Xu Ziling ignored the warmth and the expression on Zhao Xin's face and strode into the room.

After a warm pause, he smiled at Zhao Xin and signaled that he was okay. Then he turned around and was ready to close the door.

At this time, Xu Ziling suddenly turned her head, looked at Zhao Xin with a wary and cautious face, and said softly:

"I want to talk to her alone!"

The implication, let Zhao Xin avoid.

Zhao Xin had a bad face. After hearing Xu Ziling's words, he immediately collapsed.

"No way!"

Almost without thinking, he rejected Xu Ziling's words.


In the face of Zhao Xin's refusal, Xu Ziling not only showed no trace of displeasure, but also hooked the lip corner with great interest, which meant that she looked at the warmth standing at the door and smiled.

He looked at Xu Ziling warmly and calmly, thought a little, and turned to Zhao Xin and said:

"Zhao Xin, you go to the next room and wait for me!"

"No! Warm! I promised Zi Teng..." I'll keep an eye on you!

Of course, Wenwen knows Zhao Xin's concerns and worries, but now she has something to say to Xu Ziling face to face. And she believes that if Xu Ziling really wants to do something to her, Zhao Xinzai may not be able to stop it completely.


Warm efforts made him show a seemingly calm and convincing smile:

"Trust me!"

Although there are only three short words, Zhao Xin has an inexplicable sense of trust. Although I subconsciously want to nod, I still hesitate and worry.

Xu Ziling on one side had already seen Zhao Xin's precautions against himself. Seeing that he refused to move, she added impatiently:

"Don't worry! I'm just saying a few words! Anyway, you are also my brother's friends, I......"

Speaking of this, Xu Ziling suddenly paused. Originally full of momentum and fierce eyes, she couldn't help but dim a little:

"Don't want him to hate me!"

For a moment, the originally repressed and dignified atmosphere in the room became strange because of Xu Ziling's unprovoked words. He looked at her warmly, then looked at Zhao Xin and nodded heavily.

I don't know whether it was because of the warm "believe me" or Xu Ziling's "don't want him to hate me". In short, Zhao Xin left and left the room for warm and Xu Ziling.

However, he refused to leave too far and insisted on guarding at the door.

The room was quiet.

After a few warm and gentle breaths, he slowly took a step, walked to the sofa by the window, slowly sat down, stared at Xu Ziling's white and beautiful face, as if he wanted to see something from her face.

At this time, Xu Ziling had put away the depth when he mentioned the forest, and returned to the fierce and cold momentum.


She didn't expect that warmth showed no weakness when facing her alone, not even a trace of tension! She still remembers that just last night, when she snatched the keel ring from her warm hands, the seemingly weak woman's eyes burst out power that people can't ignore.

With the breeze blowing gently, Xu Ziling collected her mind and then slowly opened her mouth:

"I came to you today to persuade you to leave!" of course, the most important thing in Xu Ziling's mouth is the forest.

Warm gently pulled the lip angle:

"May I ask why?"

"Why? Oh!" hearing the warm words, Xu Ziling suddenly smiled coldly: "warm, I thought the people around Zi Teng were smart people. Unexpectedly, you are so stupid!

Is there any need to ask? The seal has been lifted on the 16th night. You can't stop her if you stay!

And -- "

Speaking of this, Xu Ziling suddenly gathered a free and unrestrained smile on her face, looked up, and said to the warmth word by word in an incomparably deep and serious voice:

"You'll all die! You'll all die!"

Although Xu Ziling said this result, he was ready as early as the time when warmth decided to stay with Zi Teng, his heart still shrank involuntarily after listening to Xu Ziling's solemn re mention.

She knows that Xu Ziling is definitely not alarmist!

Moreover, since she was willing to take advantage of the absence of the forest to find herself, it proved that warm's previous guess was right! She doesn't want to hurt the forest at all, let alone the people around the forest.


If you want to take sixteen nights, maybe you can start from Xu Ziling.

Thinking of this, the warmth could not help but take a breath, pretending to be calm but serious, and looking at Xu Ziling:

"You don't want to hurt brother Lin, Zi Teng, Zhao Xin and me!

So Xu Ziling, what are you doing for?

Open the reincarnation gate of hungry ghost Road, summon Lilith, steal the holy water of heaven and the keel ring, and unlock the seal of 16 nights. What do you want to do?

You don't know the old grudge between the 16th night and the Lin family. Do you think that even if we leave now, brother Lin and the people around him can really be safe after the 16th night recovers their mana? "

When warm said these words, her voice was not loud and sounded very calm, but only she knew that her hand had been firmly clenched on the side that Xu Ziling couldn't see. The palm is sticky.

Xu Ziling thought that warm would persuade her, but she didn't expect that warm's words were so soft and soft, but they were like a heavy hammer, which hit her heart unprepared.

Of course, she knew the old feud with the Lin family and worried about the safety of the forest. So at the beginning, she had agreed on the only conditions before lifting the seal of 16 nights!

Will not hurt her only family, her brother, Lin Zhenting!

On the 16th night, although she was very angry at the conditions she put forward, she also promised her!

Therefore, Xu Ziling believed that as long as Lin Zi was willing to leave, he would not take the initiative to hurt him! But on the contrary, if Lin Zi insists on staying and re sealing for 16 nights, the consequences

That's why she came to find warmth today!

Although she has never appeared in the past eight years, she knows everything about the forest. So you will know Zi Teng, Zhao Xin and the sudden emergence of this little psychic medium. It's warm!

Knowing that there was no way to persuade Lin Zi, I wanted to work hard on Zi Teng through warmth.

Her brother has never heard of anyone in his life, only her and Ziteng!


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