Zhao Xin's words, Zi Teng couldn't hear a word at all!

He knows, he actually knows!

The devil will attack the most vulnerable part of people's heart and break your will. However, the words just said by "warm" have always been hidden in his heart and dare not touch the pain!

For a moment, it seemed that the scene eight years ago appeared again in front of him. He stood in the center of the dense, bloody body, covered with blood and hands!

Seeing that his words didn't work, Zhao Xin's face sank. Then he jumped to the bed and side and said loudly:

"I command you in the name of God and tell me your name!"

"Warm" suddenly turned to Zhao Xin and giggled:


You are not a good thing. In the face of the woman you like, you finally choose to shrink back!

You cowardly, cowardly coward! "

In the face of the "warm" provocation, Zhao Xin remained unmoved, still cooled his firm voice with ice, and repeated loudly word by word:

"I command you in the name of God and tell me your name!"

"Ah --"

The warm body began to tremble violently again, shaking and wailing in pain:

"Ah - ah - ha ha, do you want to know my name? Little priest, what are you willing to abandon your arrogance, talk about benevolence every day, but never really love the world?

Ask my name?

Lucifer! "

The voice of "warmth" fell, and the look on Zhao Xin's face was obviously more dignified. He thought about all kinds of demons that would be attached to the warm body, but he didn't think it would be the most difficult and difficult to solve!


Satan, the God of demons, commands all the demons in hell.

However, under normal circumstances, he will not come to the world unless

Under Zhao Xin's deep black eyes, an invisible flash of light flashed. Now, there was no time to give him too much consideration. He slightly restrained his mind. When his eyes were dark, Zhao Xin immediately raised the cross in his hand and pressed the other hand on the "warm" shoulder without pity:

"Expel you,

Every unclean soul,

Every power controlled by Satan,

All opponents from hell who invade this body,

All secret legions, all demons and murderous sects.

Therefore, I curse every demon in this body in the name of the Holy Spirit,

I will expel you! I will command you in the name of God and Jesus to leave her body! Leave! "

Zhao Xin thought that the next exorcism would be very difficult, but unexpectedly, after reading a prayer for exorcism, his warm body really calmed down, as if he had recovered!

In the room, a tranquility was restored in an instant, as if nothing had happened.

The warm body collapsed weakly on the bed and, and his eyes had been tightly closed, but his eyebrows were still tightly locked, and his expression of pain was beyond expression.

Zhao Xin didn't think it was a good situation. Then he read a few prayers, took down the cross and hung it on his warm chest. The warmth really calmed down.

Suddenly, a deep and hoarse voice sounded in my ear:

"Has he gone?"

It's Ziteng!

Zhao Xin slowly turned his head and looked at Zi Teng squatting on the ground with his head down. He couldn't help shaking his head gently. But he soon remembered that Zi Teng could not see his actions at this time, and then opened his mouth and answered:


But the warmth has indeed calmed down! I don't know how this can happen, although I have heard other exorcists say that some demons will seal their souls in the host's body for a short time.

However, it doesn't mean you really left!

Because I haven't met it before, so now, I just guess! "

As Zhao Xin said, she looked at the warmth uneasily. After making sure that she would not change again in a short time, she took a step, walked slowly to Ziteng and squatted down:

"I know the pain and struggle in your heart!

But Ziteng, you know, warmth is not good now! She is still like a dangerous time bomb, which may explode at any time!

Lucifer is not an ordinary devil. He will not be easily expelled, so I hope you can cheer up and fight side by side with me and warmth!

I need you! Warm??????

I need you more! "

Zhao Xin is the kind of person who rarely says comforting words. Although he always gives people the feeling of being gentle and full of warm sunshine, people who know him know that the secret hidden in his heart is absolutely no less than Zi Teng!

In other words, like Zi Teng, he is a deep and wise man!

Zi Teng slowly raised his head and looked up at Zhao Xin with scarlet eyes. He knew that what Zhao Xin said was definitely not just to comfort himself! Even if I don't know exorcism anymore, I've heard the name of Lucifer!

The most terrible and terrible demon king from the depths of hell!

But now, what can he do? He caused all this, didn't he?

Zhao Xin saw that Ziteng was finally willing to look up at himself. Although his eyes were still full of pain, entanglement, self blame and struggle, with his understanding of Ziteng, he would not let himself fall in a short time, at least during the warm and safe period of time.

Almost invisible, he let out a low breath and frowned. Zhao Xinfu slowly opened his mouth and continued:

"Lucifer will not easily come to the world, let alone be attached to people's bodies!

I also heard Lin Zi and Mary say that warmth replaced you before. Logically, this kind of thing will not happen at all!

So I guess -- "

With that, Zhao Xin suddenly stopped, turned his head, and looked at the quiet warmth lying on the bed and with an extremely complex, dignified and deep look:

"Someone deliberately summoned Lucifer!"

Zhao Xin's voice was not loud, but it was like a heavy hammer, which knocked heavily on Zi Teng's heart!

Since the accident, he hasn't been able to calm down and think about it, so there are many things that have doubts, but he didn't pay attention.

Now hearing Zhao Xin say so, he can't help recalling some things.

Not to mention, is it true that someone deliberately called Lucifer? Just one thing. If we don't find out the real reason of the problem, there will never be a real solution to this matter.

And warmth, there is no possibility, it will be safe!


Deep black eyes, suddenly a dark, two sharp and sinister cold awns, then projected out!

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