
[Looking at the female Loki in front of him, Loki was suddenly ecstatic. 】

[But just before he could make a move, he suddenly felt a pain in his back, and a colorful light suddenly spread all over his body. 】

[It's time to cut the stick!]

[Someone cut Loki with this stick.] 】


[Loki desperately tried to struggle, but was still cropped to the end of time.] 】


[At the same time, outside the time loom, Morbius, who was wearing a full protective suit, finally used the "Time Aura Extractor" to pull Loki out of the time stream!]

[It seems that whoever cut Loki may have done him a favor.] 】

[Otherwise, when Morbius can't hold on, this "11 Loki Rescue Plan" will be a complete failure. 】

["We...... We must find Sylvie!"]

[After getting rid of the problem of "time escape", Loki teamed up with Morbius again and decided to find the female Loki back in the time stream. 】

After resting for a while, the duo began time travel again. 】

[This time, they came to London in 1977.] 】

[Here, Loki and Morbius's opponent is a TVA agent.] 】

[After leaving the TVA department, Loki was finally able to cast his magic as he wanted, and easily took down this agent.] 】

[Next, Loki and Morbius escort the "X5 agent" back to the TVA.] 】

[During the interrogation of the betrayed agent, Loki was always able to control his emotions despite being ridiculed by the other party. 】

[Surprisingly, it was Mobius who was broken and rushed up and slapped the other party. 】

[Seeing that his partner was a little out of control, Loki hurriedly pulled Mobius out and comforted him outside. 】

[Loki then came up with the idea of using a Time Authority instrument to torture the proving agents to extract confessions.] 】

[After some scare, the agent finally told the truth, fearing that he would be crushed into meat sauce.] 】

[It turns out that Sylvie now seems to be hidden in McDonald's in 1982, some branch timeline.] 】

[Led by X5 agents, Loki and Morbius also arrived outside the fast food restaurant.] 】

[As soon as Loki walked into McDonald's, he found that Sylvie, who was haunted by his dreams, was actually standing behind the counter as an employee. 】


[Looking at Loki who walked through the door, Sylvie's face also changed.] 】

[Then the pair of Loki began to talk awkwardly, but they couldn't match the radio waves, and the situation became very awkward for a while.] 】

[Thankfully, the X5 agent became more and more agitated, eventually causing Sylvie to read his memories.] 】

["What? They want to blow up all the branches of time!" (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Everyone was shocked to learn of the plan of the high-level of the Time Management Bureau!]

[Loki dreamed because he couldn't think of it. These people are so crazy that they want to wipe out all the parallel world lines that have been derived. 】

"Hurry! We're going to stop them."] "】

[Sylvi read her memories and knew the exact time and place where the bomb was planted by the upper echelons, so she took Loki and Morbius to stop it. 】


[Under the joint efforts of the two weak chickens, they finally succeeded in preventing the destruction of a timeline、]

[Unfortunately, when Loki returned to the TVA department, he found that most of the time branches had been deleted.] 】

[Countless trillions of lives have just disappeared.] 】

[In the face of this tragic situation, Sylvie said that the Authority couldn't believe the time, so she opened the portal and left, leaving Loki alone in the TVA department. 】

[At this time, the Chinese Eurobus also detected that due to the overload of the time loom, the sacred timeline will soon collapse!]

[Only by finding the "Miss Time" can it be strengthened by permission.] 】

[Otherwise, everything will come to naught.] 】

[And at this moment, the Time Authority finally detected the location of the black female judge who had defected earlier.] 】

[She seems to have escaped to the sacred timeline of 1868, which is sometime after the American Civil War.] 】390

[It was during this time period that the black female judge met Miss Time after a long absence. 】[]

[And from the other party's mouth, she also knew about the death of Kang the Conqueror.] 】

[But just before he died, Kang also told Miss Time how to carry out the next plan after his death.] 】

[That's why Miss Time made a special trip to ask the judge to bring the time bureau manual, and gave it to a black child.] 】

[It seems that Kang's plan is to cultivate another self during this time period.] 】

[Soon, Loki and Morbius also chased this time period.] 】

[However, Morbius found that there was nothing important in the world during this time period, so they traveled again and came to Chicago in 1893.] 】

[Here, Morbius and Loki discover the traces of "Miss Time" from a newspaper.] 】

[And in the process of tracking Miss Time and the black female judge.] Noki actually saw Kang the Conqueror in a show!]

["Oh my God, isn't he dead?"].

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