Zhan hanjue looked at this strange area. The altitude was steep and the forest was emerald. Occasionally, he could see a farmer's family. The population was very rare. More depressing is that such a rugged mountain road, simply can not choose a fast means of transportation.

What's more, at this time, Yu Chengqian suddenly called out: "my mobile phone has no signal."

Zhan ye and Yan Zheng immediately check their mobile phones and find that they have no signal.

Ghostly's staff were busy checking all the advanced communication equipment and came to the same conclusion: "the compass is out of order. All communication devices have stopped working. "

Yan Zheng hands akimbo, exclaimed: "what the hell is this place where birds don't lay eggs."

Zhan hanjue looked around with a gloomy face. Try to find a way out for local people.

If no one leads the way, they may get lost in it and spend a lot of useless time doing useless work.

"Ask someone." Zhan hanjue said.

Yan Zheng pointed to a family on the hillside. Strictly speaking, he couldn't be sure it was a family. He just vaguely saw a wisp of smoke coming out there. Yan Zheng said, "there's a family there, but it looks so far away from us."

Zhan hanjue walked forward without saying a word.

The others followed.

Only Yan Zheng complained: "brother, don't look at it near, the mountain road is circling up, it's far away from us."

Along the way, Yan Zheng played his characteristic of nagging, and other people were too lazy to pay attention to him. Only Yu Chengqian occasionally responded to him twice.

"You have to believe that Zhan Ye's IQ will not be lower than you. He doesn't know what you can find out? "

Yan Zheng said, "you are very insulting. What do you mean his IQ is not below mine? "

All of them were surprised by Yan Zheng's impudent self righteousness and looked back at him one after another.

Yan Zheng sighed and said, "well, he is smarter than me, but the horse still loses his front hoof. Are you not afraid of his occasional muddle

Yu Chengqian maintained the same view as Zhan ye: "looking for someone to ask for directions is our only choice at present. Otherwise we can't do anything. "

Zhan Ye scolded Yan Zheng: "can you shut your mouth? Save water. "

Yan Zheng was stunned.

"You've gone too far. It's a good mountain and water. Are you afraid that I'll drink more of your water?" Yan Zheng said capriciously, "I'm going to talk. It's boring not to talk. "

Zhan ye said: "at present, all the water sources we can touch are surface water, natural water that has not been detected. Do you dare to drink it?"

Yan Zheng picked a wet leaf and licked the water on it. "There's something you can't drink," he said

If you can't take him, you don't care about him.

Not long. Yan Zheng gradually silenced.

After a long silence, Zhan hanjue suddenly realized that it was wrong and turned to look at Yan Zheng.

"Why are you dumb?"

Yan Zheng pointed out his tongue. Zhan ye saw that his tongue turned blue.

Yan Zheng frowned and winked, and was crazy in sign language.

"I'm poisoned. My tongue is numb. Show me quickly."

Zhan hanjue had no good way: "I don't understand."

Then turn around and go on.

Yan Zheng came forward to pull him, and Zhan ye said angrily: "let you talk less, you don't listen. I told you not to drink water, and you wouldn't listen. Now it's all right. I'm poisoned and dumb. What do you want to do with me? "

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