Chapter 0196: Charlotte Fat Po and Kaido Teacher Are Stimulated!!

The wave of forced pretending with Roger’s life has a great influence, because it is a global live broadcast, and the influence covers the whole world.

After Roger shouted that sentence, the whole world rioted, originally because of the battle between the Navy uncle and Whitebeard, so the young people who were not strong enough put down their machetes and entered the electronics factory with talent, and now they received Roger’s encouragement, and left the electronics factory again and put on a big cape, holding a mountain knife, and rushed to devote themselves to the pirate cause.

And this time because Roger’s wave of forcing him to pretend to be too lethal, not to mention the uncle of the Navy suppressed, that is, their own parents and mothers could not persuade, so less than two days from Roger’s death, the whole world was in chaos, countless people rushed to the sea with open knives, and even some uncles and aunts seemed to be the potential blood in their bodies was summoned by Roger with his life, the old man talked about juvenile madness, the level of madness is afraid no matter who sees it.

When Leonardo left Roguetown with the army and returned to Marin Fando, all the way to the action blockbuster starring the Shanghai thief, it is endless, even if you see the admiral-level giant ship passing by, there is no impact at all should be fought, and even some pirates both sides still treat the navy uncle as a referee, originally the two sides were still standing in front of the mouth hi has not yet started a fight, but saw the navy uncle’s fleet enter, the two sides immediately did not force to directly start, one to divide the victory in front of the navy uncle, as for being pushed into the bitter kiln by the navy uncle?

I haven’t squatted for a few years, and the kiln is embarrassed to say that I am a mixed pirate…

Along the way from the East China Sea to the Great Voyage, the naval uncles were already numb, and at first they were quite excited to see the pirates fighting in front of them, isn’t this Nima a proper performance?

However, in the end, seeing the pirates opening in front of their eyes, the naval uncles were already numb, and even the Sengoku had chosen to ignore the order to leave a sentence of ‘wait until they finished fighting and clean up the battlefield’ and returned to their cabins for retreat.

Compared with the first half of the Great Voyage, the situation in the New World is better, although it is also very lively, but most of them are some large pirate groups fighting each other, and people without some strength cannot enter the New World at all, so the level of madness cannot catch up with the first half of the Great Voyage and the four seas, but the degree of misery is far greater than the first half and the four seas.

Most of the pirates in the New World are inhumane, or there was still some humanity, but after living in this oppressive atmosphere for many years, they have long become snake essence diseases.

Today’s New World forces are divided into several waves, among the top four, Roger hangs, the golden lion has been missing for several years, and Barorick. Ledfield was also sent to the propulsion city by the first brother of the Navy, and there was only one Whitebeard left, and now although Whitebeard has not returned to the New World, but Whitebeard’s deterrent power is there, so far no one has gone to his territory to do things, and his godsons who can’t get on the table can still cover it now.

Even in today’s new world, it can be said that the whitebeard pirate group has the oldest qualifications and the strongest strength, and many pirate groups that are afraid of Charlotte Fat or Kaido are looking forward to seeing Whitebeard hurry back so that he can hug his thigh and call his father.

Now the Terence Pirates and the Ward Pirates are not in the New World, and the New World is the craziest Charlotte Fat and Kaido teacher, and I don’t know what stimuli the two of them received, on the day Roger was executed, BIGMOM and the two pirate groups of hundred beasts expanded their territory wildly, and the two pirate groups without opponents made other pirates in the New World miserable, and it was also in this situation that an emerging force rose wildly in the New World, and this group of people were originally pirate groups of all sizes in the New World, These people are either beaten by Charlotte Fat and don’t want to give Charlotte Fat Lady white or were quacked by Kaido Teacher but do not want to give Whitebeard a son more backbone sea pirates, after seeing the madness of Charlotte Fat and Kaido Teacher, these people also began to form a pirate alliance, the so-called unity is strength, a chopstick is broken, a bunch of chopsticks are constantly broken, as more and more pirates who are turned over by Charlotte Fat and Kaido Teacher join, the power of this pirate alliance is getting stronger and stronger, Even once to the extent that it could be separated from the Hundred Beasts or the BOGMOM Pirate Group.

So the new world in Whitebeard, Terence, Bundy. When the Wald brothers have not yet returned, the new world is currently forming a three-legged situation, in addition to Whitebeard’s deterrent power his chassis is not affected, it turns out that the territory of Terence and the Ward Pirates has been divided by the three parties, as the territory is getting bigger and bigger, there are more and more younger brothers, and the three-way fight is even more lively, and now there is no neutral in the new world, the three forces must join one side, otherwise they will be greeted by the annihilation, even if they run to the territory of Whitebeard, Let’s not mention that Whitebeard’s territory in the second half of the new world can run to those who have not yet been destroyed

There are few pirate groups, and now Whitebeard is not in the New World, only Whitebeard’s godsons who can’t get on the table, even if they run to Whitebeard’s territory and wait for Whitebeard to come back and hug his thighs…

In short, today’s new world has entered the mode of group hegemony, in the whitebeard, terence, Ward pirate group before the three main forces did not return to the new world is temporarily tripod, but all almost predictable wait until the three return to the new world, the new world at that time is more lively, and the madness of the new world pirates also makes many pirates who finally clear the first half of the level to arrive in Chambord to prepare to enter the new world discouraged, don’t see that they are sea pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million in the first half, But this bounty is just over 100 million in the New World, which is just a special little Karami, and now the New World is the most crazy period, and now entering is either to be a little brother or be annihilated, which is obviously not what they want.

It is impossible to be a little brother, big waves and sand, which pirate who can break into the Chambord land and is about to enter the new world is not higher than the sky, how can he be willing to give it to the little brother?

So in a period of time, Chambord Land hoarded a large number of bounties of more than 100 million and is about to enter the new world and is waiting for the pirates of the world, this person is a little more, the order will become chaotic, not to mention that the people gathered here are all pirates, Leon 5.9 Nadot before the order that was hard to maintain was instantly disrupted, and now Chambord Land whether it is an illegal zone or where, basically there are big cases every day, these pirates are young and vigorous, especially Chambord Land, one of the four monsters in charge of the navy’ Immortal Lieutenant General’ is not there, the current commander of the Chambord Base is a sister major general, these guys are not yet flying, what in the fifth area of consumption signing does not recognize this kind of thing is now just a small meaning, the bolder is even more zero yuan to buy the Chambord Land theme park, strong buying and selling is even more numerous, and as the temporary base commander of Chambord Land this time at two o’clock every day, in the morning with his father’s famous knife went out early to cut pirates, and after arriving late at the naval base, he psychologically greeted Roger’s family several times from the eighteenth generation of ancestors, and then came to a life-threatening chain to urge Leonardo to drive full power and hurry back before he could rest 。

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