Fang zhicao looked at Yan Zhengzheng's big face and said, "don't tell me, the place where she beat you is really the same as the place where Lingbao beat you."

Yan Zhengzheng looked at Fang zhicao, "you say, is my sister revived?"

Fang zhicao said, "give you back, big head. It's clear that she pretends to be a ghost and deliberately deceives your father and son? I think it's a mature commercial spy. "

Yan Zhengzheng silently released Fang zhicao's hand, and his face became gloomy and sad.

Fang zhicao is holding his chin carefully“ However, she disguised as Lingbao and approached Yan Shi. What's her intention? "

Yan Zhengzheng said, "I have to reveal her true face, lest my father be cheated by her."

Talking about Dad. Decrepit and muddleheaded, Yan Zhengzheng also make complaints about the steel. "You said my father lived for the rest of his life, and his feet were buried in the loess. How could he be so incompetent?"

"Who is the black sheep of my family, me and him?"

Fang zhicao glanced at him speechless and said, "I see, you father and son, each has his own merits."

Yan Zhengzheng sighed, "ah. If only my grandfather and sister were still here. "

Because of Yan Zhengzheng's refusal to cooperate, Luo Shihan feels very helpless, and finally decides to come forward to handle the film and television contract for Yan.

But when she actively contacted him, he seemed to have evaporated. No one answered his phone call, and he also disappeared when she went to Huanya to find him.

Luo Shihan thinks it's very bad. The cooperation between Yan and Zhan is related to Yan's whole life. She must not make any mistake.

Therefore, luoshihan found another way. On Wednesday, she appeared in the calendar garden early in the morning.

I thought I could stop Zhan hanjue, but mother Zhang told her, "Miss Luo, the young master is very busy these days. He goes out early and comes back late. If you need him for something important, you'd better stay in the calendar garden and wait for him to come back. "

Afraid of missing him, Luo Shihan has to ask Bai Suyuan for leave and then stay in the calendar garden.

During the day, the children went to the kindergarten. Bored, she wandered aimlessly in the garden of the villa.

This is the first time that I have observed the garden so carefully.

On the wall of the garden, there are rose red leafy flowers everywhere.

Luo Shihan picked a leaf and put it in his palm, gently rubbing three rose red petals. Ear, still ring the original play.

"Brother Jue, you see, the leafy flower is amazing. Three petals are tightly wrapped around the stamen. One is you, one is me, and one is who? "

"It's their child." Zhan hanjue was reading a book. When he heard her, he said this without raising his head.

At that time, she cherished the leafy flowers in her heart.

Ye Zihua, a symbol of the beautiful family she and he built.


It turned out that his careless words were nothing more than a joke without thinking.

She stood there in tears.

Wankou thick Jacaranda is planted everywhere in the courtyard. The flowering period has passed, only the green leaves and the straight trunk.

She always felt that if we had to use a kind of plant to describe him. It's the Jacaranda.

The body is as tall and straight as a castle peak. Can protect all the weak shrubs, but also can bloom elegant flowers.

The green is dazzling, the blue is intoxicating.

Luo Shihan sat down in the pavilion and sighed bitterly.

What happened to her today?

How to always think of those beautiful things that people don't disturb?

In the end, she realized that she was thinking of others from the perspective of things.

Every plant, brick and tile in this villa is full of young shadows.

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