Warmth was still thinking about how to talk about Lucifer. He was struggling. Unexpectedly, Ziteng changed his original intention and idea with a few simple words.


Looking at the changing sky at this time and Lucifer's undisguised anger on his face, it was warm and chilly, but no matter what method, Lucifer must have changed his mind now!

He raised his eyes and looked at Ziteng gratefully. He immediately settled his mind and turned to Lucifer:

"Lucifer, that... You calm down first, find Lilith first, and find out why she did it!"

After hearing the warm words, Lucifer seemed to calm down a little. Although the cold wind and black clouds remained, at least there was no more lightning and thunder!

Black eyes looked straight at the warmth. With only one eye, the warmth felt the great danger and the overwhelming smell of darkness.

Subconsciously moved his throat, but he was not as scared as he thought!

Yeah! She's going to hell sooner or later. What else can she fear?

"Little psychic, I even promised to help you with this! Find Lilith and find the news, and I'll tell you!"

With that, Lucifer's eyes darkened and he was ready to leave.

At this time, the surprisingly quiet forest, which had been standing next to Ziteng without saying a word, suddenly stepped forward:

"Well... Lucifer, right? Wait! Wait!

I have a question. I really can't hold it. If I don't ask you, I'm afraid I'll have to hold it tonight. For the sake of my little girl, can you answer me? "

Lucifer paused, frowned in some displeasure, looked warm, and didn't seem to mean to answer:

"Why should I..." answered you?

Before he could finish a sentence, he was robbed by the forest:

"Aren't you a foreigner? Shouldn't you be blonde? Shouldn't you speak English or Latin?

What's the situation with your pure black hair, brown eyes, yellow skin and fluent Mandarin?

You are not a fake! "

Lin Zi asked several questions at once, but his expression looked very serious and warm. He just felt that his heart was about to rise to his throat.


Even if she had such a little friendship with Lucifer, she never dared to forget who he was and how dangerous he was! Why did the forest suddenly come out so recklessly, and asked several questions without IQ one after another!


When I think about it, it seems that I have asked such questions. Lucifer was not angry at that time. I guess he wouldn't care too much about it!

But the warmth just forgot that Lucifer was in a good mood and was willing to sit and chat with her boring. Now, knowing that Lilith might be betraying him, how could she be in the mood to answer these inexplicable and boring questions in the forest.

Lucifer pursed his lips. Under his black eyes, he suddenly burst out two cold and insidious cold awns. He felt that the dangerous smell on him was becoming stronger and stronger. He knew that things were bad. He secretly blamed the forest, but he could only step forward:

"Lucifer, hurry!

Go and get back! If I'm right, Lilith is in this city! If she finds out you're coming late and runs away, it's hard to do! "

After hearing the warm words, Lucifer gently hooked the corner of his lips, and then drew a wicked and unbridled sneer:

"Oh! In this world, no one or devil can escape from the palm of Satan!"

Despite this, Lucifer turned around and turned into a black smoke, which swept back into the dark night dome in the direction of coming.

Lin Zi stared, raised his head reluctantly, raised his neck and complained:

"Hey! You're wrong! You haven't answered my question yet, you ~!"

When I saw someone, I couldn't help holding my forehead and covering my face. I shook my head reluctantly. Just inadvertently, I saw Zi Teng beside me. At this time, I was staring at myself with an extremely complex and dangerous look.

That danger is no weaker than that emanating from Lucifer just now!

His heart stirred, warm quickly pretended not to be aware of it, looked away without trace, and walked to an Nuan who was still standing in the center of the six pointed star:

"An Nuan! Thank you this time!"

Warm and steady, so that her voice and expression can't see any clues. In fact, only her heart knows how intense her heart beats at this moment!

In fact, she heard Lucifer's first words just now! At first she doubted between warmth and Lucifer, but she was not sure!

After all, warmth is not a witch. There is no way to summon demons! Naturally, she would not think of it, but during Lucifer's warm body, the two had talked and agreed and concluded a new covenant.

At this time, seeing warmth walking in front of her, Ann warm had many questions in her heart, but she hesitated again and again and still didn't ask in front of Ziteng and Linzi:

"You're welcome! It's just a small effort!"

Warm and shallow smile: "thank you for your help. If you didn't come back from abroad, I'm afraid we don't know how to find Lucifer!

If we can't find Lucifer, Lilith, we really can't think of any other way to deal with it! "


When an Nuan talked to Nuan on the phone before, he didn't ask the specific reason. Just warm said she needed the power of a witch to summon the devil. There was something important to solve, so she agreed.

After calling Lucifer just now, she stood aside and quietly listened to the dialogue between her, Ziteng and Lucifer.

She is a witch and naturally knows something about Lilith. So now Lucifer left and just mentioned the warmth, she couldn't help asking one more question:

"Are you sure you saw Lilith?"

Warm was stunned. Unexpectedly, Ann warm and Lucifer would ask her the same question.

"Sure! It's still that sentence. Although I don't know how to explain it, I believe in my own feelings!"

Seeing that warm is so determined, Ann warm didn't say anything else:

"Lilith is different from ordinary demons. If it's really her, I'm afraid you should be careful!"


Warm and grateful nodded to an Nuan, and helped her start packing up her things and preparing to go home. Naturally, in order to avoid Zi Teng, she deliberately didn't look back.

Unfortunately, behind her, there was another person who refused to let her go except Zi Teng!

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