It turns out that Zhan hanxuan transferred the script to Bai Suyuan in order to get a kickback.

Bai Suyuan laughs at Enron. Luo Shihan deliberately talks ambiguously and misleads the other party.

The person in charge was really deceived, "since Xuan Shao agreed to transfer the script to you, for your sincerity, let's talk about it."

Luo Shihan took out the contract from his bag, "Mr. Chen, it's better to bump into the sun when you choose a day. Take a look at this contract. If there's no problem, sign it today. As you know, our chairman Bai has said that the shooting of films and TV plays must be in time for the golden week. Please understand our difficulties and try to save us some time. "

The person in charge looked through the contract. The rules of the contract are more detailed than those of Zhan hanxuan, and there are not so many overbearing terms of Zhan's contract.

Mr. Chen immediately browed and signed the contract.

Coming out of the cultural city, Bai Suyuan spoke highly of Luo Shihan, "rose, you are just a negotiator."

Luo Shi Han said, "he is not stupid. Our contract pays more attention to mutual benefit than Zhan's contract. Of course, he is willing to sign with us."

Bai Suyuan is a little curious, "how do you know the content of Zhan's contract?"

"I went for a walk in their intranet last night." Luo Shihan said it lightly.

But it was like a meteorite falling into Bai Suyuan's heart, collapsing into a huge crater.

Later, Bai Suyuan's evil spirit said with a smile, "the unbreakable alliance between the two families seems to be over."

Luo Shihan's smile is not clear.

Bai Suyuan is a traitor of the Bai family. He hopes that the Bai family will decline.

She is a member of the Yan family. Their cooperation will only make the two families worse.

Zhan hanxuan's script was intercepted by Bai Suyuan, which caused quite a stir in his family.

At the weekend, Zhan hanjue and his three cute treasures return to tourmaline manor to visit the old master, who deliberately talks about it with him.

"The script that Han Xuan and Xing Hui negotiated was intercepted by Bai Suyuan halfway. Han Jue, what do you think of this?"

The other younger generation of the warring family also paid close attention to this sensitive topic and looked at the elder brother one after another.

Zhan hanjue just slowly fed Tong Bao grape.

Because of his mother's absence, Zhan hanjue showed more love for Tong Bao. As for Hanbao and zhansu, they are in a state of stocking.

The faces of the people in the room were as if they could not pull out their stools. They looked at Zhan hanjue gloomily.

In order to please his ex-wife's daughter, a room of relatives, who is this?

"I want to know what skill Bai Suyuan used to steal hanxuan's script?"

Zhan hanxuan tells him the story of meeting Bai Suyuan.

In particular, he described Bai Suyuan's female assistant with strong colors, "his female assistant openly provoked me and said that as long as he didn't sign the contract, everything was unknown."

Zhan hanjue took grape... Grape's hand slightly stagnated, "what does it look like?"

Zhan hanxuan has no feelings for women. "What else can they look like? Anyway, she has what a woman should have! "

Zhan Han Jue stares at him askance. Zhan Han Xuan is honest, "very beautiful, very sexy."

Zhan hanjue said, "height, fat and thin!"

"About one meter eight, thin."

The starlight of Zhan hanjue's eyes is declining.

Zhan hanxuan added, "if you wear a pair of shoes that hate sky high, your real height may be about 1.6 meters."

Zhan hanjue pondered that the girl was so bold that she was similar to Luo Shihan. I don't know if it's her?

"I'll meet her."

The old man was very happy, "I'll be relieved if you go out."

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