Zhan hanjue's eyes shot a sharp light, "Yu Chengqian, don't look for death in front of me."

Yu Chengqian said, "look at you. You are a big man. You eat vinegar all day. Not tired? Don't worry, my obsession with Zheng Ling has been put down. "

Zhan hanjue gritted his teeth: "my cousin."

Yu Chengqian stared at him speechless: "it's just a name. Why be serious? "

Zhan hanjue seemed to believe in non channel: "why did you suddenly put down your obsession?"

Yu Chengqian said: "I've been with you for so long. I finally understand where I lost. You can stand tall and upright, you can also roll around on the stove in the smoke. You can overlook all living beings, you can also look down for Zheng Ling, you can look down for ruziniu. You are really suitable for a girl like Zheng Ling. When she's weak and helpless, it's a blue sky for her. When she is determined, she can snort

Zhan hanjue frowned: "where are so many inexplicable reasons? Zheng Ling and I all fit, but I love her, she loves me, and then after countless times of compromise, finally reached a complete state

Yu Chengqian was stunned.

Zhan hanjue said: "you can also find a woman who loves you. As long as you treat her with your heart, I believe that when you are old, you will feel that you have no regrets with her in this life."

Yu Chengqian pouted: "you're starting to love me again. I won't listen to you. "

"When did I trouble you?" Zhan hanjue said.

Yu Chengqian said, "let me try to get along with Zhengyu for the sake of Chenchen. You know, Zhengyu and I have different personalities. She works every day, because work can enrich her and material wealth can make her feel safe. And I never worry about material, I disdain to sell my soul for money. "

"Don't be so noble," he sniffed. Can I understand that in another way? The elder sister is full of passion for life. She is enterprising and diligent in her study. And you don't do your job, you don't do anything, you don't want to make progress. You and your elder sister are just like a pool for comfort and a river for ever. It's really not suitable for you to be together, because the pool will dry up one day, and the river will run through the famous mountains and rivers forever. "

Yu Chengqian looked down at Zhan hanjue: "don't be so ugly, OK?"

Zhan hanjue said, "I see. You look down on my elder sister. You think you're a bully in a famous university. My elder sister is just a woman without a degree. So you are proud and conceited. And take it for granted that she should be humble and modest. However, in the eyes of outsiders, you are Fang Zhongyong, and your talent is declining. And my elder sister is the Pearl in the gravel, which is getting brighter and brighter after polishing. "

Yu Chengqian is about to collapse. Whatever he said, his pride was crushed to earth by him.

"You... Shut up."

Zhan hanjue said: "after I leave the imperial capital, my elder sister will come to Bixi manor with Chenchen to accompany my family Zhengling. Zheng Ling told me that she would take this opportunity to have a good chat with her sisters. After all, the elder sister is too old to hang on your crooked neck tree. So this time, she must persuade her elder sister to marry herself out. "

Zhan hanjue can imagine that Yu Chengqian's expressionless face has turned blue and blue. He said with a smile: "cousin, when we come back from Shenyu, maybe the elder sister will add a younger brother for Chenchen."

Yu Chengqian was furious“ You are harbouring evil intentions... "

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