Warm standing in place, back to Lin Feng, walking is not, staying is not, for the first time I feel that life is so tangled and messy!

The rustling sound of stripping clothes behind her finally stopped, but she didn't dare to look back. Even without brainstorming, she could imagine that Lin Feng behind her must be out of touch now.

Although Lin Feng can't see the lonely men and women in broad daylight, he still has a sense of shame of stealing and peeping in his warm heart. Fortunately, a burst of footsteps sounded, followed by a modest sound of closing the door. Knowing that Lin Feng had gone to the bathroom and warmed a hanging little heart, he gradually slowed down.

After hearing the sound of water splashing in the bathroom, warm dared to turn around and carefully looked at Lin Feng's room.

The room was covered with exquisite European high-grade wool carpets, on which Lin Feng's clothes had just taken off were placed in pieces. The warmth was almost a conditioned reflection. Yes, just glanced at it, he quickly turned away and looked at other places.

Lin Feng's room is similar to that of ordinary boys. A desk, a computer, a summer vacation, Barcelona star Lionel Messi's pictorial hung on the wall. After a warm judgment, the only places that may store mobile phones are the wardrobe and bedside table.

However, she is now in another space, which is no different from the soul body. She can't find it by herself. She can only wait for Lin Feng to come out or open one of them, so she can have a look by the way.

This feeling of helplessness in the eyes is really hard to feel!

But fortunately, the warm heart has been relatively large, so this uncomfortable feeling only lasted for a while and ended.

After staying in Lin Feng's room for about ten minutes, I heard the sound of turning the handle on the closed bathroom door. I thought that Lin Feng just took off his clothes and went in for a bath. Now he must be naked. Warm hurried like two rockets under his feet. He rubbed up to the window and looked at the scenery outside the window.

Seeing the scenery is naturally fake, mainly to wait for the young master with such elegant interests to wear good clothes.

Soon, Lin Feng walked out of the bathroom. There was a rustling sound of dressing behind the warmth. The sound stopped, and the warmth dared to turn back carefully.

At this time, Lin Feng has changed into a pair of blue jeans, a white casual shirt, his hair is still dripping wet, his white face is slightly ruddy, and the whole person looks much cleaner.

The wardrobe must have been opened just now, but the warmth doesn't have the courage to see it. I missed an opportunity in vain. I was very upset in my heart, but I had no choice but to stare at it.

Lin Feng simply cleaned up, then took his cell phone and car key, opened the door and went out.

Seeing the warmth, he hurriedly walked out of the room with Lin Feng behind him. Joking, she can't stay here all the time!

However, Lin Feng's departure brought the warm revolutionary cause to an end again.

Looking at the back of Lin Feng who was about to walk out of the door, he couldn't help sighing again. At this time, another person who appeared at the door and stood opposite Lin Feng made his warm eyes wet in an instant.

That's Ziteng!

However, why only one night later, he was like a different person. In addition to his bright eyes and soul, the whole man was haggard.

Huge black eyes, gray face, and stubble on the clean and tidy chin.

Warm suddenly cried!

Zi Teng, I must have been worried about her all night! She's so damn!

At this time, Ziteng stood opposite Lin Feng and looked at him who was about to go out, but opened his mouth low:

"Going out?"

The voice is still as low and magnetic as ever, which makes warmth feel distressed.

"Why are you here again?"

Lin Feng was obviously dissatisfied with the appearance of the Zi Teng, so he didn't hide or hide anything. Behind her, Lin's mother saw Zi Teng, but she became enthusiastic instantly. She was different from when she first met yesterday.

"Mr. Du, you're here!"

"Just call me Ziteng!"

Zi Teng's tone was faint, but with obvious alienation and indifference. I know it's all because of her!

Lin's mother naturally recognized the displeasure in Zi Teng's words and couldn't help being angry on her face. Although she didn't feel much sorry for the disappearance of warmth, and she didn't experience it as deeply as Zi Teng, after all, people disappeared from the Lin family. The surveillance video also showed that warmth had not left, so when Zi Teng met, Lin's mother still couldn't pretend that nothing had happened.

"Miss, didn't you go back yesterday?"

Lin's mother opened her mouth carefully, hoping to break the embarrassment, but looking at Zi Teng's cold eyes and the appearance of not answering, Lin's mother immediately knew the answer.

In fact, speculation, warmth is impossible to go back. Otherwise, if you leave, how can the surveillance video of the Lin family not be displayed.

Hearing Lin's mother's words, Lin Feng, who had to go out, immediately frowned:

"Mom, what did you just say?"

"Oh! Yesterday, when Mr. Du went to your room to find you, the lady he came with disappeared!"

Lin's mother told Lin Feng the truth. Only then did she know that Lin Feng had never known that he had disappeared.


Obviously, Lin Feng was surprised at the news: "missing? How could he be missing? Such a big living man has disappeared in our Lin family?"

Lin Feng's tone is very bad. Every word is blaming Lin's mother!

At this time, Lin's mother's face became ugly. She was criticized by her son in front of outsiders. Anyone who is a mother may feel that she can't lose face, not to mention the status of the Lin family.


Lin's mother angrily whispered a cold rebuke, but Lin Feng was noncommittal, turned his head and looked straight at Zi Teng:

"What the hell is going on?"

Zi Teng was surprised by Lin Feng's overly excited reaction, but looking at him, he couldn't detect any hypocrisy. Moreover, Lin Feng was the main figure in this matter. Tell him, maybe you can get some clues from him.

Thinking so, Zi Teng told Lin Feng about yesterday from beginning to end

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