When Yan Zhengzheng returns to Yinian Chongzhen's office, Fang zhicao sees his pig's face, and the cup in his hand slips onto the coffee table. He jumped up in surprise.

"Zheng Zheng, did you fight with someone?"

Yan Zhengzheng angrily sat down on the sofa and said bitterly, "the older my father is, the more confused he is. He even appointed an outsider to be the CEO of Yan's film company."

Fang zhicao moistened the handkerchief and came to apply it gently on Yan Zhengzheng's forehead.

"Ouch, it hurts." Yan youyou www.uutxt.info ]Cry.

Fang zhicao said, "your father beat you?"

"He's back in Yancheng."

Fang zhicao was puzzled, "then who beat your pig's face?"

Yan Zhengzheng angrily glared at him, "I had a fight with the new CEO."

Fang zhicao poked the wound on his face. "Fortunately, it's all skin and flesh. But I'm curious. You said that you were the king of fighting since you were a child. You covered several streets in Yancheng. So many years of actual combat experience are all in vain. How can you let people choose your handsome face? "

Yan Zhengzheng gritted his teeth, "that's because she is a woman. I let her go."

Fang zhicao was stunned.

"What woman is so tough?"

Yan Zhengzheng said bitterly, "she is my father's newly appointed CEO. Hum, she's delusional that I'll come forward and talk about cooperation with that bastard of Han Han Jue. "

Fang zhicao was immersed in his fantasy. "I really want to meet this tough woman. You said that you were strict and had fought for hundreds of times since you grew up. In addition to your baby sister can beat you, other people who dare to touch you half a hair

Yan Zhengzheng's indignant expression suddenly froze. He raised his eyes and looked at Fang zhicao in amazement. "What did you say just now?"

"I said I wanted to meet this tough woman."


"You said that you were strict and had fought for hundreds of times since you grew up."


"In addition to your baby sister can beat you, other people who dare to touch you half a hair."


Yan Zhengzheng will face of the PA son next, as if the magic Zheng like motionless pestle there.

"What's the matter with you?" Fang zhicao was puzzled, "Yan Zhengzheng, don't you be beaten silly?"

Yan Zhengzheng raised his hand to stop him. Let me be quiet. "

In his mind. There is a picture of losihan beating him.

Every time she moves, she is so familiar with his routine.

"Grass, what the hell am I doing?" Yan Zhengzheng asked foolishly.

Just know grass a face depressed suddenly“ Let me know the grass. "

Every time Yan Zhengzheng called him intimately, he would call him a word. And this word is so dirty.

"I didn't call you. That's my mantra!" Yan Zhengzheng said.

Fang zhicao touched his nose. Is he amorous?

"I seem to understand why my dad trusted her so much." Yan Zhengzheng began to talk to himself.

Fang zhicao came up and said, "why?"

Yan Zhengzheng excitedly grabs Fang zhicao's hand and says incoherently, "she's not named Lin Zheng. Lin Zhenglin Zheng, on the other hand, is not Zheng Ling? My father must have regarded her as my sister Lingbao. "

Fang zhicao squinted, "the problem is, she's not your sister. Lingbao is dead. There won't be another Lingbao in the world. "

"But she has Lingbao's temperament. Even the way she beat me is the same as my Lingbao. "

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