"Take me." The boy's tone was firm.

Tong Bao said: "good grandson. You stay here. "

The boy looked around and saw that there was no one around, so he put his mouth to Tongbao's ear and cried, "sister Tongbao, if you don't take me, I will tell them your identity."

Tong Bao looked at him stupefied, angry to hit him with his fist: "dead boy, how do you know?"

"Guess what." The boy carried her burden and took her hand. As he walked forward, he said, "I'll take you to the boat."

The road they took became more and more rugged. Tong Bao's physical function was aging, and he said: "what road do you take me?"

The young man said with a smile: "don't worry, although the road I take you is rugged, it must be the safest."

Until he put Tong Bao on a bamboo raft, until the raft was farther and farther away from the village, Tong Bao finally believed the boy's words.

She stood in front of the raft and looked at the boy at the helm behind. "Who are you?" he asked suspiciously

The boy said, "sister Tong Bao, don't you remember me? I'm Qingge. "The song of peace."

In Tong Bao's mind, the scene of meeting Qingge for the first time immediately emerged.

More than two years ago, when her husband asked her to visit, the boy's father ran to her with him in his arms and said in tears: "girl, help my child. He's going to die. "

When Tong Bao came to Qingge, Qingge was thin and small, yellow and skinny, with no light on her face and no energy.

Tong Bao diagnosed that Qingge was seriously malnourished, but Qingge's father told him that he had never been mean to his children's diet and that he would leave anything delicious to his children first. Why does Qingge still have serious malnutrition?

Later, Tong Bao investigated the cause and told Qingge's father that Qingge might not tolerate their own milk.

Qingge's father finds this conclusion hard to accept because all the villagers here are strong and strong after drinking goat's milk from childhood. He is more convinced that Qingge's malnutrition is a natural disharmony between the spleen and stomach, rather than a strange reason for milk intolerance.

Tong Bao suggested: "cut off one month's milk, you carefully observe the taste of Qingge. If Qingge's diarrhea gets better, it means that her diagnosis is correct. "

Tong Bao didn't prescribe medicine for Qingge, whose father was in despair at that time. He even felt that Tong Bao was young and unskilled.

However, when he took the dying Qingge home, according to Tong Bao's method, he fed Qingge porridge. After breaking the goat's milk, Qingge's condition improved day by day.

Today, although Qingge is thin, it has grown into a beautiful young man.

Tong Bao looked at Xiuyi's Qingge and said, "I said that you are not tolerant of goat's milk. Your father still doesn't believe me."

But... Tong Bao looked at Qingge curiously: "how do you recognize me?"

Qingge said with a smile, "because you boasted that you were tall, thin, pretty, gentle and kind."

Tong Bao is a little embarrassed.

Qingge looked at the Old Tong Bao and asked curiously, "you look so good. You look so real?"

Tong Bao's eyes are dim. Although Qingge is a simple and trustworthy child, the secret skills of the Boye family must not be revealed. Tong Bao can only lie and say: "I'm not a transvestite. I'm suffering from senility

Qingge is stunned“ "Senility?"

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