Angry words return to angry words. Zhan hanjue still let the casual doctor see Yan Zheng.

The doctor checked Yan Zheng and said, "when we get to the farmer's house, we'll draw blood for you to see if the poisoning is serious."

But before he got to the farmer's house, Yan Zheng's tongue was almost restored.

"I can talk." Yan Zheng is vague and unclear.

The war lord said: "the disaster has been left for thousands of years. Don't worry, God won't accept you."

Yan Zheng said: "can you say something nice?"

Zhan ye said, "your wife and son are at home every day praying for your safety. So, don't worry, you can't do anything to die. "

Yan Zheng was ashamed: "well, well, I will protect myself in the future. Shut your mouth

It took two hours to walk on the mountain road before they arrived at the farmhouse. The farmhouse is a row of bamboo houses. In the broad courtyard outside the bamboo house, there is a stove. A young girl is cooking.

Zhan hanjue nodded his chin to Yan Zheng, who understood. This guy's bossing him again.

Yan Zheng said: "I hurt my mouth. It's their turn. "

Zhan hanjue said: "if you don't bother others, you will annoy us."

So his choice to let Yan Zheng annoy strangers.

Yan Zheng stepped forward and said to the little girl, "little sister, do you know how to get to Shenyu?"

The little girl moved her fingers with the tongs. Lift Mou, a pair of dark eyes suspicious of looking at Yan Zheng: "you are not a local?"

"Yes, we are emperors..."

Zhan hanjue and Yu Chengqian cleared their throat at the same time.

Yan Zheng turns around and stares at them, knowing that they are reminding him to protect his identity, but Yan Zheng just thinks they are making a mountain out of a molehill.

The little girl shook her head: "I don't know where the divine realm is. Every ten days and a half months, people come to my house to inquire about the whereabouts of Shenyu, but they never come back after they left. I advise you not to look for that place. That place must be very dangerous. "

When Yan Zheng heard the speech, he happily said to Zhan ye: "it seems that we have not found the wrong way. It must be around here. "

Zhan hanjue nodded.

Yan Zheng asked a lot of questions, but they were all unimportant questions. For example, are there any wild animals around here? Are there any plants that eat people?

Zhan hanjue walked helplessly to the little girl and asked, "little girl, some of us are poisoned. Is there a doctor near here?"

Now that he was near the divine realm, he did not forget his purpose. It's to detoxify Guan Xiao Wushuang.

When the little girl saw Zhan hanjue, she was shocked by his beauty. He came down to earth like an immortal, with a steady temperament and a beautiful voice.

She had never seen such a good-looking man.

"Uncle, you look good."

A blast of cold air came from the center of Zhan Ye's feet to his head. Zhan hanjue was so upset by the girl's love affair that he turned back and said to Yu Chengqian, "you'd better ask."

Yu Chengqian laughed speechless.

Come on, he's also very good-looking, OK?

Yu Chengqian confidently went to the little girl and asked, "little sister, if you can tell me where there is a doctor near here? I'll tell you the phone number of this handsome uncle? "

The little girl's eyes have been fixed on Zhan hanjue.

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