The middle-aged soldier said that the tone of his voice had become much heavier, and there was a sense of unquestionableness!

When Wang Yingjun heard this, a cold smile appeared on his lips, "Haha! The bottom line of the military? You are the military's underwear, what do I care about! Your bottom line, why should I abide by it?"

Before he finished speaking, Wang Yingjun had suddenly stood up, like a awakened beast, a majestic and surging momentum suddenly burst out!

The tables and chairs around him all turned into powder, flying and splashing!

At the same time, the middle-aged soldier was pale and trembling, as if he was bearing a thousand pounds of force!

"Wang... Yingjun... You are disobeying military orders and fighting against the country. Are you going to rebel?" The middle-aged officer's face changed slightly, staring at Wang Yingjun indifferently, and spoke with difficulty!

"Hahaha!" Wang Yingjun suddenly laughed out loud, his eyes full of disdain!

He glanced at the middle-aged officer, "Who the hell do you think you are? Rebellion? Who are you rebelling against? Now the people are in charge, am I not the people? I rebel against myself? What the hell are you kidding?"

Wang Yingjun restrained his momentum, and the middle-aged soldier collapsed on the sofa like a faint!

Is this the momentum of the most recognized strongest person in the global super power world? It's really terrifying. Is this the power of God? There is no need to do it personally. Just the momentum of the explosion is enough to shatter people's internal organs!

At this moment, the middle-aged soldier was extremely regretful in his mind. Damn, no wonder those old bitches didn't want to come, just waiting for him to take the blame!

Wang Yingjun is a fucking lunatic. Didn't I say anything? I just told your son to be low-key, and the country will compensate him. Why are you so fucking angry?

How could he know that the reason why Wang Yingjun was angry was not because of himself at all!

It was the attitude of the military!

Even though Wang Yingjun and countless superpowers in China have been fighting on the most dangerous front line for the country for so many years!

But what about the military! They still treat them like terrorists, treating them as a huge threat to society, restricting them everywhere, being on guard everywhere, and being on alert everywhere!

Damn it! Are superpowers not human? Is it wrong to be stronger?

I fished like a thief, hiding? I'm hiding your grandma's leg!

Ordinary people would want to carry a fish weighing more than ten kilograms and stroll on the street for three days and three nights to satisfy their sense of honor!

What? Superpowers are not human beings, and superpowers have no emotions? I fish like a brocade dress at night, what's the point of fishing!

However, Wang Yingjun couldn't say these words. His stunningly handsome face regained his calm expression, his mouth moved slightly, and a cold voice came!

"Superpowers should not be treated as war machines! We are human beings, not weapons. As human beings, we should enjoy everything that human beings should enjoy, whether it is honor or anything else!"

"My son did nothing wrong! As long as he does not violate Chinese laws, no one can interfere with him in any form. This is my bottom line. Whoever dares to reach out, I will chop off his claws!"

The middle-aged soldier's body trembled slightly, and his eyes were full of fear. After Wang Yingjun finished speaking, he was silent for a long time and did not dare to say a word. He even felt that breathing became difficult.

He finally remembered that this man's world's strongest was not selected by voting, nor was it won by a superpower competition!

Instead, they killed their way out!

That was not long after the founding of the country!

The superpowers of various countries were extremely rampant, trying to bully China, a new country. They appeared in China unscrupulously, assassinating high-level politicians for the ulterior motives of various countries and plundering China's wealth!

That was the darkest era in China's superpower world. The old generation of strong men in China's ancient martial arts world all died in the war to protect the country!

The new generation is no match for these ancient superpower families!

They can only bear humiliation and hide completely to protect the inheritance of China's ancient martial arts!

Until 20 years later, a young man suddenly appeared!

His strength is just like his appearance, unparalleled in the world, and no one can beat him! Since then, China has begun revenge!

He almost killed half of the superpower world with his own strength!

All the superpowers who entered China during that period were not spared!

That's right, Wang Yingjun at that time had no interest in investigating superpowers

What is the purpose of entering China, plunder or sightseeing!

In short, there is only one attitude, kill them all!

The reason is also very sufficient. According to the super power ban of various countries, those who enter the country without permission will be killed without mercy!

This execution order, which was delayed for 20 years, made Wang Yingjun kill people everywhere, and blood flowed like a river!

The super power inheritance of various countries was almost cut off!

Almost single-handedly cut off the hundreds of years of foundation of super powers in various countries!

Completely let China gain a foothold in the international arena and become a superpower!

Although the super power world is sparsely populated and not well-known, it is a terrifying force that can affect the national destiny of various countries!

This thing is equivalent to a walking human-shaped nuclear bomb, and it is even more deterrent than a nuclear bomb!

After all, only super powers can fight against super powers, and countries have no other means of defense!

After a moment of silence, the middle-aged soldier finally spoke hesitantly, "But, he violated the superpower ban and cannot be exposed to ordinary people!"

Wang Yingjun frowned and glared at him when he heard this. Damn, you old Biden are really not afraid of death!

I'm about to kill people, what kind of bullshit ban are you talking to me about!

Isn't it up to me to decide what the Gou Ba thing is?

However, Wang Yingjun took a deep breath, calmed down, and returned to his lazy look!

Then he said unhappily, "Superpower ban? My son hasn't even entered this circle yet, what does it have to do with him!"

"Alright, alright, you old Bidenbie are pushing it too far, let's stop here, don't bother me for these trivial matters in the future!"

"Also! For those superpower entry applications, you just need to follow the normal screening process. As long as there is no record of bad events, they are just fishing, why do you reject them? That's it, those guys are so honest abroad, they are guaranteed to be good kids when they come to China, don't worry about it!"

After that, Wang Yingjun no longer paid attention to the middle-aged soldier and turned to walk upstairs.

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