Chapter 25 - TIME RAN SLOW HERE....

"And I know we will make it out alive till there. We are three now. We need to finish the game too. If we run out of time, our worst fear of staying back here forever will turn out to be true because the only way to know out of here is by winning the game so what do guys have to say?"

Cole waited for them to say anything but then there was a brief silence before each one of them agreed. 

"I mean I was wondering to get inside that wormhole too." Matty shrugged.

"Let's get going then. Chris come here soon." Cole said.

"I m on my way. For your information, I saw Sikara of the Salsiku team wandering alone in a weird way. " Chris mumbled

"Perhaps he might be finding his teammate too?" Matty implored.

"Leave it. We need to get Vin and then get where the final battle is happening to win the game." Cole announced.

"And I m here." Chris chuckled standing in front of the entrance after a few minutes.

" We chose the red route." Cole voiced out.

"Aligning red route for travel. Location set for Vinyl*Intrepid. All the best!" 

The barbie declared and automatically the red route became more highlighted than the other two routes which disappeared after a few seconds from the ground. 

"Let's get going guys." Matty cheered.

"Meet you all on the other side," Vin spoke out.

He was aware of the fact that soon enough he would not be able to hear or talk to his friends because when they were fighting, the sounds were automatically suppressed on fighting mode. 

The three of them started walking following the red route at the same time alert too because in no time they would come in face to face to what a real war looked like. There was no place to breathe or talk when they entered the real battleground. 

As if everyone was in their own world with only one motive to kill them all and reach the end without a scratch on their body.

"Danger! Enemies ahead!"


Matty had handed each one of them a ha gun which he collected fully loaded in case they ran out of bullets in the old and gold M416. 

Meanwhile, three of them were shooting their enemies, keeping a close distance from each other in case one of them got injured to give them healing 

"Do not stand in one place. Keep moving." Cole shouted.

Chris and Matty replied with a yes. 

Cole ran ahead of them as he slid his M416 aside on his back and pulled the handgun from his back pocket. His hands ached from holding the M416 all these times.

"Congratulations Crypto*Intrepid on your half a century kill!" 

The barbie declared out of nowhere amid the battleground. Cole did not know how to react to that piece of news at least their combined kill of Vin and him had matched up to make a solid hundred. But he knew better...they needed to have more kill numbers.

As mentioned by Chris and Vin, the Salsiku team was here so would be Viku, their leader who always aced in the killing. 

"Cole watch out!" Chris yelled as he shot the intruder dead. 

It always had been a problem for Cole. He overthinks in times like these and thus, messes up everything. He reminded himself that he needed to be more concentrating. 

Matty saw an illuminating light flaring out from the distance and he was sure that that had to be the wormhole whatever that was Cole and Chris were talking about.

He immediately took out the hand grenade that he luckily got from the corner of the metal trunk that was laying over his poor legs. 

"Guys move back," he screamed his lungs out. 

Quickly Cole and Chris looked at his direction and he raised up the hand grenade to show them. Chris put his thumbs up and moved back as Matty pulled out the firing pin inside of the grenade triggering the detonating mechanism and threw it in the front shielding himself.

A huge blast occurred killing everyone on the front, clearing the front for the friends to quietly move forward be sucked into the moving circle.

"Good job, Matty " Cole pat his back as they all headed near the wormhole.

Soon enough they found themselves pulled into its attractive clutches. Matty shrieked and so did Chris followed by Cole. Their head felt lose and a sense of lightweight got injected in them. The dead from the explosion were also rotating with them inside the furiously moving circle.


Matty screamed as he moved in circles in an endless loop shocked, afraid, horrified. His eyes could barely remain open from the high-speed motion and yet he could not see a thing because the ride was just too too much.

He only hoped that he did not get lost from the company of his friends as he gave up on finding them in the circle by looking out for them. Soon enough the view became darker, darker, and then darkest. 

As the sight became darker, Cole knew they were close to the ending. They must have had reached the center of the wormhole already or close to it. 

Right after a few minutes, they fell on anywhere they had no idea of. Chris groaned in pain and so did Cole and Matty.

"I don't like how it throws us out. It hurts my butt very badly." Chris rubbed his poor butt.

Matt laughed and so did Cole. They looked around to find themselves stranded in a lonely desert-like area with no boundary or line of ending. North, south, east, west everywhere there was nothingness. 

"So where are we?" 

All of them looked up at the map as the sky collapsed down to give them a zoomed view of the map attached to it. It showed they were in the shelter. It was obvious.

"Now where could be Vin?" Matty let out.

"You guys reached?" Vin questioned.

Chris closed his eyes in relief hearing Vin still on for he was not something the moment they entered.

"So where are you exactly?" Chris asked.

"Upon a tree near the dark cave," Vin answered.

"There are too many huge trees here to mention," Matty added.

Cole closed his eyes to wish for locating Vin and the red blip got reflected on the map. It pointed out where exactly Vin was.

"Located Vinyl*Intrepid! West sixty degrees to the south. " 

Barbie declared. The compass in the map was set in the west direction. The three started walking following the map.

"What time exactly it is though?" Matty questioned.

"I have no idea," Chris replied.

"Me neither." Vin joined, sitting high up on the tree looking out for them.

Cole had never done this but he decided that it was time he did it. He closed his eyes for a flash of second wishing to know the time. He was not sure if it would work out or not. 

"I actually tried to wish to know the time but the barbie said invalid command from an invalid person." Vin let out.

Following what Vin said, Chris did it.

"Invalid command from an invalid person!" The barbie asserted right away.

" See I told you. " Vin grinned from the other side.

"Cole you must try it. You are the leader." Matty spoke.

"I was about to say that. I mean it makes sense. Only Cole was allowed to see the zoomed view of the map while we could not so maybe this time too he would be able to know the time." Vin explained.

"I m trying but I m not getting any answer. " Cole answered back.

"Don't you think guys this is kind of a little bit unfair?" Matty raised his voice.

"What? What is unfair now, Matty?" Chris retorted back

"I mean what if something happened to Cole. Only he has the permissions to see the things we cannot. What if he gets injured and we need the control of whatever that is?" Matty tried to reason.

"Cole could simply just pass on his leadership to anyone of us. Right Cole?" Vin pointed out. 

Cole did not reply and just continued to try wishing the same thing of wishing to see the time and also the duration of the time. But yet the barbie was not replying. He wondered what he was doing wrong.

"Why are we even discussing about this now?" Chris wailed, restless.

"I don't know. It just came up. We were just trying to figure out what would happen in the future?" Matty replied.

"We must not forget Cole formed this team." Chris tried to remind them.

Chris was the eldest of them all so he tried to be wise in a certain situation when the boys acted as if they were ready to fight or a fight might erupt any second. 

"Did you succeed?" Vin questioned Cole. He replied a faint no.

"Try again maybe?" Chris implored.

Cole nodded his head and wished for it again. This time he did it a little bit differently. He wished to know the game time.

" Game time is a hundred seconds past of the total timing of seven hundred and twenty seconds." 

As soon as Barbie declared, Cole, Vin, Chris, and Matty looked at each other static. This meant they had been here inside the game or only for a hundred seconds of the total timing of twelve minutes.

Damn! Time here ran slow....slowest! 


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