The only thing he could do was to catch a fish.

He should have enjoyed supreme power, but he refused. His only hobby in life was fishing and challenging the giants in the water!

Now, freshwater creatures can no longer satisfy him. In recent years, he has been fighting with giants in the sea!

Unfortunately, the giants in the ocean are full of uncertainty. This is his only gain in the past few months!

His biggest wish is to sit on the supreme throne of the fishing world and enjoy the admiring and fanatical eyes of all the fishermen in the world!

It's a pity that there is a ban jointly issued by several major powers in the world. Superpowers cannot be exposed to ordinary people!

That will cause panic among ordinary people!

If they knew that there was such a group of monsters in this world that could slaughter cities at will and could not be harmed even by hot weapons, they would have to sleep with their eyes open!

At this moment, the middle-aged butler handed over a tablet!

He smiled and said, "Master, maybe this news will interest you!"

Jeremy Wade was slightly stunned. After taking the tablet and taking a look, it was the video of the transport of giants in the Qinglong Fishing Ground!

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face, "Oh my God! Who is this little guy? He dared to release these cute big guys, and he has not been stopped by the Chinese authorities. Haha, I admit that his bait is very fragrant, and I have already taken the bait!"

The light in Jeremy Wade's eyes became more and more blazing, "No, I must go to China immediately and fight these giants. Hehe, when I fish them up, I can enjoy the admiration of countless people. We should set off. Now I don't want to wait for a moment!"

The butler smiled bitterly and said, "Master , have you forgotten? All countries are subject to the ban on superpowers. You can go to those small countries at will, but China is the territory of that man. If you don't want me to collect your body, you should follow the normal application process. After all, you are just going fishing, and I think they will not refuse! "

Jeremy Wade's eyes flashed with pain and fear, as if he recalled some bad memories, and then glared at the butler fiercely, "Hmph! Then why don't you go quickly and go through those troublesome, damn procedures! ! ! "

The butler nodded and turned away!

Jeremy Wade looked at the tablet, but a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes, China! Why allow these things to be exposed to ordinary people?

In this case, it won't be long before the superpowers are exposed!

Could it be that China intends to rewrite the ban on superpowers? Humph! If it's that guy, it's really possible!

Infinite level, theoretically, you can infinitely improve your own physique!

But most of the infinite level in the world are only a little bit stronger than the super limit level, which is more than 100 times the physical fitness of ordinary people!

Not even 200 times!

Only China is an exception, because their ancient martial arts are the most powerful super power inheritance sequence, and ancient martial arts super powers are more powerful than super powers in various countries!

This makes China a monopoly in the super power circle!

And Qinglong Fishing Ground dares to put these giants in the fishing grounds that ordinary people can touch, it is impossible without the approval of the country!

Because those who can challenge these big guys are all super powers without exception!

This is like a signal released by China!

It seems that a storm is about to blow in the super power world!

And in the deep mountains and old forests, deep water giant pools, and unknown places where few people are around the world!

There is a group of super powers who do not love power and do not want to become victims of national politics, so they like all kinds of extreme sports!

They will fight beasts in the mountains, and they will also jump into the water to fight various giants!

They are not afraid of dangers and are brave and diligent, challenging all kinds of things that ordinary people think are impossible to accomplish!

But these things are just children's games in the eyes of the superpowers who are really in the battle sequence!

Not only did no one appreciate them, but they also attracted countless ridicules!

People, there is no one who doesn't love fame and fortune. They also want to enjoy the cheers and worship of countless people when they show their talents in front of others!

However, they dare not. Once they are exposed to the eyes of ordinary people, there are only two results: being amnestyed by the country and becoming a war machine, or life imprisonment, or even death!

Superpowers have the right to choose freedom, but you can only live like ordinary people!

Imagination is useless

How long will it take for the strong wind from the Qinglong Fishing Ground to reach their ears!

Wang Kongjun has no idea what kind of changes his wild idea will bring to the world!

Well! Superpowers! If you can't expose your abilities casually, you are actually quite poor. Whether it's for fame or profit, the Qinglong Fishing Ground has an unparalleled temptation for them!

Because that place seems to allow them to expose their abilities unscrupulously!

Otherwise, why did he get so many big guys to let those ordinary people fish? Don't be funny!

The real top figures always enjoy certain privileges!

This is the case with Luo Doudou and Wang Kongjun!

Otherwise, when Wang Kongjun first exposed his power that was far beyond ordinary people in front of ordinary people, he should have been invited to drink tea by the country!


Jingzhou, still that mountain villa!

Wang Yingjun is still the same, with a lazy look!

Wearing slippers, crossing his legs, holding a half-burned cigar in his hand!

Opposite him, sat a middle-aged man in military uniform, with the star on his shoulder showing his extraordinary status!

"Yingjun, what are you going to do about this? Your little guy made too much noise, and has attracted the attention of many superpowers from all over the world. In just a few hours, we have received dozens of entry applications, including some infinite superpowers! And their reasons are also very sufficient, uh, to come fishing?" The middle-aged officer said in a deep voice.

"Haha, so what?" Wang Yingjun exhaled a puff of smoke and said with a faint smile: "Superpowers are also human beings. Shouldn't they enjoy the rights of ordinary people? They just want to come here to fish, cultivate their sentiments, and kill their boring lives. Isn't that okay?"

"As for my kid, isn't he going to open a giant fishing ground? There are giants in the giant fishing ground. Isn't this reasonable? It's very reasonable!"

The middle-aged soldier looked serious, "You know, these things shouldn't appear in the world of ordinary people. It won't be long before the existence of superpowers will be exposed!"

"For your sake, your son can open this kind of place that exceeds ordinary specifications, um, fishing place, but it must be hidden, dedicated to superpowers, and under national supervision. It should not be mixed with ordinary people. The superpower ban cannot be broken. Whether he is for money or for fame, the state can compensate him. This is the bottom line of the Chinese military!"

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