Xie Huaiqing: Thank you very much for your support and appreciation, I hope our shredded meat in Jing sauce can spread to a wider area.

(After the diner left, Xie Huaiqing and Wang Ming looked at each other, both with joyful smiles.)

Wang Ming: Master, I feel very pleased to hear this diner's praise.

Xie Huaiqing: (patted Wang Ming's shoulder encouragingly) You have done a very good job, and now our reputation for shredded meat in Beijing sauce is not limited to the capital, but has gone to a broader world.

Wang Ming: Yes, Master. I will continue to work hard to make the inheritance of shredded pork in Kyo sauce more brilliant.

(In the years to come, Xie Huaiqing and Wang Ming continued to work together tacitly in the restaurant, inheriting the tradition and deliciousness of shredded meat in Beijing sauce.) Their restaurant has become a symbol of the traditional cuisine of the capital, attracting more and more diners and foodies. In this story, the traditional food of shredded pork in Kyo sauce will never stop.

(End of story)

(A few years later, the restaurant is still thriving, and Xie Huaiqing and Wang Ming have become legendary gourmet masters.) They are now sitting in the backyard of the restaurant, drinking tea and chatting.

Xie Huaiqing: Time flies so fast, in the blink of an eye, we have been inheriting the skill of shredded meat with Beijing sauce in this restaurant for many years.

Wang Ming: Yes, Master. Over the years, I've felt the importance of traditional food and understand why you've always loved shredded pork in Kyoto sauce.

Xie Huaiqing: (smiles) Traditional food is not only food, but also carries history, culture and emotions. We, the chefs, pass on the stories behind these delicious foods and convey our emotions.

Wang Ming: Yes, Master. I think we should also do more for this craft so that more people can recognize, like and respect traditional food.

Xie Huaiqing: You're right. We can organize some activities to show the production process of shredded meat in Kyo sauce, so that more people can understand its historical and cultural background.

Wang Ming: At the same time, we can also train a group of young people, so that more aspiring young chefs can learn this craft, so that traditional cuisine can continue to be passed on.

Xie Huaiqing: (nodding in agreement) Very good idea, it is our mission to let more young people know and like this craft. We can run traditional food workshops to teach our skills to interested young people.

Wang Ming: At the same time, we can also participate in some food exhibitions and activities to show our craftsmanship and let more people taste the delicacy of shredded meat in Beijing sauce.

Xie Huaiqing: That's a good idea. Through these activities, we can pass on the charm of traditional cuisine further, so that more people can know and understand the shredded meat of Beijing sauce.

Wang Ming: Master, I think your dream can continue to be realized. Let this restaurant become a window for more people to know traditional food, and also make the inheritance of shredded meat in Beijing sauce longer.

Xie Huaiqing: (excitedly) You are right, we can build this restaurant into a cultural carrier of traditional food, not only food, but also a disseminator of traditional culture.

Wang Ming: Master, I think this idea is great.

Xie Huaiqing: (excitedly holding Wang Ming's hand) Very good, Wang Ming! Our dream will become more real because of our efforts. Let's continue to work together and contribute our strength to the inheritance of traditional cuisine!

(The two gastronomic masters hold hands and meet new challenges and opportunities together.) Their dream is to let the light of the traditional delicacy of shredded pork in Kyo sauce continue to shine in the future.

(End of story)

(A few years later, the restaurant's reputation became even more famous under the careful management of Xie Huaiqing and Wang Ming.) They are now sitting in the lobby of the restaurant, enjoying a carefully cooked shredded meat with Beijing sauce.

Xie Huaiqing: Looking at the busy scene here, I feel very gratified. Many years ago, we were just a small restaurant, but now it has become a representative of traditional cuisine.

Wang Ming: Yes, Master. We always insist on inheriting the authentic shredded meat in Beijing sauce so that more people can know and love this delicacy, which is our original intention all along.

Xie Huaiqing: You're right. Traditional food is not only a taste enjoyment, but also an expression of cultural inheritance and emotions. In these rapidly changing times, I am very proud to be able to uphold the tradition and pass on this cuisine.

Wang Ming: Master, you have always been my role model. I will continue to stick to this original intention and continue the tradition of shredded pork in Kyo sauce.

Xie Huaiqing: (smiling) Very well, Wang Ming. I believe you will do better and let the light of shredded meat in Kyo sauce continue to shine.

(While they were talking, a young chef walked into the hall with an excited expression on his face.)

Young Chef: Master Li, Master Wang, you are finally here. I came from out of town to visit you, and I heard that there is the legendary shredded meat in Kyo-sauce.

Yes, our shredded meat in Jing sauce is very authentic, I hope you can taste it.

Xie Huaiqing: Yes, this will make you a special shredded meat with Beijing sauce.

(Xie Huaiqing and Wang Ming prepared a superb shredded meat with Beijing sauce for the young chef, incorporating years of skill and painstaking work.)

Young Chef: (After tasting) Wow, this is so delicious! I have never tasted such authentic shredded pork in Beijing sauce

! Wang Ming: Thank you very much for your compliments!

We have been working hard to pass on the authentic production method so that more people can taste this delicacy.

Young Chef: I have always admired Chef Li and Chef Wang, you are the representatives of traditional cuisine and my role models. I hope to learn from you and continue to pass on this delicacy.

Xie Huaiqing: (laughing encouragingly) Young man, you have good pursuits and goals. Traditional cuisine needs a younger generation of inheritors, and I believe you will become a good chef.

Wang Ming: Yes, we welcome aspiring young people to join us and inherit the delicacy of shredded pork in Beijing sauce.

Young Chef: Thank you very much for your recognition, I will continue to work hard to contribute to the inheritance of shredded meat in Kyo sauce.

(The young chef looked at Xie Huaiqing and Wang Ming with longing, and the three of them met their eyes, as if the torch of inheritance had been passed at this moment.)

(The story continues, and the traditional delicacy of shredded pork, Kyo sauce, continues to shine through the efforts of this generation of chefs and becomes a symbol of the gastronomic tradition of the capital.) They will stick to their original intentions and cook with their hearts, so that the story of this traditional food will continue to be passed on for years to come.

(End of story)

(Years later, the restaurant is still a shining pearl in the capital, attracting many food lovers and tourists.) Xie Huaiqing and Wang Ming sat on the terrace of the restaurant, greeting the breeze, reviewing the efforts and gains over the years. )

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