Chapter 0197: Warring States: Him!!!

At the same time, in the first half of the great voyage, there were constantly new people on the top, and there were old people who gave way, and then there were new people on the throne, and the butt of the newcomer who had just taken the position before was not hot, and he was dried down, and such an event was compared and combined.

The first brother of the navy during this time, don’t talk about saving the missed sister, that is, the same doll ordered some time ago and exposed in the last Warring States Office arrived a few days ago, and he now has no time to open the seal for research, every day there are constantly pirate newcomers popping up, pirate newcomers are important to give important bounties, right? These days, just by the bounty of those new pirates, he has to work overtime, and finally finished the day’s work, he is tired like a dog, where is the mood to study that thing.

Steel bone empty now Moxigan’s head can’t stand up, every morning when he comes to the office to check in, the first thing is no longer to drink morning tea, but also to greet Roger and his ancestors for eighteen generations, and repeat yesterday’s 17 work…

During this time, the great shipping route was chaotic into a pot of porridge, mainly because the number of pirates was too much, even the special promotion city was almost overcrowded, and he applied for the funds to expand the promotion city, and he was thinking about whether to euthanize a group of people…

The same is true in the four seas, every day there is a large wave of young people with big moles in their hands put down the hoe in their hands and carry the hammer with their friends to drive a small broken boat to sail out to sea to be a One Piece, in this wave of the times, their navy can not be stopped at all, that is, recently the Warring States they have returned from the East China Sea, so the situation in the East China Sea along the way is better than other three seas, but the East China Sea is now simply a hero pool, not only a naval hero but also a One Piece, whether it is a naval hero or One Piece, it is a talent that is rare in a century, It is inevitable that they will find that the feng shui of this East China Sea is a little too good…

“Senior, I received the news, the Terence Pirates are preparing to go to the triangle, and if we don’t do it, we won’t be able to catch up.”

In the first half of the Great Voyage, on a small warship that had driven at least eight hundred yards at great speed, Leonardo put down the telephone worm and said to the yellow ape who was still leisurely drinking wolfberry tea.

After leaving the East China Sea and entering the Great Voyage, Leonardo and the yellow ape reported to the Warring States the idea of wanting to move Terence, at first the Warring States really disagreed, after all, the current sea situation is too chaotic, the same is true of the New World, their navy first stabilizes their territory and then says, Terence is barely the overlord of the New World, and now the power of their navy does not extend to the New World, it is better to let those pirate dogs in the New World eat dogs, the more lively the better, This also gives their navy enough time to stabilize the development of the new world after the first half, and now the three-way war in the new world is exciting, but it has not yet reached its peak, and when the main forces of the three parties of Whitebeard, Terence, and the Ward Pirates enter, it will be a real international blockbuster.

If he could, Sengoku would like to pop up in a few more super pirate groups and make the new world as lively as possible, how could they possibly let them move Terence, he also hopes that Whitebeard, Terence, Bundy. The three of Wald returned to the new world safe and healthy, and staged a wonderful action blockbuster for the world.

However, after Leonardo revealed the relationship between Terence and the yellow ape and his sister, he also made up the same story as the vegetable Leonardo, and even the story plot is more pathetic, this time the Warring States can not sit still, how the yellow ape says is his person, if the little brother has something to do as the boss does not support, then it is still a fart!

And the single-minded Warring States hate this kind of scumbag even more than Leonardo, and after constantly making up for the desolation of the second half of his sister’s life in his brain, the Warring States are also red-eyed, wave their hands, and manage his strategic goals.


If it weren’t for the fact that Marshal Kong urged him to go back and was too anxious, he himself would have wanted to personally destroy this scumbag humanely.

Although the yellow ape also knows that the Warring States must be making up some bleak story in his head, but this time let him go, anyway, he knows that his sister is now very happy with three wives and four concubines…

After getting the consent of the Warring States, when he arrived at the temporary lair of Kuzan, the queen’s city, the two did not wait for Kuzan to get off the ship and put him on a small warship to increase horsepower to catch up with the Terence Pirates, this chase was more than a month, not that their speed was slow, but Terence obviously also knew the situation in the new world today, his own territory was robbed by others, and he would not return to the new world, and wait until the Ward Pirates returned now, when the time was new

There is no place for him in the world.

The cake is so big, there are too many people to divide!

So the Terence Pirates are now competing with the Ward Pirates, driving the horsepower to the maximum, and the ship’s thrusters are spraying one after another, even if Roger sees it, he has to cry, these are all money!

The Devil’s Triangle, not far from the new world, according to the speed of the other party, soon to the new world, once the other party enters the new world they are not good, the three are the supervisors of the sitting party, whether it is the queen’s city, the water capital or the Chambord land are all international metropolises, now there are as many pirates as insects, they can’t be idle for too long, Leonardo doesn’t care, although the smelly ladies in Gion have a life-killing chain buckle every day, but at present she is quite stable, Now those pirate newcomers don’t have any characters who can get on the table.

Only the strength of the 800 garden is also a bar, otherwise it is impossible to become a general in the future, and it is more than enough to deal with those miscellaneous fish, but the queen’s city and the water capital are not enough, all rely on Kuzan and the yellow ape to cover it, so seeing that they are about to go to the Devil’s Triangle, they can’t wait.

The Devil’s Triangle is not a good land, and if the other party goes in, it will not be easy for the three of them to find each other.

“Then let’s do it, I’ll go first.”

The yellow ape touched his chin and said, and then turned into a light and flew forward, his original plan was to lead the Terence Pirates to the windless zone when he was doing it, where the other party couldn’t run if he wanted to, there were several lines in the first half of the Great Voyage, generally speaking, entering the New World from the middle two routes was the fastest way, and as a result, the immortal Terence did not take the usual path, which made his whole plan useless.

Now it can only be done before the other party does not enter the Devil’s Triangle.

“Kuzan, accelerate, accelerate!”

As soon as the yellow ape left, Leonardo also kept urging Kuzan, who was driving a small straight… It has been driven to the fastest, then why should we move Terence in this way, and the Warring States General agreed? ”

After Kuzan blew out a cold breath, he asked curiously…

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