"How did she die?" Asked Zhan hanjue.

The man's face showed a ferocious expression: "they are all posterity of Boye, but their pulse is true biography of Boye medicine. We can only get some leftovers from other rooms. Do you think it's irritating? "

"So, in order to get the secret skills of Boye, the rest of us never give up looking for her. Finally, we found her laboratory in Jiaozhou. I thought she would give up her secret skill, but she chose to die with the lab... "

The more the man said, the more angry he was: "she would rather die than cooperate with us!"

Zhan hanjue almost fell to the ground when he heard the terrible news. In order to determine Tong Bao's life and death, he said tentatively, "when she leaves, will someone accompany her?"

The man was heartbroken and said, "that old man is devoted to her. He died with her. Such a complete laboratory would blow up in a flash. What a pity. "

Zhan hanjue is very sad. Although he didn't hear the bad news of Tong Bao, he should be in the laboratory. How can Tong Bao escape from the laboratory explosion?

Pain and hatred made Zhan hanjue almost collapse. He suddenly stood up with a pair of red eyes pointing at the man and said angrily, "did you harm Mr. Boye?"

"No, Mr. Zhan, the injustice has its head and the debt has its owner. Although I want Boye Ling to die, we are not the ones who killed them."

"Who is that?"

"It's ok if I tell you. Anyway, you are also the fish under my chopping board." The man grinned grimly: "it's my father and my uncles."

Zhan hanjue waved his fist in anger.

The man dodged quickly and sneered: "master Zhan, I know you are very good at martial arts. But now that you are poisoned, your body will soon lose strength, and there will be ten thousand ants eating your heart. You'd better stop and think about how to protect your life. "

At the moment, Tong Bao secretly detoxified himself.

She said to Zhan ye: "Zhan ye, your body is poisonous and you should not be angry. Stop and sit still. Don't let the gas attack you. "

When Zhan hanjue thought of his Tong Bao, he was in agony. There's no place to be quiet at the moment.

The man saw that they were all poisoned, and each of them became a turtle in his urn. He put down his vigilance and left with his people.

Zhan hanjue slumped to the ground. Heartbroken call voice: "Tong Bao."

When Tong Bao sees that Daddy's eyes are shining, he also knows that Daddy must love her.

Tong Bao hobbled to Zhan hanjue and took his hand, just like when he was a child

Zhan hanjue suddenly turned back, but saw the white haired snow fairy girl standing in front of him, and his eyes were full of loss.

Tong Bao said with a soft smile: "master Zhan, I'll help you detoxify first."

Zhan hanjue nodded dejectedly.

Tong Bao took out the silver needle and pricked several acupoints for Zhan hanjue. He took out some pills from the package and said, "this is my self-made antidote. You take one and keep the rest on your body for a rainy day. "

Yan Zheng said jealously, "grandma Xuexian, why are you so nice to him? We need antidote pills, too. "

Tong Bao said shyly, "I have so many antidotes here. I'll make some for you next time. "

Yan Zheng looked at the pills in the palm of Zhan hanjue's hand. He was even more envious: "you gave him all the antidotes."

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