Supreme Satyr

Chapter 335

Long Mengyun is worried about chaos. Even if Yunmeng dragon lets the grenade explode in his hand, it will be bloody. She turned pale and shouted, "Menglong, throw it away. It's dangerous."

Yunmenglong studied the smoking grenade and said, "what's the danger?"

"It will explode!" said long Mengyun.

"But it looks cute. Will it really explode?" Yun Menglong didn't look like a joke. He broke the casserole like a child seeking knowledge and asked to the end. Long Mengyun hates her teeth itching. She knows that being a mother likes to beat those little broken children and cry. The key is that uncle Keren and aunt can't bear it! Then the uncle will be a good man and gossip. He's not the one who bothers the child.

"Really." long Mengyun nodded.

Yunmenglong caught a glimpse of the pirate head running back to the hall. His fat, round figure like a sweet potato ran very slowly. Yunmenglong turned into a smoke and disappeared without trace. In an instant, he appeared opposite longmengyun and smiled at her, while his two fingers were still inserted in longmengyun's snow-white and crystal small ears. Long Mengyun looked at him angrily and did the same.

Shuisha also has a serious face, covers his ears with his hands, and then... Boom! With a loud noise, the pirate head was directly blown into powder and died completely. It is estimated that even three souls were scattered. The house shook for a while and almost collapsed. First, the grenade is quite powerful. Second, the house is really full of fucking bean curd residue.

"Master, how did you blow up the pirate head?" water silly looked puzzled.

"Don't you understand?" cloud dream dragon picked his eyebrow and smiled.

"Well, the villain is dull. I hope the master will teach me." water nodded foolishly.

"That's because I don't want to litter. You know that littering will pollute the environment. The country is vigorously advocating environmental protection. We should do our part. Besides, what if I accidentally throw it on you and blow you up? Even if I can't blow you up, it's not good to blow up these furniture or anything, so I watched the boy run happily and gave it up The explosion was put in his pocket, "Yun Menglong explained.

Shuisilly couldn't help crying with gratitude when he heard yunmenglong think of him so much. His voice choked a little: "master, I'm so moved. You're so kind to me. I decided to promise each other by example."

"Fuck you, read more books when you're free and promise each other by example? Xu your mother's big head ghost." Yun Menglong scolded.

"Master, how do you know my mother's head is big? You are so predictable. Zhu Ge Liang will be born again." Shui silly will flatter.

"Oh, you know Zhuge Liang? It's not easy. It's really." Yun Menglong was surprised.

"That's right. Zhuge Liang is Tao Zhugong. He helped Gou Jian defeat Xiang Yu and win the world." Shui silly said proudly.

Yunmenglong almost recited it and kicked it: "fuck you."

Water fool cooperates with a dog to eat shit. He gets up and says, "master, I have a problem."

"If you fart, let it go." yunmenglong replied angrily.

"Why did you kill the pirate leader like this? Don't you want to know what their conspiracy is? Don't you want to interrogate him?" the water fool is not so stupid. He also knows to interrogate the leader.

"That's because the pirate leader is fake." yunmenglong said faintly.

"Ah? Fake? How do you know that pirate leader is fake?" water fool doesn't understand that the dead man is a pirate leader. How can it be fake?

"You are really a German car... Mercedes Benz (stupid), a leader who can make the island as solid as gold, and a leader who is well-trained to let his pirates come and go like the wind. Will it be so easy to hang up? Do you think people are as stupid as you?" yunmenglong asked back and made shuisha even more stupid. Yunmenglong thought: "Looking at their shift handover, it's clear that they are RB soldiers. Damn soldiers become pirates. There's a big problem."

"What about the real boss?" water fool still doesn't believe it. Why are the more idiots the more stubborn?

Yunmenglong smiled and faced a direction. He said in a loud voice, "how long do you want to be a shrinking turtle?"

"Pa Pa Pa," I heard the applause before seeing anyone. "I admire you for your resourcefulness and resourcefulness. A middle-aged scholar like figure with clear appearance and bright eyes came out from behind a screen. Although he was a turtle in a jar, he still lost his demeanor, elegant and handsome.

Followed by two people whose faces were as cold as ice. They looked arrogant and their eyes were higher than the top. At first glance, they were experts. Obviously, they were dissatisfied and disdained Yun Menglong. Finally, out came a fat pig like the fat pig that had just been fried, but his eyes were much deeper. It was obvious that they were the kind of people who would hide their true thoughts.

Yun Menglong looked at the middle-aged scholar and frowned and said, "Your Excellency, Chinese?"

The man smiled and said, "exactly."

"Shit, you help the tyranny. Aren't you afraid of the smoke from the ancestral Tombs?" Yunmeng dragon jumped up.

