyuemon was still wondering what kind of dish Erina would make, but he didn't expect it to be seafood ramen.

You know, according to Erina's usual style, she doesn't know how to cook such a dish.

"Humph." However, after hearing what Nakiri Senyouemon said, Erina snorted in disdain.

"Grandpa, don't make a mistake. My seafood ramen is not comparable to those common dishes."Erina raised her chin, and her whole body was like a proud swan.

It was just that the other two judges didn't mind Erina's arrogance, but Touka Kotori frowned and looked at Nakiri Senyouemon on the side.

Although she had heard that Erina's personality was very arrogant, this was too arrogant. Although she would definitely be able to become a world-class chef in the future because of her ability of"God's Tongue", she was not a world-class chef yet. She was only the tenth seat in Totsuki Academy, not even the first seat.

However, not only did she look like she was the boss, but she also divided the food into grades, which made Touka Kotori very unhappy.

And noticing Touka Kotori's gaze , Nakiri Senyuemon sighed helplessly.

He had no way to deal with Erina's character, and could only see if Ye Lin or others could correct her.

If it weren't for this distorted view of food, Erina's current strength would probably be more than this.

Although he was helpless about Erina's arrogant character, as a judge, he still had to do his job.

Picking up the spoon beside him, the referee immediately scooped a spoonful of soup and tasted it first.

Because Japanese ramen is mainly soup and noodles are supplemented, almost all islanders will scoop a spoonful of soup to taste it before eating ramen. The rich seafood soup poured into his mouth, and Nakiri Senyuemon's eyes suddenly bulged, and his clothes burst instantly.

"Appeared, General Nakiri's clothes exploded"

"Yes, although it is not the first time I have seen it, I am still so excited every time I see it."Although I don't know why a man would be interested in the naked body of an old man, it still made many viewers exclaim.

Because as long as Nakiri Senyuemon's clothes burst, it means that he is sure of the food.

At this time, Nakiri Senyuemon was completely immersed in the deliciousness of Erina's food.

Feeling the extreme freshness that kept coming in his mouth, Nakiri Senyuemon suddenly felt like a lobster, swimming slowly in the blue sea.

In front of him, groups of various marine creatures kept swimming past him, and the beautiful scene made people immersed in it. Not only Nakiri Senyuemon, but also several other judges

"I never thought that in such a short time, your strength has improved so much, Erina. It seems that only when you are under pressure, your strength will improve significantly."


Facing Nakiri Senyuemon's praise, Erina showed a disdainful expression. As if what Nakiri Senyuemon said was normal.

"Although I am very unhappy with you, your cooking still tastes good.

If I am not mistaken, you kneaded the shrimp roe into the noodles when kneading the dough.

Moreover, the shrimp roe is smoother and sweeter than that of ordinary lobsters.

It should be the Chilean lobster that is only found in a few seas such as the Pacific Ocean.

And although the soup of this seafood noodle is rich, the kelp makes the soup rich but not greasy.

With the fragrance of the chicken mushroom, even if there are other seafood with stronger flavors than lobster in the seafood noodles, the Chilean lobster is still the main ingredient in the end.

It can be said that both the soup and the noodles are very delicious.

Of course, in addition to you"

"What did you say, you hateful woman?"

When Erina heard the first part, she was still enjoying it, but when she heard the last part of Touka Kotori, she was immediately irritated.

What does it mean that the food is good, but the person is not good? Is this looking down on yourself?

"Need I say this?、、、、、、"

Just when Touka Kotori was about to say something, suddenly Nakiri Senyuemon stretched out his hand to interrupt Touka Kotori.

After all, Nakiri Senyuemon knew his granddaughter very well, and Touka Kotori was also a troublemaker in school. If these two quarreled, the competition would probably not be held. Touka Kotori snorted disdainfully, crossed her arms and didn't look at Erina.

Looking at Touka Kotori, Erina gritted her teeth and looked at her fiercely.

If she wasn't in the public eye now, she might have started to curse.

But it's a pity that thousands of people were watching. If the two of them started to curse, it would probably be reported the next day.

She stared at Touka Kotori fiercely, as if she wanted to remember this hateful look in her mind.

After leaving the judging desk and returning to the contestant seat, Erina retracted her gaze and looked at Ye Lin.

She knew that Ye Lin would never be bothered by such a low-level mistake. The bowl of noodles that looked like it was made with boiling water must have a secret that she didn't know about.

After Erina went down, it was not Ye Lin who served her dishes, but Kinokuni Ningning.

Unlike Erina's arrogant personality, Kinokuni Ningning's facial expression did not change at all whether he was cooking or serving the dishes.

Although there was no change on his face, his eyes were filled with disdain.

And this disdain was obviously directed at other people.

After all, the God-protected Ten Outstanding People of Totsuki, this identity alone is a symbol.

Looking at Kinokuni Ningning who served the dishes, Isshiki Hui's eyes flashed with a trace of solemnity and helplessness.

And Ye Lin always had a relaxed and indifferent expression on his face. It was as if all this did not bring him any pressure.

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