This night, I don't know how I came here. I just opened my eyes and found that it was already dawn.

Early in the morning, the servants of the Lin family began to get busy, and Lin's mother came to the hall early to command the servants what kind of breakfast to prepare in the morning and where to clean. Everything seems so orderly, but all this has nothing to do with warmth.

When breakfast was ready, he saw Lin's mother go up to Lin Feng's room on the second floor and asked him to come down for dinner. Strangely, when I looked at the rich breakfast table in the restaurant, I had no appetite at all.

She had tried countless times yesterday, but she couldn't leave the Lin family villa. Early this morning, the first person who appeared in front of her still didn't see her. Warmth finally understood a little.

What she has experienced is really not a dream.

With a heavy sigh, the warmth immediately cheered up, because he knew that Zi Teng would come to him today, so he must not fall first!

Think so, warm heart, instantly calm a lot!

It just exists in another space! It's just that others can't see themselves! This is the legendary invisibility, okay! Great!

Keep warm and hypnotize yourself again and again in your heart, and this method is really effective.

Soon, I saw that Lin Feng appeared lazily at the stairs on the second floor.

This is the second time I saw Lin Feng with my own eyes, but ironically, it is still like and in a dream. Lin Feng's eyes, as always, are lazy and indifferent.

Standing quietly under the stairs, she looked at Lin Feng carefully. She didn't forget the purpose of coming to Lin's house this time. Intuition told warm that the mobile phone must still be in Lin Feng's hand without being taken away by quilt Teng!

So today, her task is to follow Lin Feng and find out where he hid Liu anyao's mobile phone!

Think of this, warm heart can not help but some regret, last night in the dead of night, others can not see her, such a good opportunity, she actually missed it! If she recovers today, she will have such a chance again. I'm afraid it's impossible!


With a warm and heavy sigh, Lin Feng has gone down to the first floor and stood in front of the warm.


The steps at the foot of Lin Feng suddenly stopped in place. The distance and warmth were so close. Originally lazy and indifferent eyes, also at this moment, become fierce.

Seeing the warmth, I couldn't help being surprised.

Lin Feng stood motionless in front of him. He

"Xiao Feng, what are you doing? Come and have dinner!"

In my ears, mother Lin's voice and warm thoughts sounded, but they were not disturbed. A heart in his chest beat violently and wildly at this moment.

Because Lin Feng's eyes are staring at her direction, motionless!

Like, someone!

This is the feeling that Lin Feng suddenly appeared in his heart when he came to the entrance of the stairs.

However, Mingming has nothing in front of him, and his feeling is so strong that he even seems to hear someone's sigh!

What's going on?

Lin Feng could not help frowning.


Aware of Lin Feng's abnormality, Lin's mother walked up to him and asked with concern:

"Why is your face so bad? Is there something wrong?"

Lin Feng looked at the direction in front of him again. After a long time, he shook his head helplessly:

"No! Maybe I feel wrong!"

After a word, he stopped looking at the warmth, turned around, crossed Lin's mother and walked in the direction of the restaurant.

Lin's mother looked at the position Lin Feng had just stood, looked back at Lin Feng's back, frowned and shook her head, but she didn't ask much.

The scene just now is undoubtedly a meaningless episode this morning, but for warmth, it is an exciting scene that makes people completely unable to calm down.

Although Lin Feng didn't say or show too obvious, at that moment, warmth clearly read something from his eyes.

He must be aware of his existence! By all means!

As soon as this idea came out of my mind, it warmed the whole person and ignited hope in an instant. It felt like a person wandering on the boundless ocean for several days and nights, but when he was about to give up hope, he saw a big ship coming towards him. Although the ship is still far away from him, it is enough to ignite all his hopes for life!

Warm and excited, he ran to the restaurant, stood in front of Lin Feng and chattered endlessly:

"Lin Feng! Can you feel me? Can you hear me, right?

Lin Feng! It's me! Do you remember the girl who came to your house yesterday and was called the divine stick by you?

Can you give me a response? "Okay?"

Warm holding all hope, attached to Lin Feng's ears, shouting loudly, but this time, Lin Feng seemed not to notice at all. He just hung his head, ate breakfast quietly, and never gave warm a response again.

All morning, the warmth surrounded Lin Feng and repeated what he said again and again, but the scene at the entrance of the stairs in the morning was like a warm illusion, which never happened again.

Finally, warm in exhaustion, gave up again.

However, her so-called giving up is not really giving up. She's just a little tired. She'll continue when she regains her energy.

Strange to say, from last night to now, I haven't eaten a warm meal or drunk a drop of water, but I don't feel hungry or thirsty. I just feel more tired.

If it's normal, just talking for a while, how can you feel tired?

Lin Feng finished his breakfast and didn't stop at the restaurant. Instead, he turned and went up to the second floor. In order to find out where Liu anyao's mobile phone is, warmth naturally wants to follow him.

Lin Feng still didn't notice the warmth, but returned to the room as usual. Warm originally wanted to stare at Lin Feng, not letting go of his every move.

However, as soon as she entered the room, she found something wrong!

He... Is taking off his clothes!

No disrespect!

Warm touch Lin Feng's strong, muscular upper body, almost conditioned and turned around.

Is there any mistake? She hasn't even seen Ziteng. How can she go to see a strange man - um, naked and naked!

However, the revolution has not yet succeeded, and giving up halfway is not her character. What should we do?

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