No one will know that the sound of opening the door was like a lifebuoy falling from the sky when she was about to indulge in the depths of the ocean, which saved her whole tight nerve.

Warm turned his head and saw Ziteng standing at the door with his eyes locked.

His fingers were long and slender, like green onions on the door handle, but he seemed to be holding on to something. Even the blue and white at the interphalangeal joints are clearly visible.

"Little beauty, you say, Ziteng, he will know who you are?"

Ear, suddenly came the wood white low and cold voice, with burning heat, directly sprayed on the ear, excited her body, instantly full of goose bumps!

For a moment, warmth suddenly realized how close the distance between himself and mubai was!

It's close enough to let Zi Teng, who is standing at the door and doesn't know the situation, bear his anger!

Warm subconsciously, he tried to pull his wrist out of mubai's big hand, but it happened that his strength was like rusty pliers. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get rid of it!

Warm and twisted his eyebrows. I didn't know why I turned my eyes to mubai, but I saw the smile on his face, which was more evil and unbridled!

His eyes, without a smile, were cold and terrible!

Suddenly, warmth suddenly raised a huge sense of fear from her heart, which made her almost forget her struggle and her ambiguous posture with mubai at the moment. What kind of misunderstanding would it be when Zi Teng stood at the door looked at her!

Mubai's eyes seemed to say:

Will Zi Teng lose his usual reason and calm when he sees us like this?

If he doesn't, it can only prove that you are in his heart! If he does, why don't you take this opportunity to ask him who you are?

Why did he find you in the vast crowd?

Why should he take the keel ring almost equal to his life in your hand?

Warm brain, at that moment, is empty! Two eyes are also deep and empty!

She got it!

She understood the meaning of mubai's eyes!


Thoughts messy hair catkins of the moment, ears, suddenly sounded a small door closing sound. Then there was a steady and powerful sound of footsteps.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and the wooden white evil spirit's smiling face and cold eyes are becoming more and more clear in his eyes!


"I think my girlfriend can't be taken care of by others!"

Zi Teng's words are not warm and fire, and his voice is not big, low and deep! But it's like coming from hell. With deadly cold and bewitchment, it penetrates the eardrum and reaches the warm bottom of my heart!

"Zi Teng, you're back!"

Mubai let go of the big hand that imprisoned the warm wrist without any trace. He got up at will. There was no superfluous expression on his face. He smiled so faintly and looked at Ziteng.

The two men are almost the same height, standing opposite each other, but they are like the confrontation between kings, regardless of height.

"Do you have anything else?"

Ziteng opened his lips lightly and asked mubai coldly.

Mubai shrugged casually, but no longer looked at the warmth:

"Of course! The matter of Penglai Xianzhi hasn't been solved yet!"

Mubai took it for granted that Ziteng had a pair of good-looking sword eyebrows, but in a moment, he twisted up.

"So I won't leave until that guy in the forest comes back and tells me!

I want to live here! Zi Teng, I want to live here! "

Mubai said it word by word. It seems that the cloud is light and the wind is light, but it has an irresistible momentum.

Zi Teng looked at him, his hands hanging on his side obviously clenched, then released without trace, and even his depressed eyebrows stretched out together:



Warm at this time, the whole person was still empty. Although the words of Ziteng and mubai were all heard in her ears, she had no strength to scruple!

Those things, those memories, all things, just like the flood that burst the dike, once the gate is opened, it will gush out and engulf her!

Who the hell is she? Who the hell is she?

Will Zi Teng know?

Warm mind, again and again are wood white words! She had long forgotten that she was no different from ordinary people. But why at this moment, she feels like she has a huge secret hidden in her body!

How and when did mubai leave at last? There is no impression of warmth at all! It seems that Ziteng and mubai left for a little while!

Where did you go and what did you say? I don't know at all! When she recovered, she found that Ziteng was squatting quietly in front of her.

He is so tall that even if he squats, he looks flat with warmth. Those eyes, those eyes that made her indulge in recklessness, like obsidian, bright and dull, made her feel at ease.


He opened his mouth gently, and his pleasant and magnetic voice was like a clear spring in a deep valley. It easily flowed through her heart and crossed a trace of coolness in her heart.

Warm and calm, looking at the sharp and handsome face in front of Ziteng, suddenly, it felt like a dream.

"Zi Teng, you're back!"

She wants to ask him!

Want to ask him if he's hiding something from himself!

But as soon as she opened her mouth, she smiled and said to him, you're back!

It turned out that some things were already unimportant in front of him! No matter what, no matter who she is, he protects her with his life. She loses one life and changes him to worry free all his life!


Zi Teng answered softly, but he didn't mention the scene he saw at the door.

He believed her, so he didn't question her!

She loves him, so she doesn't ask him!

"Linzi just called and said that he might stay in his hometown for a while. I'm afraid we have to solve the matter of hungry ghost and Lilith by ourselves!"

Zi Teng's voice was still soft and magical.

After being reminded by Jing Ziteng, the warmth suddenly recalled that she had not had time to tell Ziteng about Lucifer's visit:

"Yes! I forgot to say that Lucifer had come!"

Warm and calm, chaozi Teng replied.

"Hmm!" Zi Teng responded softly, got up and sat beside him. "What did you say?"

Recalling what he said to Lucifer last night, he closed his eyes and filtered some to make himself look as natural as possible:

"Lucifer said that Lilith was called by people, so she appeared here and drank the blood of those children!

But now, I have left! "

"Oh! That's true!"

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