"Does Mr. Ishida have any problem with our family?"

Feng Qi came over with a pot filled with water and ingredients, put it down, turned around, and looked at Ishida Ryugen, whose spirit was rioting because of his excitement.

The items in his house are real, and if they are destroyed, it will not be beautiful.

"No problem, but some news is too shocking, and I can't control it for a while..."

Ishida Ryugen quickly collected the spirits around him.

The child in front of him obviously didn't have any threatening eyes or breath, but he felt a lot of pressure under the gaze of these big dark eyes!

The spirit strength that exceeds the pure-blooded Quincy, what is the pressure from this glance?

After returning home, he will go to the old man to ask.

"Is it about the information that I can't grow up? This is something that my father and I are very happy about, but some outsiders will always be scared."

Feng Qi turned around and sat on the chair, took the vegetables and meat brought by Ulquiorra, put it down, and started to prepare hot pot for dinner.

Quincy, whether pure-blood or half-blood, will be suppressed in front of him unless Yhwach appears.

Fortunately, it was bought with money, but unfortunately the highest-level Quincy bloodline that can be bought can only be the son of Yhwach, and Yhwach's can't be bought directly...

However, he is definitely not the son of Yhwach.

It's just borrowing this gene bloodline, cultivating it and then transforming it, and making sure it will not be restricted before using it for yourself.

"Did you choose this yourself?"

When Ishida Ryugen saw that a set of bowls and chopsticks were prepared for him, he thanked him very seriously and sat down.

Seeing that the child's expression was not at all lost or unhappy, and was staring at the food seriously, he continued to ask about the reason why he couldn't grow up.

"I chose it myself. When I grow up, I can't be held in my arms. I'm in a good state now. I can eat, play, fight, and be coaxed, held, and taken care of by people around me. Someone pampers, protects, and loves me..."

When Feng Qi talked about being pampered, he turned his head and looked at Orochimaru.

Raising a son who never grows up, and this son is very willful, you've worked hard, dad!

"If you don't grow up, you will always give people the illusion of being very weak..."

Ishida Ryugen stopped talking before he finished.

The illusion of weakness is really just an illusion!

Looking at the little child, he actually felt that the child was weak, even though he felt pressured by the child's glance just now...

"You said it was an illusion. My teacher once said that the old, weak, sick and disabled should not be underestimated."

Feng Qi picked up some cooked meat slices for Orochimaru, and then picked up some for himself, and continued to chat while eating.

"Have you learned to control spirit particles?"

Ishida Ryugen used a colander to scoop out the meat and vegetables and put them in his bowl, dipped them in the sauce, and learned to eat and chat at the same time.

If there is a teacher, then he should have learned it, but the information he got on the phone before was that the child himself did not control it.

Just now, he saw that spirit particles were just surrounding him, and they were naturally absorbed like breathing, and there was no control in this aspect.

"I have never learned from the Quincy, I have always been self-taught and studied by myself."

Feng Qi looked back after he finished speaking, and when he saw that the bowl in front of Orochimaru was empty, he picked some dishes that Orochimaru liked and put them in this empty bowl.

Because of this guest, Orochimaru doesn't want to move at all now, and even has to let the child take care of his meals...

For such a situation, Ulquiorra, who is sitting opposite Feng Qi, only needs to concentrate on eating. After all, he often watched the father and son feed each other before...

Although he is a Hollow, Master Feng Qi said that when the God of Death comes to the real world, he can not only wear a prosthetic body and live as a living person, but also get married and have children for the rest of his life.

Therefore, they can't lose to the Hueco Mundo. There is no need to get married and have children, but they must have the food, drink and fun they should have!

"If possible, I hope you can go to the Ishida family, where you can learn the knowledge of the Quincy."

Ishida Ryugen ate dinner in silence, and when he was about to leave, he still proposed the invitation that he and his father had discussed and confirmed to be issued.

This child cannot be adopted by their family, and the other party has stronger qualifications than them.

The only chance of connection is to let this child go to the Ishida family and study with his father Ishida Sogen for a period of time.

"I'll talk about it later when I want to learn. My dad has a rare vacation, so our family is going to travel, which is more important than studying."

Feng Qi waved goodbye to Ishida Ryugen, not wanting to go to Ishida's house for the time being.

"If you don't want to go, then don't go. Aizen prepared a lot of this before." Orochimaru carried Feng Qi upstairs, and when he was coaxing the child to sleep, he suddenly started talking about learning the Quincy's ability. "We don't lack learning materials. I was just thinking, should we find two children in this world and play with them for a few years..." Feng Qi pulled the quilt, put his face on Orochimaru's arm, and closed his eyes and continued to sleep. The main thing is, I want to play! Kurosaki Ichigo, who actually has a little temper, and Ishida Uryu, who can sew dolls, should be very cute, right? Although he has people to play with wherever he goes, he can only play with real children when he is with them. Let yourself immerse yourself in the children's play and enjoy this simple happiness...

"Go ahead and play if you want. You haven't had a rest in the past two years. Every day you study, train, fight, and do various experiments..."

Orochimaru lay sideways in the quilt, one arm used as a pillow for the child, and the other hand stroked the child's slightly longer black hair.

Feng Qi was tired in the past two years.

Although he himself did not rest, Orochimaru felt that he was only focused on research, which was much easier than Feng Qi.

Next, take a good vacation and accompany the children to see and play...

As for the Xuye Palace ...

You can go back every few days. Don't let Sar Apollo demolish the laboratory and the Kyon Palace!

After all, they have settled down in the Kyon Palace. If the home is demolished, the child will be angry.

"Dad, go to sleep. Let's go out to play tomorrow. Uncle Aizen may also go with us to join in the fun. He has been really idle in the past two years and has led Izuna astray..."

Feng Qi rubbed his head and patted Orochimaru's arm to let him rest quickly.

I didn't see Aizen today, and it is basically certain that he will come tomorrow.

In the past two years, Aizen has been running too frequently in the Three Realms.

Sometimes he comes every day, and sometimes he comes every other day. , but at most every other day, and there has not been a situation of every two days so far.

In addition to watching him train, or looking at the various progress in the laboratory, he would also let Jinghua Shuiyue project the daily life of the two in the 5th and 12th divisions to Feng Qi...

Jinghua Shuiyue protested many times against using Jinghua Shuiyue as a recorder and screen projector, but he was just angry at Aizen.

When Feng Qi greeted him, Jinghua Shuiyue would still respond with a little awkwardness.

Rather than saying that Aizen was keen to play with him, it would be better to say that Aizen was watching Jinghua Shuiyue's excitement. Of course, he was always there in this process...

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