"You shouldn't worry about these things!"

Xu Ziling's voice was cold, and seemed to be able to take away the warm body temperature in an instant:

"Warm! If I'm right, you can stay with Ziteng now! If you still want you two to have a sweet time together in the future, you'd better listen to me!

Remember! I'm not scaring you! I'm not alarmist! Think about it! "

After that, without waiting for a warm reply, Xu Ziling got up and was ready to leave.

It's time to say, she already said it! The rest can only bet!

Although she has never been in love and doesn't understand the taste of loving, she knows the taste of caring and giving up. She is Lin Zi's sister. She doesn't want an accident in the forest. I believe she loves Zi Teng so much. She certainly doesn't want Zi Teng to have any mistakes!

Therefore, she placed her hope on the warmth of her body!

I hope she can really persuade her brother to leave!

Just after taking a few steps, the warmth suddenly crossed in front of her, and she was not allowed to leave.

And those eyes

What a pair of eyes!

Like midnight, bright and clear, but with an irresistible momentum!

At that moment, Xu Ziling's steps at his feet stopped involuntarily, as if he had been filled with lead, and could no longer move.

Warmth was worried because she was afraid of Xu Ziling leaving. Her chest fluctuated up and down, but it didn't affect what she wanted to say to Xu Ziling at this moment:

"Xu Ziling! Are you gambling?"

In a word, it was natural that Xu Ziling couldn't say a word.

Yeah! She's gambling!

"You want me to persuade them to leave because I don't want something to happen to Ziteng, and take brother Lin with me! In this way, you don't have to worry about brother Lin!

Ha ha! "

Warm said, suddenly smiled, but the smile was too calm, which made Xu Ziling's heart tremble.

"You still don't know brother Lin!"

She said in a warm and soft voice. She couldn't see any superfluous expression on her face. In fact, she was gambling at the moment when she stopped Xu Ziling!

Bet Xu Ziling will be left behind because he says the central thing!

Sure enough, Xu Ziling heard the warm words, and suddenly a black cloud appeared on her calm and cold face:

"I don't understand?

We grew up together. I don't know him? "

Xu Ziling seemed unable to accept such accusations against her, and even her voice became unfriendly.

"Yes! You don't know him!

If you know, how can you not know what kind of person he is?

Xu Ziling, brother Lin loves you most in the world! You have done so many wrong things and hurt so many people's lives, and he still wants to redeem you without hesitation! "

The warm words, word by word, were like thunder, which hit Xu Ziling's heart hard.


She did so many wrong things! Summoned Lilith and opened the reincarnation door of hungry ghost road. At the beginning, he just wanted to distract Ziteng and Linzi from taking care of themselves.

But she forgot that she wanted to hurt the lives of many innocent people!

Those who were dying of starvation, those children who were sucked dry by Lilith

She is not an unforgivable person. If she didn't hide too much hatred in her heart, how could she do these things?

Now, being raised by the warmth so stiffly is like uncovering the scar hidden in the bottom of her heart, living and bloody.

"You... Know what!"

Xu Ziling suddenly raised her eyes and stared angrily at the warmth, as if to gouge out a piece of meat from her. The eyes were frightening.

But it happened that it was warm and more determined. All his guesses about Xu Ziling were correct!

"I may not know much, but Xu Ziling, what I want to tell you is!

No matter what I say or do, brother Lin can't give up, let alone leave!

He and Ziteng have returned to Lin's house and find all the ways to seal her again while the power of sixteen nights has not fully recovered!

Purple bell! "

Speaking of this, warm suddenly took a step forward. Because of his excitement, his voice trembled and motionless looked at Xu Ziling:

"Brother Lin did all this not for the Lin family, not for himself or anyone else, but for you!

He doesn't want you to make mistakes again and again!

Even if you make the most unforgivable and unforgivable mistake in the world, in his heart, you are his sister, the only sister that no one can replace!

So what you can do now is to wait patiently for him to come back here and seal the 16th night with him!

Do you understand? "

Xu Ziling could not say a word at this time. All the language and refutation became powerless in front of warmth.

How could she not know!

From small to large, no matter how willful she was, no matter what she did wrong, even if he robbed the position of his Lin family heirs, the man would only spoil her and hurt her with a smile!

That man is her brother! In this world, the only one who never leaves her and tolerates all her mistakes!


She did so much for him!

At this time, the warmth no longer spoke. The thin lips closed in a straight line, and the eyes were as bright as a torch. So she looked at Xu Ziling, who was also silent.

She believes that Xu Ziling's nature is not bad! So she knew that Xu Ziling must have listened to her words!

The two men were so silent. After a while, Xu Ziling suddenly raised her eyes and looked straight at the warmth.

Feeling the dense breath in Xu Ziling's eyes, she warmed her heart and felt happy. Just when she wanted to speak, there was a sudden cold wind in the room,.

It's almost summer, but the wind is like ice and snow. People can't help shivering all over, as if all the temperature in the body was taken away in an instant

Warm heart doubt, inadvertently, but ran into Xu Ziling's frightened eyes.

And the wind

With too strong dark breath, the warm bottom of my heart suddenly rises a bad premonition! Subconsciously, he wanted to pull Xu Ziling out of the room, but before he could move, he was stunned by a sudden figure.

I don't know when, at the moment of warm turning around, I saw the breathtaking woman who had stood behind me with a beautiful face and a cold look——

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