"If you are willing to cooperate with Zhan, I can..."

"No need." Strict can not hide anger, "we Yan family can have today, also thanks to you."

Zhan hanjue frowned slightly and glanced uneasily at "Rose".

I don't know. Does she think so?

Luo Shihan's expression is quiet and his eyes are flat. Obviously, he is not surprised by the strict words.

That's why she also agrees that the Yan Family's decline has something to do with him?

"Thank you, Miss Rose. I'll say goodbye. " Strict face, in the elevator door closed before the moment, into the elevator door.

Zhan hanjue stares at rose in a daze. He wants to see a little bit of her inner world from her calm face, but she is a master of concealing emotions.

"Zhan Shao, this way, please." Luo Shihan reaches out his hand and slightly bows to invite him.

Zhan hanjue sighed weakly.

He turned and walked to Bai Suyuan's office.

Bai Suyuan was surprised to see Zhan hanjue.

"Zhan Shao, you have the face to see me?" At the sight of Zhan hanjue, Bai Suyuan was very angry.

Zhan hanjue walked to Bai Suyuan's office chair and sat down. He has two legs up, regular movements and noble manners.

"Bai Suyuan, the script of Xingyue, I am willing to buy it at double price."

Bai Suyuan was stunned.

He glanced at Luo Shihan with angry eyes, as if to blame her for selling the original script to Yan so quickly.

Luo Shihan bowed his head like a child who did something wrong.

However, I was very glad that Xin Kui's father listened to her and rushed to buy the copyright of the script in time.

Bai Suyuan mystified and said, "Zhan Shao seems to have a special liking for Xingyue's script?"

Zhan hanjue's eyes wandered between Bai Suyuan and Luo Shihan, and finally fell on Luo Shihan's face. He said with a simple smile, "I can't get into my eyes except for my special love for women."

Bai Suyuan laughs, "Zhan Shao doesn't have a special liking for my rose, does he? Otherwise, how can you run to me in three days? "

make a pointed comment!

Luo Shihan glared at Bai Suyuan fiercely, biting his teeth, and said in a soft judo voice, "Bai always doesn't want to amuse me. Zhan Shao, how can he like a little girl of humble origin like me?"

"That's not necessarily true." Bai Suyuan said with a smile, "Zhan Shao's vision has always been unique."

Zhan hanjue gently sneered, "Bai Suyuan, you are the roundworm in my stomach!"


But others only think that he is amusing Bai Suyuan.

Bai Suyuan is very angry.

Zhan hanjue's mouth just doesn't give people a living.

Bai Suyuan just wants to get rid of the poisonous man, "Zhan Shao, the script of Xingyue has been sold to Yan. If you don't have anything else, rose, see off. "

Zhan hanjue was slightly stunned, and then he stood up gracefully, turned around and walked out the door.

Luo Shihan is very depressed

Bai Suyuan said, she can only send Zhan hanjue.

"Rose, how much did you make by transferring the script to Yan?" While walking, Zhan hanjue casually chats with Luo Shihan.

"No loss, no gain." Luo's poems contain Tao.

Zhan hanjue stopped and gazed at luoshihan's deep eyes.

"Good." He said with heartfelt appreciation.

This girl is undercover in Bai's family. She is really the best spy for Yan's family.

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