Zheng Ling was stunned.

Then his eyes were red: "brother Jue..."

Zhan hanjue said: "I know you are reluctant to give up, Zheng Ling, but this matter is of great importance..." Zhan hanjue had prepared many long speeches to convince Zheng Ling.

Zheng Ling was actually a man who knew the general situation. Although he was very sad in his heart, he still resisted the sadness and nodded strongly.

"Don't say it, brother Jue. I support you. "

Because of Zheng Ling's success, Zhan hanjue was relieved. But next, he is about to leave. His heart seems to be hollowed out and filled with regret.

"Zheng Ling, after I leave, Han Ling will be handed over to you. You may not be able to cure the naughty child. If she is really disobedient and makes you sad, you should beat her. "

Zheng Ling's singing and laughing are not true.

"That's your baby. This tourmaline manor's big and small, who does not know you dote on Hanling, you do good in front of her, but let me beat her? As soon as I'm a villain, Hanling doesn't like me. "

Zhan hanjue said wrongly, "I'm not afraid that she will make you angry. I'll give you a move. "

Zheng Ling has a headache at the thought of taking care of Han Ling alone in the next few days.

Zhan hanjue asked her, "Zheng Ling, tell me honestly, who is more tired to take care of Han Ling and Han Bao Tong Bao?"

Zheng Ling said truthfully: "it can't be compared. One cold plume tops three. "

"It seems that I have spoiled her," he said with a wry smile

After thinking about it, he said, "Zheng Ling, let's invite some nannies. Let aunt accompany Han Ling to sleep, so that you can sleep more safely. "

Zheng Ling looks at Zhan hanjue

From the birth of the child to now, Zhan hanjue has taken care of Hanling himself. Don't give up pretending to others. Now I'm leaving. I'm afraid that she will be affected, so I put forward such a suggestion?

Zheng Ling said with a gentle smile: "you, don't worry about me. Or think about you, when to start and who to take? When are you going home? "

Zhan hanjue looked at Zheng Ling's beautiful and clean face and said, "for you, I will come back earlier."

Zheng Ling nodded: "well."

When Zheng Ling and Han Jue came down from upstairs, they saw Feng Zheng and Han Ling sitting in the game area playing with toys.

Su Hanbao and Yan Zheng are having tea and chatting on the sofa.

Seeing Zhan hanjue and Zhengling, Su Su and Hanbao stood up: "Daddy, Mommy."

Zheng Ling probably guessed their intention and said to the mountain, "Han Bao, go back and tell your sisters to prepare for the college entrance examination."

Han Bao was worried: "who will go to the holy land to look for the blood lotus?"

"I'll go." Zhan hanjue said.

Zhan Su and Han Bao look at each other. Unexpectedly, the result of their discussion is so unexpected.

"Daddy, are you willing to be mommy?" Zhan Su asked.

Zhan hanjue was lost in thought.

He is more than reluctant to give up the Zheng Ling?

He is worried about Zheng Ling. It's very hard for him to take care of the child. I don't know if her thin body can survive?

He was more worried about Zheng Ling. After he left, would she have a relapse of her physical disorder because she was worried about him?

Zhan Su and Han Bao see the pain and hesitation in daddy's eyes.

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