Zi Teng said something. In fact, he didn't see him until the whole morning.

Mubai stayed at home after breakfast. There was no way to warm him or drive him away. He had to stay at home and watch him. Zhao Xin left early because he wanted to investigate Xu Ziling.

In other words, in the morning, there were only warm and wood white at home.

Warm heart is really chaotic. The person who opened the door of the reincarnation of the hungry ghost road has not been confirmed. As Lucifer said, the person who summoned Lilith has no clue. Warm even has no time to tell Ziteng. Now there are more things about sister Lin Zi stealing three treasures in a row. Her warm heart is completely occupied by these things, so she has no intention to gossip with mubai.

It's Mu Bai. He doesn't seem to care about the theft of Penglai fairy branch at all. It's like a different person from when he came to "raise his teacher and ask for guilt" in the morning. Just holding on to the warmth and saying without a match. Warmth is also a match without a match.

Until, mubai suddenly pretended to open his mouth inadvertently and asked about something warm:

"Little beauty, do you know the origin of the keel ring in your hand?"

Keel ring?

I don't know why. When I heard these four words, my warm and messy thoughts calmed down at once. It's like the lake, which has been rippled by the strong wind for a long time, suddenly stands still.

She knows!

Although Zi Teng didn't tell her, she had heard from others more than once.

Subconsciously nodded, warm raised his eyes and looked at the cynical wood white on his face. He always felt that under his casual appearance, his eyes seemed to hide something.

"Why did you suddenly ask me this?"

The warmth paused, the throat moved up and down unconsciously, and still couldn't help asking a rhetorical question.

Mubai lifted up the corner of one side of his lips and seemed to smile unintentionally, but the words seemed to have been prepared in advance:

"I guess Zi Teng didn't tell you!"

"..." warm one is speechless. I don't know what mubai suddenly mentioned this matter and didn't clearly answer his question.

Around Ziteng, she has long learned to be quiet, especially in matters related to Ziteng.

She can even hide her agreement with Lucifer. What else can surprise her?

However, looking at warmth, which seems calm and calm, in fact, she has turned upside down in her heart, but mubai converged on an immoral look, turned to collect her look, gathered up in front of warmth, and stared at her eyes meaningfully.

The eyes like midnight are bright and clear, and the long and curly eyelashes shake gently. They want to cover up the panic gradually emerging at the bottom of their eyes, but they are unable to do it.

Wood white and her distance is too close, close to warm, you can clearly see his pale face from his pupils. Such a distance made her feel dangerous.

Subconsciously want to move back and keep a relatively safe distance for yourself. Mubai stared at her so unabashedly that she felt uncomfortable all over!

It's like standing on the street, being stripped of all his clothes and staring at him.

Unfortunately, as soon as her idea came out, mubai seemed to be aware of it. Before she took action, mubai had grabbed her wrist first, forcibly imprisoned her in place, hooked her evil and presumptuous lips and said word by word:

"Do you know what this ring means to Zi Teng?

What does it mean if he gives you this ring? "

Although mubai asked the question, she already knew the answer. But at this moment, when someone pressed me so directly, I still couldn't restrain my tension and panic.

The heart, beating violently, is out of control.

And reason is struggling on the edge of soberness and madness!

Mubai saw the pain and struggle at the bottom of his eyes. Instead of being surprised, he looked like he had known for a long time. But the smile on his lips was more evil and unbridled.

"Little beauty, who are you?"

You, to, at the end, who, who!

The five simple words are like a bolt from the blue. They hit the warm body without avoiding or flashing. Let her instantly, stunned in situ, motionless.

How could I suddenly ask her such a question!

Who the hell is she?

This question, once, a long time ago, when she couldn't remember it, she also asked herself countless times.

Although she has been trying to hide, although she has been intentionally or unintentionally to ignore, some things can't be ignored!

Why, she is very healthy, but she was abandoned by her parents at birth?

And why, from small to large, all the people around her can't escape bad luck?

She thought that after living with such unusual people as Ziteng, Linzi and Zhao Xin for a long time, she could forget her lonely and heartbreaking memories.

But it happened that so many things had happened recently that she recalled them bit by bit and reluctantly.

She left the orphanage so long that she never went back. Not because I didn't want to go back, but because there was an inexplicable fire there, and everyone died overnight.

Only she survived inexplicably!

Middle school, her best friend, was killed in a car accident!

University, always like her Zhou hang, also became a victim in Bai Jie's case!

And Zhou hang, who was entangled by the dry sword, and those countless memories

Although she has been trying to convince herself of these things, some thoughts will come out inadvertently, even though she is trying to suppress herself from thinking.

Just like Ziteng, he was fine, but after meeting her, he was possessed by Lucifer!

Just like at the moment, she thought she could not consider those things, but she was lightly written by mubai, and drew out everything without trace!

Yeah! Who the hell is she?

Why is there always bad luck around her?

No one knows why she resolutely agreed when she heard that being a psychic would end up in trouble!

Perhaps, really fearless! But there is always a voice in her heart telling her, warmth, you have to atone!

Atone for those who died inexplicably or were unlucky around you!

Warm stared at a pair of big eyes and looked at mubai in horror, but found that his throat seemed to be pressing the burden of thousands of gold, and he couldn't spit a word.

Until a crisp sound of opening the door sounded!

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