"No! No!"

Lin Zi didn't know when he had come to the warm side, and his face was unwilling:

"If I don't know the answer tonight, I can't sleep! Little girl, you must know so well with Lucifer. Tell me quickly!"


Warm frown:

"In fact, I'm not very familiar!"

Naturally, the woods refused to give up at all. They just wanted to hold on to the warmth and continue to ask questions. Suddenly, behind them, a cold voice came:


Zi Teng's face was calm, and his anger surged under his black eyes. He could see that he was not in a good mood at the moment!

Seeing that Ziteng had spoken, Lin Zi had to curl his lips helplessly:

"Forget it! I'll ask myself next time I see Lucifer!"

Warm and drooping eyes, even if you don't have to look, you can guess what kind of expression Zi Teng's face is at this moment. Although you can probably guess the reason why he is angry, but

Hooked his lips and smiled bitterly.

What if you know? She won't tell him what she has done for him!

Leaving the rooftop of the office building, Zi Teng found a high-end star hotel nearby to arrange an Nuan to stay, and several people drove home. Along the way, Zi Teng didn't speak.

Warm and guilty, naturally did not dare to look directly at Ziteng. He was always afraid that if he was careless, he would see the clue!

It was Lin Zi who was still chattering all the way, tangled with the previous question about Lucifer.

When he finally got home, Zi Teng still pursed his lips and didn't say a word. With a black face, he went back to his room and closed the door.

The huge sound of closing the door reverberated in the living room, and the woods gave a warm look:

"Little girl, did you make him angry?"

Warm and helpless smiled and shook his head: "brother Lin, go to bed early! I tossed about the hungry ghost for half the night last night. I don't know what will happen tonight! It's the king's way to sleep more while I have time!"

Warmth is the truth. During this period of time, several people haven't slept well because of these large and small and miscellaneous things, and they don't know whether something will happen next second or next minute, so they really have to seize all the time to supplement their physical strength.

"Then I'll go to bed first! Little girl, you can rest early!"

After saying good night to warm, Linzi also returned to his room. In such a big living room, there was only one warm person left in an instant.

Warm stood in place, stared at the closed door of Ziteng, bit his lips, and finally turned around and walked towards his room.

The night is still as cold as water! The bright red moon is hanging in the center of the night dome, as if its eyes open from hell, wantonly peeping at the most fragile and impermanent life of mankind.

After taking a bath, I was still sleepless. My mind was full of Zi Teng's unusual face tonight. Lying in bed, tossing and turning for a long time, as soon as you close your eyes, you will see Ziteng's deep black eyes that look like owls and eagles.

He shook his head vigorously, and sat up warm and frustrated from the bed and.

Since you can't sleep, just find out something else to distract yourself!

There are so many things happening recently. These things seem to have no connection and are not difficult to solve, but they always think of Mary's words.

Something big is going to happen!

Looking at the ferocious and wanton red moon outside the window, I decided to smooth out these seemingly unrelated things one by one.

Thinking so, warm immediately left the room and walked towards the study opposite Ziteng.

It seems that all the other things have been solved now. I think I should find out about Lilith and Lucifer first. Although she has been in the office for nearly a year, most of the ghosts she met and solved before are Oriental ghosts.

Lucifer and Lilith are demons belonging to the West. For them, the warm understanding is only limited to the words heard from Zhao Xinna and some memories in TV and film works.

Since seeing the impermanence of black and white, warmth no longer believes in those cheating TV dramas.

Fortunately, there are many books and materials about this in Zi Teng's study. She can just take advantage of this time for everyone to fall asleep and study it carefully.

Push open the door of Ziteng's study, warm and light came to the bookshelf, looked at the dense books in front of him, thought about the information to be checked, and warm immediately began to look for it on the bookshelf.

The most well-known thing about Lucifer and Lilith should be the Bible. After looking for it for a long time, I finally found the shadow of the Bible on one side of the top shelf.

But the problem comes again!

The bookshelf is too high. With a warm stature, you can only stand on tiptoe and stretch your arms to reach it. Unfortunately, there is still some weakness.

Just as he was preparing to take down the Bible, a slender arm suddenly stretched out from his head and extended up along the warm hand.

Warmth was almost a conditioned reflex. He was startled. He suddenly moved back and bumped into a familiar embrace.


People behind him made a dull hum, but there was not much language.

Warm Zheng Zheng, quickly broke free from that embrace, turned around and looked at the bright and deep eyes, as if they could look into the depths of people's soul.

Why did he come?

When did you come in? Why don't you know at all?

In his chest, a heart beat wildly and violently, bowed his head warmly and flustered, and stared at his toes. For a moment, they were silent.

Zi Teng quietly looked at the warmth and looked at her somewhat flustered appearance. Originally, he was full of anger, but at the moment he saw her, he inexplicably disappeared most of it.

After reading the thick book with black cover in his hand, Ziteng Jianmei picked it up:

"Do you want to read the Bible?"

"Hmm!" responded warmly and low, but still did not dare to look up: "I want to check the information about Lilith and Lucifer! I knew too little before. I thought it might be helpful for us to know more!"

Hearing the sound, Zi Teng didn't make more comments. He just raised his hand and delivered the Bible in his hand to the warm front.

"Thank you! I'm going back!"

Warm took the Bible and quickly thanked him. He was about to go around Ziteng and return to his room, but before he could take a few steps, his body was suddenly blocked by a huge pulling force.

The next second, Zi Teng almost had no pity and threw the warmth on the bookshelf.

"Well -"

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