They will blend traditional charm with modern innovation to keep this delicious story alive on the world stage.

(The story continues, and with the efforts of Xie Huaiqing and Wang Ming, the traditional delicacy of shredded meat with Beijing sauce will float to the international corner and become an important representative of traditional Chinese food culture.) They keep the tradition to the bottom of their hearts and continue to cook so that this delicious story will continue to live on for years to come.

(End of story)

(A few years later, the restaurant's reputation has spread, not only as a well-known restaurant in Beijing, but also in the international recognition of the restaurant.) Xie Huaiqing and Wang Ming were still busy in the restaurant, standing in the kitchen, cooking shredded meat with Beijing sauce themselves.

Xie Huaiqing: Over the years, our restaurant has become more and more lively, and we have also received many international friends. Looking at their love for shredded meat in Kyo-chan, I think our efforts are worth it.

Wang Ming: Yes, Master. Over the years, our traditional cuisine has gone to the world, allowing more people to know and like our culture.

Xie Huaiqing: Our shredded meat in Beijing sauce has become a cultural messenger, which conveys the breadth and depth of Chinese cuisine. We should be more confident in taking this delicacy to a broader stage.

(As they were talking, a young woman in a stylish suit walked in, looking elegant and clearly a food lover.)

Young lady: Master Li, Master Wang, hello. I'm a judge from the International Gourmet Association, and I heard that shredded meat with Kyo sauce is very famous here, so I came to try it.

Young lady: Yes, I am a professional judge who selects excellent food internationally, and Jingsauce shredded meat as one of the traditional delicacies naturally aroused my interest.

Wang Ming: We are very honored to be able to cook shredded meat in Beijing sauce for you, and I hope you enjoy our food.

Young lady: I am very interested in traditional food, and as one of the representatives of Chinese cuisine, I am looking forward to tasting it.

Xie Huaiqing: Then let us prepare a special shredded meat with Beijing sauce for you, I hope you can feel our care and enthusiasm.

(Xie Huaiqing and Wang Ming carefully cooked a shredded meat in Beijing sauce for the young lady, showing years of cooking skills to the fullest.)

Young lady: (After tasting) It's a very delicate delicacy! I can feel your enthusiasm and awe of traditional food.

Xie Huaiqing: Thank you for your appreciation, we have always insisted on cooking with heart, hoping to bring the best taste to every diner.

Wang Ming: Yes, we hope to pass on the delicacy of shredded meat in Beijing sauce to more people, so that more people can understand and love traditional food.

Young lady: I feel the charm of this traditional food. As a representative of Chinese cuisine, shredded meat in Beijing sauce should be more widely inherited and promoted.

Xie Huaiqing: You're right. We will continue to work hard to make the shredded pork of Beijing sauce shine in the world, so that more international friends can taste this traditional delicacy.

Wang Ming: We also hope to use the platform of the International Gourmet Association to bring shredded meat in Beijing sauce to a broader stage.

Young lady: I would love to recommend your shredded meat in Kyo sauce at the International Gourmet Association's selection event. I believe it will definitely be recognized by more people.

Xie Huaiqing: Thank you very much for your support, we will continue to work hard to contribute our strength to the inheritance of traditional food.

Wang Ming: Yes, we hope to convey more of the essence of Chinese culture in the world of food.

(The young lady left (After the young lady left

, Xie Huaiqing and Wang Ming looked at each other and smiled, their hearts full of expectation and confidence for the future.)

Xie Huaiqing: It seems that our traditional cuisine has been recognized internationally, which makes me very gratified.

Wang Ming: Yes, Master. Our efforts have not been in vain, and the charm of traditional cuisine knows no borders.

Xie Huaiqing: We should be more confident in showing the world the breadth and depth of Chinese cuisine, so that more international friends can understand and love our culture.

Wang Ming: Yes, I hope that our efforts can make Jing sauce shredded meat become an important representative of Chinese food culture and move towards a broader stage.

(While they were talking, a group of young students walked into the restaurant, their eyes curious, apparently from out of town.)

Xie Huaiqing: Welcome to our restaurant! Where are you from?

Student leader: We are students from different regions, and we came to Beijing for cultural exchange and study. I heard that the shredded meat of Kyo sauce here is very famous, so I came to taste it.

Wang Ming: Welcome, shredded meat in Beijing sauce is a traditional delicacy in Beijing, I hope you will like our unique flavor.

Student Leader: We are looking forward to shredded meat in Kyo sauce and are also interested in learning about its history and production process.

Xie Huaiqing: Very good, we will personally show you the production process of shredded meat in Beijing sauce and explain its history and culture.

(Xie Huaiqing and Wang Ming personally prepared a special shredded meat with Beijing sauce for the students, patiently explaining to them the production techniques and choice of ingredients.)

Student leader: (After tasting) This is a very delicious delicacy!

Student 1: This is my first time tasting shredded pork in Kyo sauce, it is really delicious!

Student 2: I am very interested in traditional food and hope to learn more.

Xie Huaiqing: I'm glad you guys like this dish. Traditional food carries a rich history and culture, and we hope that through it, more people can understand the treasures of Chinese culture.

Wang Ming: Yes, we would like to share our culinary skills and traditional culture with you.

Student Leader: Thank you very much for your warm reception and sharing. Your shredded meat in Beijing sauce has given us a deeper understanding of Chinese cuisine.

Xie Huaiqing: We also thank you very much for coming, and hope that your study trip in Beijing will be fruitful.

Student 1: We will bring back your food and stories to let more people know about shredded pork in Beijing sauce and your restaurant.

Student 2: I hope that we can become a part of the inheritance of food and let the traditional culture be better inherited.

Wang Ming: It's nice to hear you say that. Young people are the future of traditional food, and we hope you will pass on this delicious history.

(After the students left, Xie Huaiqing and Wang Ming looked at each other and smiled, relieved by the enthusiasm and curiosity of the younger generation.)

Xie Huaiqing: Young people are the future of the country and the inheritors of traditional cuisine.

Wang Ming: Yes, we need to keep pace with the times and let traditional cuisine continue to circulate among young people.

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