The atmosphere in the room suddenly became much more relaxed.

Zi Teng's lips gently raised, then understood Zhao Xin's intention, and looked at Zhao Xin with a slightly grateful look.

Zhao Xin also gave Zi Teng a handsome smile:

"It's all right! Don't worry, warmth will be all right!"


Just when both of them had just breathed a sigh of relief, there was a sudden change in the quiet room.

"Bang bang"

It's an obvious and clear knocking sound, but I don't know why. The smiles on the faces of Zi Teng and Zhao Xin all converged in an instant. Instead, they were thick and dignified and cold.


Zhao Xin gently opened his lips and motioned to Ziteng. Ziteng's narrow black eyes couldn't help narrowing slightly.

The room is air-conditioned. The temperature is neither hot nor cold. It just reaches the standard of comfort. However, with bursts of sudden, inexplicable and violent knocking without warning, the temperature in the room seemed to drop suddenly.

Soon, even the hot breath exhaled by people can be obvious in the air, forming an obvious white water vapor.

Ghost sound, the temperature drops sharply! A sign that the devil is about to appear!

Sure enough, originally lying in bed quiet as if asleep, he suddenly opened his eyes, stared at the dark eyes, and looked straight at the ceiling above his head.

And those eyes——

Dark, dark, because there are no pupils at all!

"Zhao Xin!"

Ziteng a pair of sword eyebrows flying into the temples, tightly locked, and looked at the warmth motionless. Although he looked calm, his clenched fist hanging on his side and the blue and white of the knuckles of his fingertips fully exposed his tension.

At this moment, when he saw the warmth with his own eyes and opened his eyes, he admitted that all his reason and all his calmness collapsed!

Originally, he is not omnipotent!

It turns out that he can't control his emotions!

Like, now!

Zhao Xin had already worn the cross on his body, and the thick Bible was placed where he could easily reach. After hearing Zi Teng's obviously eager voice, he immediately collected his eyes, raised his hand, and sprinkled a silver bottle towards the warmth on the bed and.

Strings of crystal clear water poured out along the silver bottles and landed on the warm body, but bursts of white smoke and even a harsh "Yiyi" sound!

"Ah --"

Zhao Xin's action of sprinkling holy water seems to make warmth very painful. His mouth keeps making huge groans, groans and sounds, but the sound... Low, terrible and complete. It's not the usual warm sound.

Looking at the warm and painful struggle in bed, on the bed and rolling, constantly twisting the soft and thin body, Zi Teng only felt his heart, accompanied by warm actions, pumping pain one after another.

He clearly knows that at this time, he can't be emotional, otherwise, he can't help warm, and even himself!


Warm now bear these pain, originally, he should bear! But the warmth was borne by her petite and fragile body without hesitation!

At the thought of these, at the thought of warmth, at the moment, it may be like thousands of sharp blades cutting on his body, he can't control himself as usual!

"The father of heaven allows me to pray in your name.

The God who realizes his wish has mercy on us and gives us prosperity. Please look at us and shine on our heads forever. At first, there was a voice and words were with God. Words are God. Light shines in darkness, but darkness does not understand light.

Amen! "

Zhao Xin held the Bible with black cover in his hand, looked solemn and solemn, stood opposite the warmth with sharp eyes, and read the scriptures on the Bible word by word with a sonorous and powerful voice.

With the sound of every word falling, the warm pain seemed to be deeper.

"Ah -- ah --"

Hysterical, heartbreaking wails rang through the room, deafening!

Zhao Xin only moved his eyebrows slightly, but he didn't mean to stop. When he was ready to read the prayer in the Bible again, Zi Teng, who stood by, finally couldn't control himself and rushed over.

"You devil! Asshole!

Get out! Get out of your warm body now! Now! Do you hear me!

I will tear you to pieces and drive you into the deepest layer of hell. You will never come out! "

Zi Teng almost shouted with a roar. His deep and dark pupils were all turned ferocious scarlet by anger at the moment. He bit his teeth and wanted to cut and tear the things attached to his warm body!

In the face of his warning and anger, "warm" suddenly stopped the painful wailing, turned his eyes stiffly and slowly, and looked at the furious Zi Teng:

"Ha ha!

Am I an asshole? Du Ziteng, the man who is clearly an asshole, is it you!

You know you have such a constitution, but you still want to keep me around! You know the consequences of taking down the ring, but you still take it down regardless of advice!

So, the reason why I become like this is because of you!

because of you!

You are the devil! Your hands are full of blood. You killed so many people and hurt so many people. Now even I won't let go, will you? "

"Warm" said, and began to laugh loudly and violently. The laughter seemed to be full of ridicule and contempt for Zi Teng. Word by word, it bumped into the bottom of his heart, the deepest place, which had been buried all the time.

All the memories, all the pain, suddenly burst out in an instant!

It's him!

It's all him!

He is the one whose hands are full of innocent people's lives and blood. He is the one who has made the warmth look like this. He is still the one who has suffered all kinds of torture and pain!

If it weren't for his selfishness, if it wasn't for his arrogance, he wouldn't bear these!

Ziteng clenched his warm hands tightly, and then loosened weakly. A furious and angular face suddenly lost all momentum at that moment and was replaced by deep pain and guilt struggle.

Zhao Xin frowned more tightly. No one knows more about Ziteng than he did many years ago. Therefore, he knew how painful Zi Teng was for the past that he never wanted to mention!

But now

"Zi Teng!

Calm down and don't listen to him!

Do you remember what I told you? "

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