Xinghui cultural city.

When Bai Suyuan and Luo Shihan came to the cultural city, they had a head-on collision with Zhan's people.

"Xuan Shao?" Bai Suyuan stood still and bowed slightly.

Zhan hanxuan came over and put his hand on Bai Suyuan's shoulder. He said with a smile, "brother Bai, you're too late. I've settled the copyright of the works of the God of the moon and stars."

Bai Suyuan's eyes are directed at Luo Shihan.

Luo Shi Han understanding, step forward, Yingying smile, "Xuan less and Xinghui contract has not been signed, everything is unknown."


Zhan hanxuan's eyes immediately cast on Luo Shihan, tut tut tut sighed, "brother Bai, where did you find such a beauty? Little mouth is very clever

Bai Suyuan deliberately scolds Luo Shihan, "rose, this is the second young master of Zhan's family. Don't be rude to him."

Luo Shihan retreated.

Zhan hanxuan sneered, "you two sing together, it is very tacit understanding?"

Bai Suyuan smiles but says nothing.

Zhan hanxuan said again, "I'm also curious, brother Bai, can your knowledge support your courage?"

Luo Shi said, "don't worry about xuanshao. We are brave enough to know others. I'm sure you'll be impressed. "

Zhan hanxuan's eyes focus on Luo Shihan again, "the person who can grab meat in Zhan's mouth is not born yet!"

Before leaving, Zhan hanxuan gently touches Bai Suyuan's face and says vaguely, "brother Bai, I appreciate your courage."

Bai Suyuan laughed awkwardly.

After Zhan hanxuan leaves, Luo Shihan takes the initiative to retreat to Bai Suyuan one meter away.

Bai Suyuan glared at her viciously, "what do you mean?"

Luo Shihan said with a smile, "Xuan Shao, he appreciates you very much."

Bai Suyuan was depressed and said, "he appreciates more men."

"Are you... Jealous?" Luo Shihan tried carefully.

Bai Suyuan didn't stare at her angrily, "do you want me to prove it to you. I'm straight

Luo Shihan patted his forehead helplessly, "why do I always talk about such boring topics with you?"

Bai Suyuan is also a rogue, "who let us meet for the first time without a good start?"

Luo Shihan then remembered that when she and Bai Suyuan met for the first time, he was drugged and his speech was not serious. Since then, he has been informal in front of her.

"Here we are." Bai Suyuan looks at the office with the "Xinghui culture" sign in front of him and reminds him.

Luo Shihan breathed a sigh of relief, ready to fight a fierce battle.

The person in charge of Xinghui culture heard that the purpose of their arrival was to sell the copyright of Xingyue's novel. He was immediately embarrassed and said, "sorry, Bai Shao, the copyright of this book has been sold to Xuan Shao."

Bai Suyuan sat contentedly, and his eyes fell on Luo Shihan.

Luo Shihan looked at the famous brand pasted on the person in charge's chest and said with a smile, "brother Chen, we've just met Xuan Shao."

"Oh?" The person in charge was surprised.

Then he began to open his mind: since Zhan hanxuan didn't stop them from coming in, it must be because of the friendship between the two families for generations, and he wanted to give Bai a chance.

"Our price is ten points less than Xuan's. What do you think? " Luo Shihan asked.

The person in charge was embarrassed, "this --"

Luo Shihan took advantage of the situation to pursue, "no more, you know, we have to give Xuan less consolation money."

The person in charge showed a clear expression.

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