Tong Bao was stunned. He cleverly avoided Han Bao's question and said, "you smelly boy, don't you know that a woman's age is a secret?"

Han Bao said: "I think you are white haired and can't move easily. I'm worried that you will have dementia, Parkinson's disease and other senile diseases at your age. Mother in law, it doesn't matter if you treat me. My life is worthless. But my sisters, they are all delicate. You can't make any mistakes when you treat them

Tong Baoyu said suddenly: "in the eyes of doctors, life is not noble or cheap. Everyone's life is precious. "

Han Bao stood up from his chair and began to splash: "I have such a big temper, so I don't have much ability. I'm afraid to see you. "

I'm going to leave

But Tong Bao stopped him and said, "if you don't want to see a doctor, just tell me what to do with a bunch of excuses? I don't think you are poisoned at all, so you deliberately irritate me so that I can give up treatment for you. "

Han Bao's step is a meal, specially turn head, surprised looking at Tong Bao. "Sigh:" God, this mother-in-law is so powerful. Can you really see that I'm not poisoned? "

Tong Bao knows that since Han Bao got the laoshizi token, his body has undergone wonderful changes. The poison in the world is inviolable.

Tong Bao pretended to be mysterious and said, "you have a special physique, I think."

Han Bao Na said, "you are so divine. You can even see it."

Tong Bao feels funny. She can't see Han Bao's constitution. It's just that she understands his past and tries to cheat with a magic wand.

Han Bao was impressed by Tong Bao“ Granny, you are a real doctor. If you don't look at me, you know that I'm not poisoned, and that I'm invincible. Dare to ask my mother-in-law, what school did you learn from? "

Other sisters listen to Hanbao admit that they are not poisoned, only to know that Hanbao completely cheated them.

"Hanbao." The sisters roared in a terrible voice.

Hanbao knows that his scam has been leaked, so he runs away quickly.

He begged for mercy and said, "sisters, I can't walk any more. That's why I lied to you."

Six elder sister way: "you cheat me very bitter."

Tong Bao looked at the noisy brothers and sisters, his eyes filled with a smile of envy.

Her body should be so young and energetic. But she lived like an old man. The body is old, and her heart is old.

"Well, if you don't get rid of the toxins in your body, please calm down." Tong Baodao.

The sisters calmed down. This time, they no longer doubted Tong Bao's medical skills, but obediently took Jiedu Cao.

Han Bao sits on the side, his arms resting on his head, looking at Tong Bao in his spare time.

"Granny, I seem to have met you somewhere."

Tong Bao was in a panic and said, "what nonsense? I've never been to the imperial capital. How did you know each other? "

Han Bao turned over, put his face in front of Tong Bao and said, "maybe I didn't know him in the imperial capital. I used to be a cosmopolitan. Maybe that's when we met. If you think about it, have you met me? "

Tong Bao pushed him away and shook his head“ I've lived in Shenyu all the year round. I'm sure I haven't met you. "

Han Bao felt puzzled: "you dare not look me in the eye, so you are very guilty?"

Tong Bao

Tong Bao also knows that the more he dodges, the more Han Bao doubts her identity. Simply summon up courage to look at Hanbao.

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