A room full of people are shocked: Zhan hanjue, who has always been cold hearted to his younger brother and sister, even takes the initiative to help Zhan hanxuan manage his business?

It's really the sun coming out from the West.

Zhan hanxuan said gratefully, "elder brother, if you come out, you will surely defeat Bai Suyuan and his little special assistant who doesn't know the height of heaven and earth."

Zhan hanjue ignored him and carefully served his little ancestor Tong Bao.

Zhan tingjun, who had been silent for a long time, finally began to speak, but the old story was repeated, vaguely with a sharp edge. "Han Jue, we Bixi manor don't accept foreign blood, but you openly bring Tong Bao into Bixi manor garden. You openly despise the family rules of the old master!"

The atmosphere in the room immediately dropped to freezing point.

Zhan tingjun looks at Zhan hanjue with a smile. He reminds him that escape is not the way to solve the problem.

Zhan hanjue took Tong Bao down from his legs and gently rubbed his head. "Go to play with my brothers. My uncle and several grandfathers will discuss something."

Tong Bao nodded and ran out.

Zhan hanjue took out his paper towel and wiped his hands. Then he looked at Zhan tingjun with a sharp posture.

"In my uncle's opinion, is it necessary for the blood outside the family to return to the tourmaline manor?"

Zhan tingjun touched the tip of his nose. "I just think family rules should be treated equally. I can't decide whether or not to change the family rules. "

Zhan hanjue then asked others, "what's the objection of the second uncle and the third uncle?"

Zhan tinglei and Zhan tingsu looked at each other. "We have the same idea as Ting Jun, and the family rules are the same."

This is clearly the "mistake" of seizing Zhan hanjue and forcing his family owner to revise the family rules.

In their opinion, since Zhan hanjue can bring people of other surnames into the tourmaline manor, why can't their illegitimate children enter the tourmaline manor?

This has been a fruitless struggle between them and the old man for decades. If there is a turning point today, perhaps in the future, the children of Er Fang and San Fang will be more involved in the Warlord's enterprise and take over the power of Da Fang.

Of course, Zhan hanjue also understood the cunning thoughts of his uncles.

"Since several uncles agree that family rules should be treated equally, I declare that the blood outside can't go back to tourmaline manor." Zhan hanjue said.

The uncles were astonished. Zhan tingjun said, "don't you slap yourself, don't you? Since you don't think the blood outside can go back to tourmaline, why does Tong Bao want to make it special? "

Several uncles looked at Zhan hanjue with pride.

It's rare to catch Zhan hanjue's pigtail. How can they let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Zhan hanjue takes out Tongbao's gene test form from the folder he has prepared and throws it to Zhan tingjun.

"If you look at this, you'll know if my family's Tong Bao has any specialization."

Zhan tingjun read word by word, "genetic test report... Father son relationship established!"

As if the sound of bubble breaking was heard, battle Ting Jun incredible voice, "how can it be? How many children do you have

After thinking about it, Zhan tingjun said with a smile, "even if Tong Bao is your daughter, she is also your daughter born out of wedlock."

Zhan hanjue looked at him coldly. "He was born on the same day and the same year as Su Hanbao, don't you think?"

Zhan tingjun's face suddenly changed“ Three treasures in one child! That's a chance you've hit? "

The two uncles sighed at his disheartened face.

The old man fell asleep with his head up on the chair, snoring evenly. It seems that he is determined to hand over the big and small affairs of Zhan family to Han Han Jue.

Zhan hanjue is also a ruthless master. Regardless of his uncles' strong paternal love for his other children, he uses his iron fists to separate his illegitimate children from the Zhan family.

This made several uncles dissatisfied with his hegemony.

Zhan hanjue stayed in Bixi for a long time. Considering Zhan Su's special fear of Bixi manor, he was afraid that his old illness would recur, so he left the old master.

Before he left, the old man asked him with emotion, "don't we block half of the family's blood, don't we?"

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