After Bai Suyuan left, Luo Shihan immediately sent a strict message to Yancheng's father in the name of Lin Zheng.

"Xingyue script is in the bag. General manager Yan will come to the imperial capital as soon as possible. As long as he does it according to my instructions, he will be safe."


Looking at the text message on the mobile phone, I was very surprised.

Xingyue script is the most popular big IP drama at present. Zhan's and Bai's two leading film companies are very keen on Xingyue script.

What method did Lin Zheng use to let such a popular IP play fall into Yan's hands?

The next day, strict set out early in the morning, according to Lin Zheng's instructions to visit Bai Suyuan.

Bai Suyuan glances at rose on one side. He expects that she's calling her to be strict, so he opens the door to the mountain road

"Uncle Yan, I will not increase the copyright transfer fee of Xingyue script. It will be sold to you at the original price. What do you think? "

"Strict way," that thanks nephew's kindness

Bai Suyuan paused and said, "but Uncle Yan, I can put the scandal ahead. The star moon script is a science fiction theme. To restore the famous scenes in it, we need not only experienced directors, but also a lot of money. Now Yan may not be able to take over“

He was caught in hesitation.

Yan's family is on the verge of extinction. If it's worse, I'm afraid it will be destroyed.

Luo Shihan was afraid of strict thinking and coughed softly.

Strict eyes fell on her.

Luo Shihan came over with hot tea and handed it to Yan Yan

Strictly drink the tea in the disposable paper cup, and there are two words on the bottom of the cup: Lin Zheng!

The strict fundus flashed a look of surprise, but soon recovered calm.

Luo Shihan pretended to be careless and said, "Mr. Bai and Mr. Yan have come all the way. They are sincere. Don't scare him back. Bai's and Zhan's can't direct star moon science fiction, that's because you want more fame than profit. Yan is always a wise man. In business, it's good. "

Strict just suddenly realized, way, "say is."

Luo Shihan printed out the contract and came to the front of Yan Yan, "Mr. Yan, you see, if there is no doubt, we will sign the transfer contract."

Strictly and carefully read the contract details, and then write their own name.

Luo Shihan then handed the contract to Bai Suyuan, "general manager Bai, sign."

Bai Suyuan signed his name.

Strict leave Bai Shi of time, Luo Shi Han way, "Bai Zong, I go to see off a guest."

Bai Suyuan did not doubt him, nodded, "go."

Luo Shihan went out with Yan.

"Miss Rose knows Lin Zheng?" Strictly suspicious.

Luo Shihan looked around and said, "general manager Yan, this is not a place to talk."

Strict is silent.

Two people go to the elevator door, the elevator door will automatically open.

Zhan hanjue and Guan Xiaogang walk out of the elevator and see the strict and disguised Luo Shihan, who is stiff in front of them.

"Uncle Yan!" Zhan hanjue said.

Strict face is very smelly, "young war less promising, we can not afford. Don't call me uncle in the future. "

Zhan hanjue was calm, "what did Uncle Yan do here?"

Strictly speaking, he ignored him with a straight face.

Zhan hanjue's eyes fell on the paper bag in strict's hand, and the cover page of the contract fell into his vision.

"Uncle Yan wants to cooperate with Bai?"

Strict cold way, "our Yan family is now broken down, xinmengbai do not abandon, in order to survive in the cracks."

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