Han Bao said, "Daddy, let me go."

Zhan hanjue said: "Mommy is right. She wants you to live the life of ordinary people. College entrance examination is absolutely not absent. "

Han Bao sighs.

Zhan Su had a flash of inspiration and said with a smile, "I have an idea. Daddy and Mommy, there are three months left in the college entrance examination. Daddy can take the ghost to find the divine realm first. After Hanbao and his sisters finished the college entrance examination, they went to support daddy. Then daddy can go home. "

Han Bao said, "OK, that's a good idea."

Zhan hanjue looked at Zheng Ling and said, "if it's three months. Daddy hasn't found the blood lotus, so let's do it. "

When Hanling heard that daddy was going on a trip, he came running with short legs, holding Zhan hanjue's legs and acting coquetry: "Daddy, take Hanling. Han Ling is going to wander the world with you. "

Zhan hanjue patted his daughter's head: "the world is dangerous, so you don't have to go."

Han Ling patted his chest like a little adult and said, "it's not dangerous. I'm not going yet."

Han Bao pulled his younger sister to him and said with a smile, "I can't understand what he said. Do you still want to go into the world?"

Has been silent Yan Zheng suddenly stood up and said: "brother, I accompany you."

Zhan hanjue glared at him with a complicated look in his eyes. Moving and sulking are intertwined. "What are you going to do? Fight with me? "

In Zhan hanjue's impression, when he and Yan Zheng were together, nine times out of ten they were bickering.

Of course, it's not that Zhan hanjue dislikes Yan Zheng, but he thinks that he is more at ease to leave Yan Zheng to Fengxian and Zhengling.

Yan Zheng repeatedly promised: "I promise not to fight with you."

Zhan hanjue said, "stay here and take care of Fengxian and Zhengling for me. By the way, help me discipline Hanling. "

Yan Zheng glances at Han Ling, who stares at him fiercely, implying that if Yan Zheng dares to take over the task of daddy, she will make him uneasy.

Yan Zheng's lips drew, staring at Han Ling and asked, "it's your father who wants me to discipline you, not me. What are you staring at me for? There is a head of injustice and a master of debt. If you have the ability, go to your father. "

Han Ling said: "persimmon picking up soft pinch chant."

Yan Zheng was furious: "you mean uncle is easy to bully, don't you?"

Han Ling nodded: "that's what I mean."

Yan Zheng is angry. Then he hugged him and said, "brother, I'll go with you. I can't take care of your bear."

Zheng Ling broke Yan Zheng's plan: "brother, you just don't want to stay to take care of Feng Zheng and Han Ling. Is that right? "

Yan Zheng began to smile.

Three years of father time, do well, no medal, do not do well, was also scolded by his wife, let Yan Zheng very much want to escape this home.

Zhan hanjue pushed Yan Zheng away: "you have become the envy of many men. I don't know."

Yan Zheng yelled: "do you think everyone is like you, and every day you want to turn around the stove of your wife and children?"

Zhan hanjue, a young businessman, worked tirelessly when he was young, and the shopping mall was full of tired cognition. Now I feel very happy to be with my beloved Zheng Ling.

Yan Zheng idled when he was young. Now he has a family and a business, but his career has not improved. It made him feel a little disappointed. I'm afraid I can't be the hero in my son's mind.

Zheng Ling is an understanding flower. She understood Yan Zheng's pain and said to him, "brother, you should discuss with Fengxian and listen to her. If she supports you, I don't mind

Yan Zheng left happily.

Thinking that Zhan hanjue was about to leave, Zheng Ling said to him, "brother Jue, take a time to visit Yu's villa. Stay with your parents and grandparents

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