Han Bao looks at Tong Bao. Tong Bao's face is old and wrinkled. He can't see the aura of his youth.

But Han Bao's attention focused on Tong Bao's eyes. Although they were full of blood and even dried up, Han Bao felt that they were very familiar.

"Tong Bao." Han Bao suddenly sighed.

Tong Bao was frightened and said to himself, "what do you call me? Whose treasure can I be at my age. My name is Xuexian. I haven't married all my life. You can call me Xuexian girl. "

Han Bao pouts his mouth, and his eyes are full of confusion.

He also knew that the old man in front of him could never be Tong Bao's sister, but somehow, he just felt that Xuexian was somewhat similar to Tong Bao.

"Grandma Xuexian, you are very much like my sister." When Hanbao mentioned Tongbao, his pretty face was sad.

Tong Bao asked him, "do you miss her?"

Han Bao nodded, his face darkened“ I want to

Tong Bao's heart is sour. She knows that her parents, brothers and sisters care for her very much. In recent years, she has not contacted them at all. They must be very worried about her.

Just like, she once thought of them.

Fortunately, Hanbao was very optimistic, stretched out and full of confidence, and said: "I came out this time, in addition to rescuing my father, I came to find my sister. I believe I will find Tong Bao soon. "

Tong Bao has a bitter smile.

In fact, Tong Bao is at a loss about her future. Of course, she is eager to go home, but she can feel her body aging every day, which makes her afraid to go home and recognize her relatives. She always wanted to make them remember her best. I don't want them to see her grow old and die.

It's really cruel for them.

Tong Bao said insincerely, "I hope you get what you want."

After detoxification, the sisters greatly appreciated Tong Bao's medical skills.

They like to pester Tong Bao and ask about some medical problems. Tong Bao will know everything and answer their doubts.

The sisters like Tong Bao very much.

Third sister is not stingy to Tongbao's praise: "Xuexian's mother-in-law is not only highly skilled in medicine, but also cherishes the world. She also generously shares her unique secret skills. You are the most benevolent doctor we have ever seen."

Tong Bao smiles but does not speak.

She and her sisters, of course, have nothing to hide.

Whenever someone praises Tong Bao, Zhan hanjue's heart is hard to say.

His daughter, Tong Bao, is so kind and intelligent. Why does God punish her like this?

That day, while everyone was taking a nap, Zhan hanjue deliberately called Tong Bao aside and had a heart to heart conversation with her.

"Tell me, is there a cure for Senility in the world?" Zhan hanjue looked at Tong Bao with great expectation.

Tong Bao knew that her father not only recognized her, but also knew that she had a strange senile disease.

In order not to let daddy down, Tong Bao told Zhan hanjue optimistically: "there is no disease in the world that can't be cured, but it's just a matter of time."

For example, with the progress of science, cancer will be conquered one day.

Zhan hanjue was obviously not satisfied with her answer. He said seriously: "during this period of time, you will study the rescue method of this senile disease."

In order to encourage Tong Bao, Zhan hanjue suddenly took Tong Bao's hand and said, "I believe you, you will succeed."

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