'Will you book an appointment for tomorrow in the afternoon? '

It was simple and direct. He did not how else he should ask if not like this? He did not know how to sugarcoat the whole thing. So once he decided if it was alright, he finally presses the send button before typing in his name and everything else the doctor might not remember him.

So once done, he waited for a while thinking if he would get a response but now he did not know. Would the doctor reply? He had no idea. Why was he even waiting for his reply right away? 

Maybe he was working. He was a doctor after all. How could else he just reply to him right away? So he just rolled over and decided to give a call to his best buddy, Vincent instead.

He thought twice before punching in the phone number and then finally pressed the green button. The call on the other side started to ring and it continued to ring for a while.

Cole's heart thumped thinking if Vin would not pick the call. Maybe something happened? What if something really happened? 

That got him really worried and then suddenly he felt like an asshole for waiting so long to check in with his friend.

The call stopped ringing and then he heard it...


It was Vincent's voice and he could not believe himself that he was really hearing it. He closed his eyes relishing it. 

He answered the call which at least meant that he was not stuck inside the gaming world if he was there with him if not then he most probably had been dreaming about it but still he could not wait to share everything with Vin.

"Hello? " 

Vin's voice again rang from the other side. It was then only hit him that he should really answer it before Vin decided to hang up thinking it to be a prank call.


"Cole? Is that really you?" Vin asked right away.

Cole nodded his head saying out loud, "Yes. It's me... it's me, Vin. I m Cole."

"Oh my god! Cole? Where have you been? I thought...I thought you got stuck in there..."

"What??? What do you mean in there?" Cole asked being suspicious.

"Inside the game. We thought you got stuck in the game.." Vin replied.

On hearing Vin, it was confirmed that it was not a dream anymore because no two people could have the same dream right? Who knew? Maybe it was possible. Was it though? 

"You were in the game too?" 

Cole implored not sure if he heard it right the first time. Because these days he had been dreaming more, he felt that way, and with his ongoing problem with his eyes, he was not feeling well.

"Yes..yes...I was there with you. You found me. Did you not? Don't you remember?" Vin questioned back.

"So you were really there? I was not dreaming?" Cole implored.

"Of course you were not dreaming neither me nor Chris or Matty. " Vin replied.

"What? Chris and Matty too? Did you talk to them?" Cole intervened, sitting up on the bed.

"Yes...yes...We talked on our Facebook group even waited for you to come on the discord but you did not appear. We tried to ring in your number but it said it was out of coverage. " Vin explained.

"It got burned to ashes..." Cole said.

"What? What do you mean?" Vin interviewed

"I woke up in a f.u.c.k.i.n.g hospital, Vin. Mom said the oven blasted. I most probably forgot to set it off and then the fire took place downstairs, I got passed out upstairs. My neighbor saved me and according to my mother, I was asleep meaning out of a sense for a damn whole day." Cole elaborated it all in one breathe.

There was a brief silence on the other side. He did not hear anything for a while. Perhaps the information was too damn much for Vin to take it all in one go.

"Your house was caught in a fire? " Vin questioned after a while.

"Yes...yes. As I said I was out of a sense for a whole damn day." Cole answered.

"Man. I m not surprised either. I mean my mother complained I slept for a damn long twenty-four hours too. " Vin let out.

"Say what? What did you just say?" Cole asked again

"Yes...I was at my nanny's house. I do not even know how I even got there in the first place. Mom complained she looked out for me in the whole mansion and I was not there. Nanny called her and said I was with her. Mom came in and found me asleep there. Nanny said I slept the entire day not even waking up to take diner. I slept like dead people. " Vin described.

Cole patiently heard it all. It was the same as him too. He also was said to be asleep, senseless and he had no recall of anything about it. 

"The same thing happened with Chris and Matty. Just a different story. Chris slept upon the terrace. His parents mistook him as suicidal and now he is under house arrest. Matty cut the entire day in the park and his parents were freaked out where he went. They even complained about it to the police thinking he got kidnapped or something but the police found him sleeping on the park bench and now he is grounded for the entire month thinking he probably took drugs." Vin went on when Cole did not say anything.

Damn! So many things had happened. And here he was thinking that it was only him to whom all those things had happened. 

Even their cases were worst than his. 

Sleeping the day in a park, sounded dangerous. Sleeping on the terrace also sounded dangerous. 

"Damn! That sounded awful... I mean I thought that it was all me. I even thought I might be dreaming in my sleep. And that I got some kind of hallucination disorder or something." Cole said after a brief pause.

"No man. It happened to all of us and I got information from school that whoever played the match or was to participate in it, all had undergone the same thing at least those who played, they did fall asleep for a damn whole day." Vin informed.

"Woah! What? Everyone fell asleep for a whole damn day?" Cole asked again to confirm.

"Yes...if you are sitting in front of your computer, turn it on." Vin said.

"Oops...I can not...My computer died finally a few hours ago." Cole replied.

"Damn...I told you to take my offer. You just do not listen. Now you have to hear my long narration to what exactly is going on." Vin let out.

"I m all ears. Go on. Even my damn cell phone got caught in the fire. So right now I m sitting without a damn phone and a computer, man. Life sucks so much." Cole mumbled.

It felt good and better to finally being able to talk to Vin. He always made him feel so at home. They had been friends for so long 

since Kindergarten so it was obvious that they shared a deep bond with each other.

"So you know your bully team. They were playing in it too as you already knew. They fell asleep on their hockey extra practice. And they were a busted man. They are kicked out of the team for a whole two months. " 

That made Cole laugh. It was bad to take the fun in someone else's misery but those guys deserved it. He never did anything to aggravate them but Cole had no idea why they took it as their interest to bully him, make fun of his mother.

Before he used to hit them hard but then the complaints from the school made his mother said so he stopped doing it and started to ignore it instead but still he would not lie and say that it did not feel bad to hear someone bad mouth about his mother.

"So pretty much what we faced, Cole it was all real. I do not have any idea what, how, and when exactly it happened. But it was very real and it is a shock. " Vin added.

Cole replied in a yes. At least he was not a psycho to dream all that up himself. He thought. Now he could relate to others. Talk about this with his friends without being weird and get to know more.

"But...but there is one more thing..."

"What...what is it?" Cole inquired.

"Some guys went missing. And from our school, one of your bully whom I remember shooting in the end, he is reported missing, Cole. "

That piece of information took Cole by a total surprise. What people went missing? 

"You might want to check the news of people going missing all of a sudden..."


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