Chapter 42 - HELLO?

"What would I do?" 

Cole found himself asking trying to know what the man had in his mind. He wanted to know what did he say that made him laugh so damn much.

" would close the door on my face."

Mr. Evans somehow completed the sentence in between his mini laughter and once again continued to laugh once again. 

"Oh you bet, I would do exactly that. " 

Cole spoke out even though it never crossed to his mind once. Damn! The man was thinking too much than him. He himself gave him the idea of how to get rid of him from inside of his house right away.

" So will you not go to get your blanket? It gets pretty cold after midnight."Cole said.

That got Mr. Evans to laugh again. But before he completed whatever he wanted to say, shaking his head in a no saying he was not going to do that.

"So that you can put your idea into action. No thank you. The heater is working at least. Thanks to God." 

Cole groaned in disapproval. Why did he not think about this before? And then Mr. Evans's phone rang. He stood up to get it from his back pocket that made Cole reminded that he needed a phone to book an appointment by dropping a text to the doctor.

"Oh! It's your mother. " Mr. Evans declared.

He answered the call right away and put it in your speaker. Cole's mother's voice boomed in the background.


"Hey Ivory, I m at your house. " Mr. Evans said.

"Oh wow! Did Cole let you in? That is a surprise. " 

Cole heard his mother laughing and it was unusual to listen to her laughter. She never laughed. It was nice to see that this man could at least make her laugh even when he could not.

"Well, he has been very welcoming. You have been lying about him being a cold vampire. "

Mr. Evans complained, eyeing Cole with amus.e.m.e.nt. Cole only grimaced. What his mother described him as a cold vampire in front if that man? 

"What? Really? Guess I misunderstood my own son, Rapheal. " Ivory replied, still giggling.

So it was confirmed his mother did think him of as some cold vampire. Why? He did talk to her though in the dinner table if not more than required. Did he ever sound like a cold vampire? 

"Well anyway. Thank you for looking after him. I got to go. My break is over. " Ivory said.

"Sure. Mention not. I will not go out till you feed me that promised breakfast. And anyway your son had made me laughing for quite a long now. I m really enjoying his company. " Mr. Evans let out.

Cole only rolled his eyes at that. He was even more bothered now hearing his mother call him with his first name and then also promised him to feed a breakfast in the morning. Like what? What in the earth was he listening to? 

"Good Night! Rafeal!" Ivory bedded and then hung up the phone.

"So you heard your mother boy. I was not lying when I told you that she wanted me to babysit you. " Mr. Evans mumbled.

"I never said you were lying though. " Cole murmured to himself.

Cole was not sure if he should do this but he was in bad need of it. He thought of asking Mr. Evans to borrow him his phone for a while so that he could drop a text to the doctor and maybe perhaps call Vincent for a brief minute or something. 

Would he allow though? He had been nothing but extremely cruel and rude to the man since the start. He did not even let him in the first place so he was not sure if Mr. Evans would land him his cell phone.

"I was not saying that either. " Mr. Evans grumbled. " Well boy it us already ten in the night. I bet you need to get to bed and sleep. You just returned from the hospital today so...goid night, Cole. See you in the morning. "

Damn! The man was even serious in going to sleep as Cole saw him laying his head back on the sofa head and closing his eyes.

"Switch off the light when you will go. Will you?"

Cole did not know what to say. He was still deciding upon if he should or could ask the cell phone from him? Should he? Would it be embarrassing? Would he allow it? 

"Good night. Now go and switch the light for God's sake. I cannot sleep without them being off. "

So it was for real the man was planning to sleep on the damn sofa without a blanket or anything in their small living room. This man was really nuts. He thought.

So how worse would it get if he asked to borrow his cell phone from him? So Cole in the end braced up himself and asked for it right away.

"Hey.Can.Can I borrow your cell phone for a while?"

He finally did it. And breathed out in relief. He had never asked anyone for help even when he was in deep need so it was hard and unusual for him to ask things from someone. But he did it today

When he got no response, he looked down to see Mr. Evans asleep just like that. How could he fall asleep so soon? And that too on a sofa without a blanket or anything? That was weird. This man was really really weird.

He saw that his cell phone was kept on the table and it led Cole in thinking if he should just take the phone and go and drop the text in his room and also give a call to Vin.

He tried to call the man up for one last time and when he did not barge, Cole finally took it in him to grab the phone and so he walked forward slowly and bent down to pick the cell phone up. 

Once he picked the phone up without getting him awake in the middle and think of him as someone stealing his cell phone. But Mr. Evans did not wake up. He continued to snore to sleep.

Cole after making sure that the man was deep asleep and not aware of the fact that he had his phone, he turned his back and resumed his walk up to his room. 

Once he got inside, he closed the door behind him and sighed in relief. But then he also felt bad that he left the man down there all alone to himself, leaving him to sleep on a sofa without even the blanket. 

Cole decided to just drop by once even though it was risky to put the spare blanket from his mother's room on him and switch the lights off too.

So Cole again climbed down the stairs on his tippy toes and placed the blanket upon the sleeping man without making sure to wake him up. If the man woke up, he would not be in big trouble but it would be embarrassing for him to confess that he took his cell phone even without his permission.

Not thinking much and in immediate need, he got up the stairs, switching the lights off on the way. 

When he got inside his room, he immediately picked up the mobile phone and scrolled it up to see it had no locks. He was really hoping that it would have no locks but then he knew every dam phone had a lock.

But here he was surprised to see that it had no luck. Damn! This man was really weird. Who would when having a man and not put a lock in it? What if someone stole it to collect some of his personal information? 

Damn! He was overthinking again. So he stopped stressing his mind and collected the card which contained the number of the doctor from his nightstand and typed in the number on the cell phone and dropped the text.

'Will you book an appointment for tomorrow in the afternoon? '

It was simple and direct. He did not how else he should ask if not like this? He did not know how to sugarcoat the whole thing. So once he decided if it was alright, he finally presses the send button before typing in his name and everything else the doctor might not remember him.

So once done, he waited for a while thinking if he would get a response but now he did not know. Would the doctor reply? He had no idea. Why was he even waiting for his reply right away? 

Maybe he was working. He was a doctor after all. How could else he just reply to him right away? So he just rolled over and decided to give a call to his best buddy, Vincent instead.

He thought twice before punching in the phone number and then finally pressed the green button. The call on the other side started to ring and it continued to ring for a while.

Cole's heart thumped thinking if Vin would not pick the call. Maybe something happened? What if something really happened? 

That got him really worried and then suddenly he felt like an asshole for waiting so long to check in with his friend.

The call stopped ringing and then he heard it...



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