At this time, Qingge takes out some herbs from her arms and hands them to Tongbao. "Grandma, do you think these herbs can be used to detoxify

Tong Bao was overjoyed. She praised Qingge and said, "Wow, Qingge, you are so good. You actually found me the top detoxification herb. "

Qingge said with a smile, "that's great."

Tong Bao is the first to detoxify Qingge, because she needs Qingge to help her collect herbs. Qingge also lives up to the expectations of the public. He is always haunted and comes and goes, and can bring many surprises to Tongbao every time.

The extraordinary medical skills of Tong Bao and the excellent practical ability of Qingge made Zhan hanjue doubt the identity of his grandparents and grandchildren.

Yu Chengqian was suspicious by nature. He secretly said to Zhan hanjue, "I think this pair of grandparents and grandchildren have been clinging to us. They must have different plans. Should we find a way to get rid of them? "

Zhan hanjue was very objective and said, "there are poisons everywhere in this divine realm. If there is no snow fairy girl to help us, we can't go out."

Yu Chengqian said, "then we have to test them."

Zhan hanjue nodded.

So Yu Chengqian directly asked Tong Bao in front of the crowd, "why does Xuexian mother-in-law come to Shenyu?"

Yu Chengqian's tone is not good, which makes Tong Bao helpless.

She knew that she had to find a way to dispel their concerns, otherwise she couldn't help them very well.

Tong Bao took out the package, took out Boye's ashes and said, "I've been entrusted by others to send this back to God."

"What is this?"


Timid Yan Zheng immediately scared a bottom to fall to sit on the ground“ Ashes of the dead? "

Then he patted his chest and said, "it's so scary. I sleep in the same room with the dead every day. I have nightmares."

Zhan hanjue was puzzled: "can you take the liberty to ask, whose ashes is this?"

If other people asked, Tong Bao would put off three or two sentences.

But when daddy asked her, she instinctively replied, "Mr. Boye Ling."

Zhan hanjue opens his eyes in surprise

"The ashes of Boye?" He was incredibly sure again and again.

Tong Bao nodded.

Zhan hanjue looked at Tong Bao suspiciously: "what's the relationship between you and her?"

Tong Bao bowed his head, and his eyes showed a little hesitation.

Zhan hanjue's fierce eyes were fixed on her face. At the moment, I feel that the sense of familiarity and intimacy she brings him may not be without reason.

Tong Bao suddenly raised his head and said, "I'm a villager in Jiaozhou. Mr. Boye once saved my life, so when I learned that she was dead, I went to the laboratory to catch some soil. My husband once told me that her greatest wish was to return to her hometown. So I wanted to send her back. "

Tongbao's wording can deceive Yan Zheng.

However, in front of Zhan hanjue, who was meticulous and meticulous, her words were full of holes.

Boye Ling was chased and killed all his life. How could he easily tell the patient his hometown? Isn't it self identity?

Zhan hanjue trembles and goes to Tongbao. He squats down and looks at Tongbao carefully. Tong Bao felt guilty and said with a smile, "why do you look at me like this

"How old is snow fairy this year?" Zhan hanjue asked.

The tone was bleak.

Tong Bao thought for a moment and said, "I'm 76 years old."

Zhan hanjue pinches his nails into the meat

"But you look like a girl in February and August?" Zhan hanjue said.

Although Tong Bao is old, she is a child. In front of the experienced Zhan hanjue, she has no ability to deal with it.

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