Zhan hanjue said angrily, "if you are so used to him, sooner or later you will suffer."

The sisters bowed their heads and did not dare to talk back to Daddy.

Inside the cave, Tong Bao hears the sound outside. I expected her sisters to come. At that moment, Tong Bao's mood was extremely complex, happy and ecstatic, but more anxious.

She hobbled out of the cave and stopped at a distance. Some look at them at a loss.

The time of separation is not long, but for adolescent children, it is a sudden change, whether it is height or charm.

When Tong Bao saw that her sisters were all graceful and graceful, but she was growing old, not to mention how sad she was.

Zhan hanjue noticed that Tongbao's eyes were full of tears. He knew that the reunion must be very sour for Tongbao. He said to Tong Bao thoughtfully: "snow fairy, they are all poisoned. How about you help me look at them for you? "

Tong Bao nodded“ Good

Then he enthusiastically said to Ruoxi: "come with me."

Ruoxi and they followed Tong Bao to an open cave. There are many herbs in the cave, all kinds of medicine spread, let Ruoxi they some fear.

They look at each other with a message in their eyes: questioning Tong Bao's identity and guarding against their own safety.

Tong Bao looked back and said to them with a smile, "come in."

Ruoxi came in first. She doesn't trust Tong Bao, but she trusts daddy. The other sisters came in one after another.

"Grandma Xuexian, are you a doctor?"

"No doctor. He's a barefoot doctor who barely understands medicine. " Tong Bao is modest.

In fact, Tong Bao's medical skills are superb, but she has been studying medicine for a few years, and she doesn't have so much practical experience, so she has always been very modest.

Her modesty made her sisters afraid.

"Ah, a barefoot doctor." Thirteen younger sister face dew worry, "that you can give us detoxification?"

Tong Bao said with a smile: "the poison in you is not a complicated disease, easy to solve."

The sisters are a little relieved.

But when Tong Bao detoxified, she didn't feel the pulse for her sisters. Just by their faces, symptoms and Tong Bao's understanding of the plants coming, she matched them with poisonous herbs.

The sisters thought that Tong Bao's medical skills were not rigorous enough. Little ten younger sister got the detoxification grass and said, "can this really help us detoxify?"

Tong Bao said with a smile: "smash them into a paste, take a ball the size of your thumb and press it under the tip of your tongue. Spit it out in half an hour. Your poison will be removed. "

"Ah?" The sisters had never heard of such a strange antidote. They looked at each other.

At this time Yan Zheng came in with Han Bao.

Han Bao, like entering his own door, sits on Tong Bao's chair. Then he pretended to be in pain and groaned, "doctor, I'm dying. Show me what I've been poisoned by? "

Tong Bao was absent-minded the first time Han Bao came in.

She has been with Hanbao since she was a child, and her relationship with Hanbao is the most intimate. Seeing Hanbao, Tongbao couldn't hide his emotion, and his eyes were twinkling with tears.

She turned and snuck away her tears.

Then he hobbled to Hanbao. Hanbao sits, she stands. Tong Bao's body is bent and slow. Han Bao is not willing to cooperate with her.

This makes Tong Bao's diagnosis and treatment difficult.

Han Bao also joked: "doctor's mother-in-law, how old are you?"

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