"Hum, I Lang Xiao just want to show what I'm good at. I'm a big husband and make a career. Chinese people don't need me. I'm grateful that Mr. Koizumi won't give up. I'm hired as a counselor and polite as a guest of honor. I don't doubt whether I should report the kindness I met because I'm a Chinese." Lang Xiao's face remained unchanged and talked freely.

"You arranged this sweet potato island?" yunmenglong asked Lang Xiao suddenly without comment.

Lang Xiao was fascinated by the blade and nodded, "exactly."

Yunmenglong also narrowed his eyes. The blue light suddenly shot. His divine eyes were like electricity, which captured people's soul. A warm and convincing radian was bent at the corner of his mouth: "Lang Xiao, I'll give you a chance, either follow me, I'll protect you, or you die."

Lang Xiao took a deep look at Yunmeng dragon, slowly walked to Yunmeng dragon, and said in a deep voice: "dare to ask your name, Lang Xiao will die with you."

"Cloud dream dragon."

"Eight Yalu, Lang Xiao, you dare to betray Mr. Koizumi and the emperor. You don't want to live and work." the thin man on the left of the two black faced gods scolded.

"What Mr. Jingyan said is wrong. I'm not Mr. Koizumi, let alone RB. Why should I betray? I'm Chinese. Now Mr. Yun has given me the opportunity to reform and abandon the darkness. I naturally want to seize it. Moreover, good birds choose trees to live in. Lang Xiao has been quite uneasy to serve you against his conscience. Now I can feel at ease. Are you Mr. Lang? Will you do it? As for not wanting to live, Mr. Jingyan is even more wrong. It is precisely because I want to live that I have to follow Mr. Yun. If I choose to die today, Rb people will say I am sb, and Chinese people will scold me as a traitor, then I am not a person. "Lang Xiao shook his head and said a lot of reasons. No matter how nonsense, this Lang Xiao seemed to be able to take it for granted with a righteous face.

Yunmenglong looked at it and laughed: Lang Xiao is really a genius. He is good at sophistry. He is reasonable and reasonable. He doesn't bother three points. Moreover, it is reasonable to say that the loser does not lose the field, and the loser does not lose the gas. In the future, I can give him anything like negotiation. I will play the piano, play the flute, chant poetry and have sex with the beauty. Oh, no, it's right. Great joy in life, ha ha.

Mr. najingyan became angry and scolded "baga". He took out the samurai sword and stabbed Lang Xiao. His body shape, speed, knife meaning and perfect unity are worthy of being an expert in using a knife. Any knife is much better than those fools who cut themselves. But there is a Chinese saying that "people are more popular than people". Mr. Jingyan is also powerful enough. Unfortunately, he is facing yunmenglong.

Thousands of blade shadows, hunting blade wind, white light shining, such as the perfect strike without trace of antelope hanging horn, are eliminated at the moment when Yunmeng dragon stretches out two fingers. The blade hid its edge between yunmenglong's two fingers. Mr. Jingyan was so anxious that he was sweating, but he couldn't pull out the knife or insert it. The knife was so tightly sandwiched between yunmenglong's two fingers that it didn't move.

Another man's eyes were as sharp as hawks and falcons. He narrowed his eyes, looked at Yunmeng dragon, and suddenly shouted, "ah!" a rhythmic sound came out under his feet, like the sonata of the God of death, but he didn't know that the sonata of the God of death was played for himself.

When his knife pierced through the void like clouds and water and was only two inches away from yunmenglong's heart, yunmenglong smiled. His two fingers gently turned an angle of 30 degrees, "pa" made a light sound, and the long knife made of black iron broke in two. Mr. Jingyan's face showed a stunned and unbelievable expression for a moment, and then his expression was even more incredible. Yunmenglong turned a beautiful circle and bypassed Mr. Jingyan's left foot. Mr. Jingyan involuntarily flew to another person's death long knife. His pupils expanded and wanted to avoid, but he could no longer stop the momentum. At the same time, yunmenglong rubbed the blade gently at the man's throat, and the blood was like a line, and then like a note. The man's long knife was inserted into Mr. Jingyan's chest. Mr. Jingyan's throat made a gurgling sound. The man, let go of the long knife, covered his throat with both hands, and the blood flowed out along the fingers, carving charming flowers on the carpet.

Their expressions are unbelievable, but in fact, what else can we do? Die!

Yunmenglong didn't even look at their gradually cold bodies. He slowly walked to the last person, the leader of digua Island, Mr. Koizumi.

"Are you Mr. Koizumi?" asked yunmenglong.

The sweet potato like body was quite imposing. His face was a little pale, his eyes were a little tired, but his voice was firm and clear: "yes, I am Koizumi sweet potato!"

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