"I just need to take a break, Sar Apollo. Everything else is up to you, but the lab must not be destroyed!"

After completing this experiment, Orochimaru packed up and handed all the records to Sar Apollo, preparing to take a break after two years of busy work.

However, before he left, he did not forget to give the crazy Sar Apollo a ban to prevent some excessive experiments that would destroy the lab!

This lab is his, and the lab of the madman Sar Apollo was blown up when he was reshaping and merging it!

That time, Feng Qi and Aizen were here, watching their experiments and blocking the surroundings when the spiritual pressure exploded.

If it weren't for the timely blockade, it might not just be a lab that was destroyed, but even the Kyonakyo Palace might be gone!

Because of this guy's madness, Aizen deliberately added a few bans to the Kyonakyo Palace to protect it from being demolished by these crazy guys!

"Dad, do you like to rest at home or go out to travel and find delicious food from all over the world?"

After being carried back home, Feng Qi began to think about going to various parts of the world to see it.

Although he wanted to get familiar with the Quincy, there was no rush for those things. The key point was that his father was finally willing to take a vacation and rest!

"Then go out and see, find delicious food from all over the world."

Orochimaru touched Feng Qi's little head and made plans for the next holiday.

With a plan, you have to prepare first. It happened that the sky was bright, and the father and son went out to start shopping...

Ulquiorra, as Feng Qi's bodyguard, followed him again, but this time his identity in the world became Orochimaru's life assistant.

The father and son bought a lot of clothes, as well as various electronic devices needed when going out to play...

When you think of something you need, go buy it, and give it to Ulquiorra who followed you.

After a day of shopping, I found a restaurant to eat at noon, and took the ingredients home to cook a hot pot in the evening.

But when they got home, the car parked near their house and the people in the car made Feng Qi feel very entangled.

Ishida Ryugen, pure-blooded Quincy Ishida family, will produce the Silver of Stillness in the future...

Although I knew they would come, the speed was really fast.

"Hello, I am Ishida Ryugen, and I came to visit this time because of this child."

When Ishida Ryugen saw Feng Qi, he was sure that this young boy was a pure-blooded Quincy, and his spirit purity was even higher than his!

"Come in and talk."

Orochimaru carried Feng Qi, who was leaning against his chest, into the door, and said a word calmly before walking in.

The Quincy was massacred on a large scale by the God of Death, and there are very few pure-blooded Quincy left.

"Dad, you guys chat, I'm going to prepare the hot pot base. I'm hungry after walking around all afternoon..."

Feng Qi jumped to the ground after entering the door, greeted Orochimaru, and asked Ulquiorra, who still maintained his white shirt and black pants, to work together.

A lot of things were bought, and now only the ingredients and condiments for tonight were found.

While the child was busy cooking, Orochimaru sat on the sofa, looking at Ishida Ryugen sitting opposite, waiting for the guest to speak first.

"That child... I want to ask about that child's life experience..."

Ishida Ryugen felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, but some things had to be said and asked after all.

He was sure that the person opposite was not a Quincy...

The father was not a Quincy, but had a Quincy son whose spirit purity was so high that he felt shocked. This was definitely not a biological father and son.

It's just that some problems are not suitable to be said too directly, otherwise the talks would collapse directly.

"I met him on the third day after he was born."

Orochimaru has always been open about the fact that the child is not his own. He never thinks there is anything wrong with it, because there is no need for blood ties between them.

It is because there is no blood relationship that they are not particularly concerned about the physical genes.

You can merge any blood you want, or create a body like now, and then directly replace it as the main body.

"Excuse me, do you have any information about his blood relatives?"

Ishida Ryugen was a little relieved. Since the other party was willing to talk, they could continue to chat.

"No one has been found related to him so far. Mr. Ishida came here to say that you have this part of the clue?"

Orochimaru glanced in the direction of the kitchen. Ulquiorra was bullied by his child again.

It was originally unintentional. Feng Qi has been tossed around for only two years. He already has emotions. Although it only appears once in a while...

"I don't know who his family is either....Mr. Orochimaru, have you heard of the Quincy clan?"

Ishida Ryugen also looked in the direction of the kitchen, listening to the child's laughter, some things need to be said more clearly.

"I heard that about two hundred years ago, the Quincy clan was hunted by the God of Death."

Although this is where humans live, Orochimaru does not intend to be treated as an ordinary person.

He not only knows about the Quincy, but also the God of Death, the Hollow, and some information that cannot be said for the time being.

"It seems that I thought too simply, Mr. Orochimaru is not an ordinary person, then I will say it directly, Feng Qi is the blood of the Quincy, and the purity of the spirit particle has exceeded that of ordinary pure-blooded Quincy. ”

Since it was so obvious, Ishida Ryugen didn’t try again and directly told him that they had discovered Feng Qi’s identity as a Quincy.

“He is not a pure-blooded Quincy... Mr. Ishida, don’t stare. Since you have paid attention to him, you should do more research. Feng Qi is only six years old. He was six years old two years ago, and he is still six years old now. He will always be six years old in the future...”

Orochimaru looked at the shocked Ishida Ryugen, stood up and walked to the dining table, quickly cleaned it up, and waited for Feng Qi to bring the hot pot over.

His child will have a long childhood stage. For Orochimaru, this is a good thing. He can take the child out to play when he has time.

It’s just that no matter in the ninja world or in the Hueco Mundo, he will always be sympathized.

Most people, even non-human beings, think this is a sad thing for them father and son...

“He...how...how could he be like this? "

Ishida Ryugen was so shocked that his spirit was in a state of confusion for a moment.

How could someone stay at the age of six? Could he be the body of a death god?


A Quincy can only be a living person!

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