He looked at Tong Bao's long gray hair and bent body, which was quite different from the beautiful girl in his memory. All of a sudden, Qingge was so sad that she burst into tears. She regretted for Tongbao and said, "you must be very sad when you get this disease, aren't you?"

Tong Bao thought about it. It was her escape plan. If it wasn't for this senility, she would never have escaped from the hands of the masked people.

This is a blessing in disguise. She said calmly: "in fact, except for the dullness of some people who don't adapt to this body after they grow old, there is nothing else."

Qingge sees her optimistic, then tears into a smile鈥?Sister Tongbao, as long as you are not sad. Your medical skill is so good that you will be able to cure your disease. "

Looking at Qingge, Tong Bao thought to himself, this child, she is sick, he is more sad than her. This is really a Bodhisattva's heart.

Tong Bao became more and more trusting and fond of Qingge.

"Don't call me sister Tongbao, call me grandma." Although Tong Bao is a child, she has remained at the age of 17 in addition to her mental age since her physical aging. Her body and manner are all 80 years old.

Qingge pouted and said, "I can't call you grandma. In my heart, you will always be my most beautiful sister Tongbao."

Looking at the reflection in the water, Tong Bao could not help feeling disgusted when he saw his old appearance for the first time: "Oh, I'm really blind. In the future, the name of Tong Bao is not suitable for me. I'll have to change my name. What's my name? "

Qingge blurted out, "my sister's name is Xuexian."

"Why snow fairy?"

"I heard my father say that the snow never melts in the deep mountains and forests all the year round, and people there live in great hardship. Fortunately, there is a sister Xuexian who goes to see every family's patients during the Spring Festival every year. My sister is also a kind-hearted Bodhisattva. Let's call her snow fairy. "

Tong Bao thought about it and said, "the snow fairy is a good doctor. ok I'll be called snow fairy in the future. "

Qingge can smile.

"By the way, where is my sister going?"

Tong Bao opens his bulging stomach and takes out a pillow from it. He also takes out a small wooden box from the pillow. Tong Baoqi AI said, "I want to go to Shenyu and send my husband and grandfather home."

Qingge said, "OK, I'll go with you."

But Tong Bao shook his head and refused: "no, No. You're going to be very dangerous with me. "

Qingge said, "sister, after you see you across the shore, do you know how to get to Shenyu? Do you know where to stay at night? Do you know what to eat when you are hungry? "

Tong Bao looks at the vast forest. She really doesn't know how to solve the problems of Qingge.

Qingge said with a smile, "so I'll go with you."

Tong Bao worried: "but I don't want you to take risks with me."

Qingge said, "don't worry, I'm smart. You have so many enemies in Jiaozhou, didn't I just save you? I know how dangerous it is to be with you. I'm willing. If I end up miserable in the future, I'll have no regrets. "

Tong Bao still does not let go.

Qingge can only sincerely entreat her: "sister Tongbao, please promise me. I lost my mother when I was young, and my father died some time ago. I am now an orphan, helpless. You let me follow you, we take care of each other, I regard you as my only relative. How about that? "

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