["Kang is coming back, he's coming back!"]

[Loki points to the Kang Zhi sculpture on the wall and screams, but is eventually pulled out of the conference room by Morbius.] 】

[And in the hallway outside the conference room, Loki tells Morbius everything he has been through, and the fact that Kang may have been killed by Sylph. 】

["Did you see it? This is the big war that is about to begin!"]

[Loki points to the mural on the wall of the hallway, which depicts the Time Keeper saving the universe.] 】

[But now it seems that these pictures may also be a harbinger of the upcoming "Multiverse Kang War" again.] 】

["Maybe Kang is right, all kinds of cropping time "four-one-seven" forks and protecting the sacred timeline are all to prevent more of him from appearing!"]


[Before he finished speaking, Loki's body changed again, like a piece of plasticine, pulled by an invisible force! 】

["This...... How is this going on?"]

[Seeing Loki in front of him seem to have traveled back in time, Morbius was stunned at first, and then decided to take him to the underground "Maintenance and Upgrading Department" to find someone to check Loki's body. 】

[Turned into two elevators, Morbius finally took Loki to the "Maintenance and Upgrade Department" deep underground]

And here, they met a mysterious Chinese. 】

[This person's name is "Europos."] 】

[Like "Morbius", this Chinese name also has another meaning in reality, that is, the Ouroboros in ancient Greek mythology, symbolizing infinity and circulation. 】

But before Loki could finish his words, his body suddenly disappeared from the spot. 】

["Wow! Time escapes, this is so fresh!"]

["Eurobos" looked at it with his eyes wide open, obviously extremely shocked :]

["Inside the Time Authority, it should be impossible for time to escape, what's going on with this guy?"]

["Do you know what his situation is?"]

[Seeing this, Morbius hurriedly asked:]

["Then can you cure Loki?"]


["Uh...... (⊙o⊙)..."】

[But just when Morbius was speechless, Loki traveled back to the Time Authority countless years ago and met the young Europos. 】

[And this young version of Europos, in order to deal with Loki's situation, specially created a "Time Aura Extractor.] 】


[That is the young version of Europos, when this machine was built, the old version of Europos in the future frowned, and a memory suddenly came to mind. 】

["Yes, I met that Loki many years ago, and I helped him build a machine!"]

[Next, as soon as the "Old Version of Europos" stretched out his hand, he took out the "Time Aura Extractor" from under his feet. 】

["Alright, Morbius, you must enter the Time Loom and use the Time Reiki Extractor to pull Loki out of the time stream. "】

[Europos said and spread his hands slightly:]

"Of course, it's dangerous, if you fail, not only will Loki be finished, but you'll also be spaghetti. "】

And while you "extract" Loki, Loki must also "crop" himself with the time cutter. "】

Only in this way can he be liberated from the stream of time. "】


[Hearing this appalling way of salvation, both Morbius and Loki were stunned.] 】

[Just now, Europos noticed that the instrument behind him showed that the timeline had forked!]

[Seeing this, he hurriedly took Loki and the others to the time loom.... 】


[After opening a door, Loki finally saw the true face of the time loom. 】

[It is a huge machine that merges countless time bifurcations into a single stream of time.] 】

But due to the death of Kang the Conqueror, this machine will soon be overloaded. 】

[Looking at the spectacular scene outside the window, Morbius knew that once his operation was wrong, if he was lucky, he would be skinned and cramped, and if he was unlucky, he would be turned into noodles in an instant. 】

[Frightened, Morbius casually used his finger to write the word "skin" on the machine next to him.] 】


And at this time, Loki screamed, and his body was pulled into the flow of time again. 】

[And when he came to his senses, he found that on the machine next to him, there was a "skin" written by Mobius with his fingers]

[I actually came to the future!]

[The Future Time Authority has become a mess, and Loki hurriedly frantically searched for the "Time Cutting Stick". 】

At the same time, Europos also helped Morbius 3.5 put on a huge protective suit.] 】

["You have to be careful, exposure to the radiation of the flow of time will make your body age instantly!"]

["Even if you have this protective suit, you won't last long!"]

[Just as Morbius was desperately walking into the time-making machine, Loki, who was in the future, came to an elevator. 】

["Jingle bells!"]

[A phone rings in front of the elevator, and at the same time, the elevator is actually pried open from the inside.] 】

[Subsequently, a woman's head emerged from inside!]

[That's Loki, Sylvie!].

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