After hanging up Zhan hanjue's phone, Yu Chengqian's mood could not be calm for a long time.

Is his life really like this?

It seems that his decadent life is not as brilliant as Yan Zhengyu's. No wonder Zhan Ye despises him.

Thinking that he was going to leave the imperial capital with Zhan hanjue, Yu Chengqian decided to visit his son Chenchen.

He came to Yancheng Yan's house. When his son Chenchen heard that he was coming, he rushed out of the house. With open arms, he began to shout affectionately: "Daddy."

Yu Chengqian holds Chenchen tightly in his arms.

Although Yu Chengqian and Yan Zhengyu are not married, Chenchen is not indifferent to Yu Chengqian because his parents live apart.

This is probably Yan Zhengyu's good guidance. She always shapes Yu Chengqian into a perfect hero in front of Chenchen.

This is also the place where Yu Chengqian was very grateful to Zhengyu.

"Daddy, why did you come to see me so long?" Chenchen is coquettish in his arms.

Yu Chengqian said: "Daddy is busy recently. But daddy doesn't have time to see you. You can ask mommy to take you to DIDU to see me. "

Chenchen chuckled and said, "Daddy, Mommy is not free recently. She falls in love with Uncle Fang every day. "

Yu Chengqian's face froze as he heard the speech.

"Chenchen, mummy and uncle Fang are just working partners. They're together for work, not for love. " Yu Chengqian corrected.

He felt that if Fang zhicao and Yan zhengyuzhen were interested in each other, they should have been together for a long time.

Chenchen was very firm in his opinion. He patted his chest and said: "Daddy, what I said is true. Mommy told me that. Mommy also said that after she married uncle Fang, she would give me another brother

What Chen Chen said is just like what he said, so Yu Chengqian's heart began to beat a drum.

He was in a state of confusion. Carefully investigate the cause of this confusion, but come and go without trace.

Finally, Yu Chengqian secretly thought: maybe he doesn't like Zhengyu to add a younger brother to Chenchen. Because he was afraid that Chenchen would fall out of favor.

Elder sister Zhengyu came down from upstairs and saw Yu Chengqian for a moment. Then he said with a smile, "here you are."

Yu Chengqian looked at Zheng Yu, whose face was a little pale. Yu Chengqian asked with concern: "you look bad. Are you sick?"

Zheng Yu said calmly: "I've been busy with the company day and night, and I'm tired. I stayed in the hospital for a few days

Yu Chengqian said, "why didn't you tell me about such a big thing? At least I can take care of Chenchen for you, so that you can recover

Big sister's eyes are dim. After hesitating for a long time, he suddenly raised his head and said to Yu Chengqian seriously: "Chengqian, what I need is a husband. It's not a man who takes care of children with me. "

Yu Chengqian stupefied: "what do you mean?"

The eldest sister said, "when I was sick, I finally understood a truth: only husband and wife can share weal and woe. Because only husband and wife will accompany him when the other half falls into the bottom. "

After a pause, the elder sister finally revealed her heart: "Chengqian, I'm going to get married."

When Yu Chengqian heard the news, his whole body was in a daze.

He thought Zheng Yu would wait for him all the time.

Their love is destined to be a competition.

He pursued Yan Zhengling, but could not.

Zheng Yu pursues him, but he can't.

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